
Showing posts with the label fabric

The Two of Spades Foot & Take Two on Goals!

Two of Spades I have my first page finish on the Queen of Spades Sends Her Regards!  The Two of Spades finally has his foot!  I've started on page 19 which is a partial page at the bottom left hand corner of the chart. Previous Progress: Current Progress: Two Gifts  I had a wonderful Birthday this week and was gifted a gorgeous ball of wool!  I will eventually knit or crotchet it into something!  My sister also made me a cross stitch of my cat Matisse, which is still being finished. I’ll share pictures when it’s done!  Matisse when she was a little kitty (this is the photo being stitched minus the slippers lol!): Take Two on Goals  In light of recent events I’ve decided to change and revise my yearly stitching goals!  They were falling behind due to the Mystery Chart (which I didn’t acc...

The Three Little Birds… Oops… I mean The Three Rather Large New Starts!

The Three Little Birds is a Grimm Fairytale and there seems to be a fairytale theme going on at the moment with my newest chart acquisition. As previously mentioned Heather from Fantasy Cross Stitch gifted me with a chart. Thanks again Heather! At the same time she decided to purchase her first HAED, the gorgeous Rapunzel chart by Annya Kai. So we have both picked fairytale charts! The chart I choose was Robber Bridegroom by Rachel Marks. As a rule I don’t normally gravitate towards the monochromatic designs since I’m such a big fan of color! However, I broke the rules for this chart. It just really spoke to me. Chart Mock-up:   Link to chart Time to stock up on black LOL! There are 24 skiens of black needed for 25 count but I’ll need more than that on the 20 count. My current estimate based on what I’ve stitched so far is about 40 skiens! It’s not all that bleak though! There are actually 16 different colours in this chart. The charts I have been working ...

Rewards Program

I finished Umbrella Sky in time to enter the Heaven & Earth Rewards Program (runs until the end of August).   The chart I picked for the reward is Iris Keeper of the Rainbow by Josephine Wall.   I seem to be getting quite a collection now! This is a huge chart at 450x600 stitches! I think it will be awhile before I start Iris... I almost completed half a page of Josephine's Spirit of Flight.  However, looking at it last night have decided I need to restart using different fabric.  I started it on 22 count Charles Craft hardanger fabric and definitely prefer the quality of the Zweigart branded hardanger I used on Umbrella...    Dahlig was also a very different stitch to Jo Wall!  The blocks of color in Dahlig pattern were easier to make look neat on the 22ct hardanger.  However, when you add a whole lot of confetti into the picture it makes it more difficult.   I thinking I will get some 20 count Aida...