
Showing posts with the label Rope Mat

Sail Away

Ocean Plait Rope Mat The Ocean Plait Mat is woven from rope.  It is also known as a Sailor's True Love Mat, a Ladder Mat or a Prolong Knot!  Traditionally used by Sailor's, it is considered an ancient form of knot tying with a Celtic influence.  Marine rope was (and still is) used to weave hard wearing, decorative mats.  Rope mats are often a common feature on sailing boats or nautical themed decor.   Although any type of thick gauge rope can be used, braided ropes are a good choice for a softer, more luxurious result.  I decided it would be fun to have a shot at weaving the longer version of the Ocean Plait using the " Prolong Knot ." Braided poly rope: 30 metres of black and 30 metres of green;  Outline: I used pegs to hold the first round together!: Progress: After 4 rounds I didn't have any green left, so started with the black outline: Finished!  Although, I still need to secure the ends... was thinking a hot glue gun would be the ...