This is my last post for Stampotique in 2014. I have absolutely loved my year on this design team; such a wonderful, friendly group of people.
As it's Boxing Day here in the UK an appropriate final project would have been an altered matchbox, but that only occurred to me as I wrote this post!
I decided to pick out some of my favourite projects from the year and was hoping to put them in a slideshow but couldn't work out how! So you have a shorter collection of photos from over the last year.
I've never done one of those end of year looking back posts but looking back at these projects is making me consider doing one!
I've made tags, envelopes and journal pages and happily cut, stuck, stitched, sprayed, collaged, stamped, painted and doodled and had a wonderful time :)
I've also made some lovely friends and want to thank Carol, Jim and Kim for having me on team this year.
Thanks for sticking with me on this photo heavy post! And thanks for supporting me through my Stampotique adventure :)
Wishing you all the very best for 2015, Sarah xx