Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Shun the Sun 5K Race

November 10th
Race Goals: 
1. Finish
2. Run the whole time
3. 30 min. finish time (10 min/mile pace)- I wasn't totally committed on this last one! 
Before the race with my sister Kori and Marti

Official Stats
Clock Time29:05
Chip Time28:56
Overall Place63 / 264
Gender Place24 / 176
Division Place8 / 31 

After the race- How is it I look gross and tired while Kori and Marti look more energized? They gave everyone a medal- I felt pretty cool.

I'm not gonna lie- I'm pretty darn proud of myself!  The best I had trained for was just under a 10 minute mile!  Our average pace was 9:19!  I know that is still way slow, but for me it's a huge improvement.  My sister Marti had her phone tracking us and she was our pace setter.  We started out kind of fast because of all the people around us- and we basically just kept that pace most of the race.   I thought I might heave the last .5 mile but I kept going and Marti and Kori stuck with me even though they could have sprinted.  They make you loop around and around the stadium- you think you're almost there then they do another tighter curve around!  "Where the heck is the finish line!" was my exact phrase.

It was a great first race- much better than Jr. high cross country.  The race was so close to my house that I'd already run the course. Matt got the kids up and dressed and waited about half-way along the route so we could wave hi as we ran by.  It was really sweet of them to come- the kids were cold and cried the whole way home because they didn't understand why I didn't come with them. We're contemplating the 10K for the Phoenix Marathon in March but I don't know if I really want to double the distance!
So happy to be done!  Never too old for an orange slice smile!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Halloween 2012

**Mr and Mrs. Potato idea totally stolen from Audrey and Dillon 
The Whitmer Crew Halloween 2012

My 2nd and 3rd attempt at freezer paper stenciling went much better! I just used some plain shirts we already had and the leftover white fabric paint from Charlotte's 4 shirt. Pretty cheap costume.

How to make a potato head- 1. buy cheap hats, potatoes, grab some yarn 2. Jam screwdriver through potato 3. Shove yarn through with screwdriver 4. Poke 2 holes in hat potato width apart 5. Tie yard to the underside of hat 6. Use your best posture to attempt to keep heavy hat on your head- the tighter/stiffer the hat the better

Cinder Charlotte made another appearance (I worked hard on that dress we're getting our money's worth baby).  Jessie/Abby the cowgirl told everyone who she was for weeks. And Woody/Olly the cowboy was only convinced to wear his costume when I told him he got candy if he wore it.  He took off his boots and socks under the table during dinner, at the preschool party... We did the cupcake walk until they all won.  I'm pretty sure it was rigged at the end.  Note: 2-year-olds do not get how to walk around in a circle

Bean bag- stand right in front and set it in the mouth game
Love Abby's chaps (consignment sale find along with Olly's vest and hat)- I wanted to find/make more authentic shirts but I was still happy with the results and everyone knew who they were- although most people couldn't remember Jessie was the cowgirl's name.

Yarn braid- I made myself- very easy, I was happy with how it turned out I just safety-pinned to the back of the hat - I used this tutorial

Nothing better than finding your friend in the same princess dress!
Preschool party parade, singing, cookies, craft

Pumpkin carving- I love that it's a daddy tradition! (sneak peek of the kitchen in the background! The window seat was being finished while we were at the trunk-or-treat, and Matt put on the drawer pulls between trick-or-treaters on Oct 31st)

They were bouncing off the walls excited to go trick-or-treating again on Halloween.  "Trick-or-treat Monster Feet!" as Abby would say.  They were all pretty shy still but they would hold up their buckets and say it real quietly.   We made it down our street and around the corner- about 1 hour- and a manageable amount of candy.  Instead of trickling the candy out for weeks allowing 1 or 2 pieces a day, I let them gorge themselves a few days then the rest of the candy "disappeared".  They didn't complain and I didn't have to deal with it until Christmas!  

I love Halloween with little kids!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pumpkin Patch of Tantrums 2012

We made our annual trek to the pumpkin patch with our friends the Talbott's the day after fall break. It was the only day that worked for both of us. Sounds so quaint- and it usually is, until this year.

 It was  a disaster.

 My kids were so cranky.  I had to haul them out one twin in each arm screaming while Charlotte complained behind me.  We didn't even do the bounce house.  A week away from home, no sinks with running water, our house in total chaos,  and an outing was too much for us this day.  It was really only awful at the end, and they were even good for lunch after.  I realized I do still need to bring the stroller- they're getting too big to haul both of them out in each arm!  It was ridiculously heavy- good thing Cortney is a good friend!

Oliver really loves animals- he kept saying it tickled when they would eat out of his hands.

Smart girl- "Sure I can make it to the end of the maze- just climb over these dumb bales of hay."
Olly is an excellent follower.  He did NOT appreciate the hay in his diaper.
Our not so little fall "babies"! This is what made it worth it!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cornville Fall Break

Charlotte's fall break, my nieces birthday party, my mom's fall break, and our cabinet/sinks/faucets removal all coincided. Talk about the stars aligning to get us out of the construction zone.  Which means we spent yet another entire week up in Cornville at my parent's house in October! While Matt stayed home and did all the hard work after his regular job every day!

We went to Maya's fun princess party!
We swung in hammocks and swings.
We bonded with cousins!
A little too much!
Olly and Abby do this often- Trac seemed to like Abby's applesauce too.
We took golf cart rides.
Grandad's newest toy is a big hit- you can fit WAY more grand kids on a golf cart than a quad, it's quieter and it doesn't tear up the lawn!  We rode it around the yard/orchard and down to the creek.
We went to the fair one evening!

Fort Verde Days Fair.  Charlotte has been begging to go to a fair- this was probably the cheapest and easiest way to appease her.  I was impressed that Olly and Abby liked all the little kids rides except the carousel.

We loved the cooler weather!  It was  a little chilly on our morning runs- where my dad gave us how to chase off a coyote lessons.  Most people carry mace to scare off crazy people- I guess I'd rather take my chances with a coyote.  Luckily we never ran into any.  It was eerie to hear them howling at night- I love where I grew up!  I think Olly was outside 95% of his waking hours pushing the Tonka truck over the whole acre- the new huge dirt pile-soon to be pond slide- being his truck ramp of choice.

We went to my old grade school to play on the playground and see my mom's classroom.  It made me so nostalgic and sad at the same time to see the school where I went to kindergarten through 8th grade.  There's nothing like a small town school.

Thanks again for letting us take over your house for a week mom and dad!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Savannah 1 Year

#1 My Favorite
Hopefully you're not sick of 5 million pictures that are slightly different because I did one more "birthday" photo shoot at my parent's- here is my niece Savannah who just turned one.  Here are her blessing pictures and 6 month pictures if you want to compare.  

#2 Love the lighting
She was a doll the whole time- lots of smiles and drool!  I love these lace rompers- I'm not sure what else you'd wear them for except pictures but it's worth it just for the pictures if you ask me!  It's nice to have something to set them on or in when they are mobile because it keeps them contained for a minute!



#5 New crawler!

#6 Big blue eyes!

#7 Clapping

#8 Pulling up- Love the thighs


#10 Talking


#12 Mom's girl

As always, I love to hear your favorites!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Charlotte & Maya birthday photo shoot

Despite the fact that Charlotte thrives on one-on-one attention she does not always want to have her picture taken over and over again by her mom. Shocking, right? I decided that a trip up to my parents would be the perfect time to have her cousin Maya, whom she adores, do the pictures with her.  Well Maya was a doll and Charlotte lasted a little longer than I thought she would!  As a bonus the scenery was lovely and my sister-in-law Mindy gave me curling hair lessons!  She is the master!

#2 Lace crowns also by Mindy


#4 Isn't she gorgeous?!  She just turned 5


#7 Tea party time!


#9 Clink


#11 Twirling- a favorite pastime of all little girls


#13 Love the back lighting through the balloons


#16  My favorite.  

Which one is your favorite?