We're kicked back on couches, sipping a beer (me) and a Coke Zero (Steve); dogs curled up sleeping nearby and baseball is on the television. For Father's Day dinner? Cajun stuffed chicken breasts, fresh butter beans from Ed Lester Farms, and fresh corn on the cob from Lesters. It's a short work week for Steve this week as we head down to Natchitoches Thursday for a bit of a getaway.
Stay cool wherever you are (it's 103 today in Shreveport) and checkout these SIGIS recommended links:
Check out American Power's Father's Day post and his look at the influence Obama could wield should he choose to.
Ed Driscoll notes an item that saddens me immensely: the passing of Clarence Clemons.
Paco calls attention to the intellectual prowess that is Sheila Jackson Lee. Hey, she's never boring.
The Pirate's Cove has a post on the lack of illegal farm workers in Georgia. Jobs Americans won't do.
The governor in Missouri vetoed a bill that would require ID at the voting booth because old people might not be able to comply? PoliticaljunkieMom has the story.
Doug Ross hilariously follows Obama around the country on his Summer of Recovery Tour; but seriously, check out the California post. It's all the Republicans fault. Shocker.
The Other McCain shares his adventures at the Right Online conference. Bob Belvedere has commentary.
Little Miss Attila wonders if we should be exporting natural gas.
Reaganite Republican made me laugh. The Sundries Shack has a related story.
The Lonely Conservative has a Troopathon post. It's a good cause! No Sheeples Here has one as well.
Oh hey! Did you hear? Legal Insurrection has new digs! Gotta love AOL - it took six hours for my password to get to me. Not LI's fault. Good ole' AOL. However, go check it out over there. It's lovely.
Michelle Bachmann referenced this story in her speech in New Orleans this week and now Left Coast Rebel has the links. Russia gets it.
Do you know about the Lily Ledbetter Index? Fishersville Mike will tell you.
Pundette offers her traditional Father's Day post.
Go to Adrienne's Corner to watch Rick Perry's speech in New Orleans.
Saberpoint is watching the Amanda Knox appeals trial and says the conviction is falling apart.
And so it goes.
I'm off to watch some baseball and read about the history of American glass making. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.
Pat! Thanks for the link!
Thank you, Pat, for the link.
Best Wishes for a happy, healthy, and enjoyable Sam Adams Summer!
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