A couple of weeks ago I attended the Second Annual Charles Chadwell Special Education Institute at Presbyterian College. I didn't realize that I hadn't posted my notes so I'm doing it now and I apologize for the delay.
Featured Speaker: Dr. Tim Shanahan from University of
Illinois at Chicago
Response to Instruction: Literacy Education in Special Education
How do we ensure that all children – including those with
special needs – succeed in learning to read? This presentation will explore how
multi-tiered support systems can help to ensure that students receive all the
instructional support that they need and research-based ways of building
students’ reading skills.
New studies show that RTI isn’t working.
Based on research, assessing students twice a year, put in
small group interventions but kids did worse or no better.
Instead of being a teaching model, RTI became a bureaucratic
way to get kids into sped
Dr. Shanahan suggests a 9 tier RTI model (tongue in cheek):
RTI – 9 tier model (RTI on steroids)
Basic idea is that we don’t give up on kids.
T1: Classroom Instruction with 2-3 hours per day
of actual instruction; pulling him out for RTI during instruction is crazy!
Should receive explicit teaching in phonological awareness, phonics, oral
reading fluency, vocabulary (oral language), reading comprehension, writing
Best way to teach fluency was having students
read text aloud multiple times.
Reading comprehension: summarize what you have
Writing: 93% of studies show that read a text
and then write about it increases learning the most
Definition of quality teaching (see slide)
T2: Added-scaffold interventions (see slide); planned
intentional adjustments made within the classroom
T3: In-class, teacher intervention; extra
instruction by the teacher
T4: Parent involvement intervention; parent
involvement was most powerful when it was the most like teaching
T5: Pull-out (soft) intervention – additional
help by another teacher; small group extra instruction
T6: Pull-out (intense) intervention - 1 on 1 or
no groups larger than 3
T7: Afterschool programs
T8: Summer-school programs – make better strides
than in the school year
T9: Special Education – fewer than 1 in 10
children is likely to need such placements
Two pilots – talk to each other, teachers need to be talking
more, offering suggestions, be willing to accept ideas from other teachers
Many times only the tested skills get taught.
Teaching some skills while ignoring other essential ones is
not a way to build stronger reading achievement
weekly progress monitoring is “pretend” vigilance; actually
could be harmful towards achievement
CCSS shifts attention to skills in the context of reading
complex text
New standards: text difficulty is central to learning
No performance differences due to question types: literal
and inferential
Main idea/author’s approach, supporting details,
relationships, meaning of words, generalizations and conclusions
Text differences affect reading performance
Higher levels assigned to the grades (see slide)
Betts (1946): informal reading inventories
used to estimate students’ reading levels
Independent (fluency 99-100%;comprehension 90-100%)
Instructional (fluency 95-98%;comprehension 75-89%)
Frustration (fluency 0-92%;comprehension 0-50%)
This study was never done!
Evidence shows:
Many studies show that – with scaffolding – students can
read “frustration level” texts as if they had been placed in books at their
“instructional levels.
Instructional level is something a teacher creates.
Examples of scaffolding (see slides)
Some examples given:
Tell vocabulary – if a word is explicitly
defined in the passage, don’t teach it but those that aren’t, go ahead and
teach them those words
Tier 1 words – basic words that is
heard in spoken language
Tier 2 words - you don’t hear too
much in spoken language but shows up in text
Tier 3 words – words not
frequently used
Help with Sentence Structure - Guide students to
interpret complex sentences; in dense prose, help find the subject and verb;
complex punctuation, such as split quotes
Use fluency training as a scaffold
In the afternoon we had “Hands-On” Writing Stations: Using a
Co-Teaching Model to Support All Young Writers
where Professors and Students
from Bob Jones University actually modeled the co-teaching models. This was
extremely relevant and meaningful because everyone could see how the models
work in real life. I like this as a way to show information rather than just
telling the audience and expecting them to relate it to life on their own.
was an interesting speaker but I’m not sure I agreed with everything he says.
He did give some interesting suggestions though. A lot of things he said made
common sense and it was sad that teachers were not already doing some of these