Showing posts with label recharge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recharge. Show all posts

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Take Time to Recharge

rechargeAs summer vacation approaches, teachers need to think of ways to recharge. Too many times I have heard that teachers spend their time in classes, training, or planning for the next year. That is great if teachers spend some of their summer and if that is what they want to do. But there should be a balance between teachers’ professional time and personal time. It is this time off from work that teachers need to find ways to recharge. This is vital in order to avoid burn out from a rewarding but challenging career. Here are some suggestions:

1. Be lazy. Give yourself permission to not do anything. Take a break from household chores and responsibilities. Do something that you (or others) might consider being lazy.

2. Learn a new hobby. Is there anything you wanted to learn but never had the time? Make the time now and give it a try.

3. Read a book that you have wanted to read.

4. Take a bubble bath, turn on some music, and pamper yourself.

5. Get your hair done or get a manicure/pedicure.

6. Get out and walk in your local park or even in your neighborhood.

7. Renew friendships with those who have taken a backseat to your career. Meet them for lunch or dinner.

8. Plan a fun event with friends or relatives like a reunion, or a party at a location near you.

9. If you like entertaining, plan an evening for your close friends because you never have the time to do this when you are working. Planning and then doing can be invigorating.

10. Volunteer with a local charity (Red Cross, soup kitchen, homeless shelter, habitat for humanity etc.) Helping others always will make you feel good.

What other suggestions do you have for recharging? Please share.

Image: 'Plug your car in here'
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