Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pumpkin Patch of Tantrums 2012

We made our annual trek to the pumpkin patch with our friends the Talbott's the day after fall break. It was the only day that worked for both of us. Sounds so quaint- and it usually is, until this year.

 It was  a disaster.

 My kids were so cranky.  I had to haul them out one twin in each arm screaming while Charlotte complained behind me.  We didn't even do the bounce house.  A week away from home, no sinks with running water, our house in total chaos,  and an outing was too much for us this day.  It was really only awful at the end, and they were even good for lunch after.  I realized I do still need to bring the stroller- they're getting too big to haul both of them out in each arm!  It was ridiculously heavy- good thing Cortney is a good friend!

Oliver really loves animals- he kept saying it tickled when they would eat out of his hands.

Smart girl- "Sure I can make it to the end of the maze- just climb over these dumb bales of hay."
Olly is an excellent follower.  He did NOT appreciate the hay in his diaper.
Our not so little fall "babies"! This is what made it worth it!

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