Friday, August 14, 2020

Crossing the Border

We only live a couple of miles from Missouri, but it's always fun to say we've crossed over to a different state!  We were planning on visiting the Lakeside Nature Center and a friend recommended we check out Cave Springs Park, because they're only 7 minutes apart from each other.  Even though it's technically in Kansas City it's completely forested and you can't tell you're in the middle of the city.  The park gets its name from this mini cave that has a spring coming out of it.  None of my kids were adventurous enough to actually go in the cave but they thought it was pretty cool (and a little bit scary).

It also had a play area.  It's the first playground my kiddos have been to since they closed school down in March.  Little Lady thought it was awesome that the swing is her nickname, Little Man tried to revert back to toddler-hood, and the little boys were thrilled with the chance to crawl and climb.
We turned the corner and a deer was staring at us.  It was only 5 or 6 feet away.  It quickly darted further away, but then it watched us for a while. 

The most entertaining part of this adventure was watching all 4 of my children freak out over spider webs that crossed the path of the trail.  One in particular had them panicking.  BB later claimed they almost died (He's not dramatic.  Nope.).  They obviously don't get out in nature enough.  

They practically ran to the car from the trail, because of the spiders.  Hahahaha.  From there we took a quick drive over to the Lakeside Nature Center.  It takes in injured wildlife and provides a home for them.  Little Man loved all the information, and the others loved the animal scavenger hunt.  
The bald eagles were a particular favorite. 
They thought it was pretty cool they got to have a plastic snake!  I'm just grateful they're not real.

We took one of the trails around the nature center, and the kiddos really loved the large rocks.  Since there weren't any spiders they said they would like to come back to this one again.

Another fun adventure and we were home by lunch!

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