Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Friday, May 25, 2018

Spring Music Recitals 2018

2 More Let's Play Music Graduates in the house!  Doing 2 at once was a bit challenging but they are both awesome musicians and were so great at practicing with very little pressure from me.  We always loved parent days.  We had to switch from Miss Lezlee Tingey to Mrs. Debbie Huish for 3rd year when Mrs. Lezlee had to quit teaching but we learned so much from both of them.  For their final homework they had to play their compositions at 3 houses and they chose Mrs. Lezlee.  It was fun to see her again!   
Photo booth on final day of class!


Olly who hates to dress up insisted on wearing a tie (taken off before the at home pictures), socks, his nice shoes, belt and tucked in shirt.  He also wanted his hair combed and gelled.  That is a first for him, he hates dressing up!  If only Mrs. Debbie could talk him into dressing up for church each week!  Olly earned a special award for the kid who practiced the most in the class.  He earned a full-sized candy bar for every song he passed off so he was very motivated.  Often practicing twice as much as his teacher expected.

This was  a great group of students!

Charlotte had her spring recital as well.  I was proud of her for memorizing her recital piece before the recital for the first time.  
Managing violin since January and both piano and violin since March has been a struggle with the practicing.  Hopefully that will get easier with time.   Mom attending all the violin lessons with 3 other kids in tow makes violin tricky also but I've been impressed how quickly she's progressed!