Showing posts with label 2025. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2025. Show all posts

Saturday, January 4, 2025

25 in 2025

Here are things I'd like to accomplish in 2025:

  1. Knit a sweater.

  2. Create a new knitwear design. 

  3. Walk more. 

  4. Reorganize the yarn in my craft room.

  5. Get rid of 25 things I don’t need. 

  6. Exercise regularly. 

  7. Join the Photo a Day challenge. 

  8. Do something useful every day. 

  9. Study Spanish on Duolingo regularly.

  10. Teach classes at the university level. 

  11. Read more. 

  12. Drink more water. 

  13. Relearn to play the guitar. 

  14. Practice my watercolor painting. 

  15. Create at least 1 new sketch in my sketchbook. 

  16. Log my food in the food diary on My Fitness Pal. 

  17. Reconnect with friends. 

  18. Read my bible. 

  19. Practice meditation. 

  20. Do more gardening. 

  21. Learn something new. 

  22. Try a new recipe. 

  23. Write a letter. 

  24. Try yoga. 

  25. Practice Tai Chi. 

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash