
Showing posts with label Warhammer Ahoy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warhammer Ahoy. Show all posts

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Retrospective: A Ship of Fools - The Crew of Gilliam's Folly

The allegory of the Ship of Fools might be rather pertinent at the moment here in the UK and elsewhere, however I am using the phrase literally to introduce this lot - the crew(s) of Gilliam's Folly!

Saturday, 6 June 2020

Retrospective: Gilliam's Folly

Long term readers of this blog will perhaps remember a little project I began thinking about all the way back in August of 2014. Those initial musings (and these later ones), in response to a game based on the Warhammer Ahoy rules and planned for BOYL 2015, would eventually turn in to fevered action in June 2015. In those few months there were a plethora of (well three!) posts charting the frenzied shipbuilding and shop mannequin abuse that ensued. And then nothing. Like a ship in the night, this Time Bandits inspired monstrosity just disappeared... 

Monday, 27 July 2015

A Face to Launch a Single Ship...

Yikes, BOYL 2015 is nearly here and there's still plenty to do! It didn't help that I pulled an all nighter on Saturday, supporting my Brother who ran the Lakeland 100 - a 105 mile run up, down and through most of the Lake District.

I'm definitely on catch-up now but have had a very productive morning bulking up the Giant's head with milliput.

Lots of milliput!

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Broad in the Beam

The ship building rolls ever onwards and my ship nears completion. I'll have a full naming ceremony and backstory when she's ready to launch!

Monday, 22 June 2015

All Above Board

The ship building continues on apiece and it's certainly been a productive weekend! Armed with model knife, saw and a big pile of balsa wood, I have been busy building up the fo'c'sle and forward decks.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

This season's latest must have...

Got a bit more progress done on my Time Bandits inspired ship for the Warhammer Ahoy game at this year's BOYL.

Having committed all kinds of butchery in cutting out a 6cm section of the ship to shorten it, I think it now looks a little more like the source material.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

BOYL 2015: Oldhammer Ahoy!

It's about time I got started on some of the projects I had intended to bring with me to this year's Bring Out Your Lead down at the Foundry in August...

One of which is my Goblin Pirate ship for the Oldhammer Ahoy game that seems to be going on for most of the weekend! Hopefully I'll be done in time so I can join in on the Sunday to see if there are any survivors left over to be picked off.

As soon as the game was mooted (pretty much straight after BOYL 2014!) I knew I wanted a Goblin crew but this image also popped in to my head -

I'm a big fan of Terry Gilliam (especially the brilliant animations he did for Monty Python) and Time Bandits was a favourite film when I was a kid.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

There is nothing half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats

With BOYL 2014 only just finished some keen Oldhammerers have turned their attention on next year's shenanigans.

I'm rather keen on Chico's Outcast Greenskin Project even if it does sound like the name of some pretentious Prog Rock band! It'll give me a good reason to paint up my Hobgoblin and Half Orc army which would put me dangerously close to getting most of my Goblinoid collection finished!