The Two of Spades Foot & Take Two on Goals!
Two of Spades I have my first page finish on the Queen of Spades Sends Her Regards! The Two of Spades finally has his foot! I've started on page 19 which is a partial page at the bottom left hand corner of the chart. Previous Progress: Current Progress: Two Gifts I had a wonderful Birthday this week and was gifted a gorgeous ball of wool! I will eventually knit or crotchet it into something! My sister also made me a cross stitch of my cat Matisse, which is still being finished. I’ll share pictures when it’s done! Matisse when she was a little kitty (this is the photo being stitched minus the slippers lol!): Take Two on Goals In light of recent events I’ve decided to change and revise my yearly stitching goals! They were falling behind due to the Mystery Chart (which I didn’t acc...