Does anyone else have an aversion to those picture collages that are so popular? I love them, but every time I show one to Matt he gets a headache! We have a lot of blank walls in our house. Partly because we painted and I never put everything back up, and partly because my husband doesn't like the look of cluttered walls. I've actually come to embrace the sparsity. I've decided I would rather have nothing on the wall instead of just filling the space if I didn't love it. But I LOVE photographs. I have been wanting some pictures of the kids up for a long time. I bought these frames at Michael's when they were having a buy one get one free sale. I saw someone do something similar at their house and I loved the look. It took a long time to finally get them hung up (with help from Marti of course). Even with paper cut to the right size with the nail holes marked it was HARD to get everything lined up and level and there are a few extra holes.
Matt decided he could handle this. I love the ornate details and that they are BIG. The older I get the more I like a few BIG things instead of a bunch of little things on a wall. I might switch them to more candid small group shots later but this is what I have up for now. The main wall in our family room has NEVER had much on it until now!I meant to take another picture with the couch in the picture after I folded Mt. Laundry but that didn't happen. Shocker. I put them up a little higher so the kids won't bump into them. I'm so happy to have them up!