The Framing of Umbrella Sky Part 2
I won't write "a novel" for part 2... I'll just cut straight to the reveal and bombard you all with photos! Here she is finally framed: This one I took with the camera flash turned on: Different angle: I choose a silver coloured frame because it was much more complementary than the darker frames I was initially looking at. I felt like I wanted some metallic element in there from the start. Blacks were just too dark and wood didn’t look right. I think the lighter color really brings her out and that’s where the attention should rightly go! Frame moulding up close: I went with the conservation clear glass (cuts out UV) to hopefully prevent any potential fading from exposure to light. Unfortunately this shot ended up a bit blurry it gives an idea of the size anyway! I am quite tall for the record!: I think it turned out well after the long process to get to this point. Now, back to stitching my wips!