Showing posts with label Friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friends. Show all posts

Monday, October 5, 2009

Baby Boom

I was only 20 when I we got married so in the 4 plus years since then we have been to many many weddings. Well the baby wave is really in full swing now-

I opened up my e-mail this afternoon and saw I had three e-mails. All three were friends telling me they had their babies over the weekend. 3 friends in one weekend! So crazy!

So congratulations-
Juleen and baby #2 Kylee Christine Oct 3
Natalie and baby #1 Ava Rose Oct 2 (didn't know the gender ahead of time)
Leslie and baby #6 name still to come because mom was so sure she was having a boy that baby girl came home in a blue blanket! Luckily she already has 2 girls so she just had to get out the pink stash not run to the store. Oct 1

I just had to post because I just couldn't believe all of my e-mails were birth announcements!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

We Meet at Last

Charlotte finally got to meet her two friends...

Can you believe the hair on baby Ben? Why is it the boys get all the hair? This is my cousin Brittany holding Charlotte and me with her baby Benjamin. They are only 17 days apart. Brittany and I were only born a month apart. Pretty cool huh?

Cortney and Baby Easton... Our favorite walking buddies.

After all the commiserating during pregnancy it's nice to have all the babies here safe and healthy. I'm sure we have lots of play dates ahead of us.