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Actually ape yang penting dalam mengukur kejayaan sepanjang kite hidup di dunia??
Ramai org kate untuk hidup senang kat dunia perlu ade duit,segala2nya memerlukan duit.adakah tanpa duit kita seorg yg gagal.
Opinion ana,ilmu adalah yang paling penting,tanpa ilmu tiada duit,tanpa ilmu tiada keredhaan dari Allah SWT.
Nak senang kat dunia memerlukan ilmu,nak senang kat akhirat memerlukan ilmu,nak kedua2nya mestilah ada ilmu jua.
So,mari beramai2 menuntut ilmu wahai saudaraku=)

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Showing posts with label money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts

Friday, February 19, 2010

Realizing a DreAM...Chapter 1


Today ana would like to write my new post in english.After ana finishing my bachelor,ana think ana had gone too long without writing any word in english(except when ana leave a comment in ligasubang.blogspot a few weeks ago).My appologize because there will be many mistake in my grammer,hehe.

Recently ana had read about a blog created by my friend (Mohd Fathuallah) at www.teenagemoneygenius.com .Ana was impressed to read about the commitment of his team in giving kids a motivation to become entrepreneur in a younger age.Ana still remember when ana was in primary school,Fath was a entrepreneur kid.He used to sell us 'kerepek pedas' and 'nasi lemak'(if ana not mistaken) in our class.So when he focussing in entreprenuer industry,ana not too shock.

Ok,let's go back to the subject.Many successful entrepreneur didn't start their career in entrepreneurship after grading from school,but they already start when they are in primary and secondry school.Let's pick Irfan Khairi(Internet Millionaire) as our example.During his school's day,he already involve in business and marketing by selling 'kad raya' during Hari Raya festival and school uniform at the end of the year.This a person that become wealthy and successful man after he gained more experience in business and marketing.By doing this for many many years,he know how to handle his customer and how to increase his sale.

If we think that we are already too old or the entrepreneur is not for ours,let's think about that again.If we dare to dream to have a successful life,wealthy income and happy lifestyle,why not giving entreprenuership a go or another go?Even our prophet said that 9/10 of wealthy/income is from business/entrepreneur.Factors that seperate successful and not so successful person is not ageing factor or money that can be invest,but factors that seperate are passion to realizing dream,skill and plan and also their hard work.

Firman Allah SWT dalam surah Al-Mulk ayat 15:

Yang bermaksud: " Dialah yang menjadikan bumi untuk kamu; mudah digunakan, maka berjalanlah di merata-rata ceruk rantaunya, serta makanlah dari rezeki yang dikurniakan Allah; dan (ingatlah), kepada Allah jualah (tempat kembali kamu sesudah) dibangkitkan hidup semula; (maka hargailah nikmatnya dan takutilah kemurkaan-Nya )".

That's all for the chapter 1,see you soon in another chapter.