I can hardly bring myself to blog about Donald Trump, as you may have noticed. I agree with practically everything Kevin Williamson wrote about him last week:
He is unfit for any office, morally and intellectually.
A man who could suggest, simply because it is convenient, that his opponent’s father had something to do with the assassination of President Kennedy is unfit for any position of public responsibility.
His long litany of lies — which include fabrications about everything from his wealth to self-funding his campaign — is disqualifying.
His low character is disqualifying.
His personal history is disqualifying.
His complete, utter, total, and lifelong lack of honor is disqualifying.
The fact that he is going to have to take time out of the convention to appear in court to hear a pretty convincing fraud case against him is disqualifying.
There's more.
Truth is, there are quite a lot of things about Hillary Clinton that should disqualify her as well, but they don't.
I loathe Trump. He's boorish and crude. He's as far from the Ronald Reagan archetype as any candidate can be.
That being said, he is going to be the Republican nominee and any attempt to derail that through a third-party run or a brokered convention will be doomed to failure and will only ensure to elect Hillary, in my opinion.
Despite George Will's conviction that Trump can't possibly win, and Josh Gelernter's third-party scenarios, I think that at this point, Republicans must unify behind Trump. Certainly nobody wants to, but reality bites.
All the talk about Mitt Romney coming in to save the day is simply garbage. He ran and didn't win, he didn't want to run this time, and he's not going to save you now. And he's the only one with a ghost of a shot.
If America wanted a successful businessman to save the day, we should have elected Romney when we had the chance, but we didn't, and we aren't going to do it now.
I had dinner with friends recently who tried to make the case that as offensive and boorish as Trump is, as president Trump will likely surround himself with people smart enough to do the job that Trump himself can't do. Trump may be ignorant of the responsibilities of presidential office, but maybe they're right. Maybe he'll appoint the right people. It's the only hope we've got.
We are in for a long, miserable campaign and God only knows what after that. I long for the days when we had class and grace in the White House but those are so far behind us now I don't think we can redeem ourselves.
Perhaps I will unplug from the internet for a few more months...