Showing posts with label WeinerGate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WeinerGate. Show all posts

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Weiner is Out

It looks like there could be a winner today in the No Sheeples Here Weiner Roast Pool.

It won't be me.  My guess was yesterday at 5:10 CST. I figured it would be some time after Huma got home.  I wonder if she'll be at his side when he makes the announcement.  Does anybody care?  I don't, really.  Just go away.

The resignation isn't official yet, but word is that it is coming.  His staff is leaving with their belongings.

Stay tuned for updates at The Other McCain who has been diligent in reporting this story since the very beginning.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Quote of the Day

"But if you can’t draw the line at being ruled by creeps with a spambot penis, you can’t draw it anywhere."

Mark Steyn

Sad, but true. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Where is Weiner's Resignation?

Lord have mercy, but I'm tired of the Weiner story.  It's eaten up the entire top half of Memeorandum today.  If you're interested, there are some good pieces on the story and his apology yesterday.  Stacy McCain has a piece in American Spectator that clarifies the genesis of the story and the controversy if you came in late.  Pundette covers the apology quite nicely and has a roundup of relevant commentary and an followup of the lies.

And Oh! those tiresome headlines!

All I've got to say at this point is why wasn't a resignation included in his speech yesterday?  Republicans have been drummed out for much less!  But even if we don't go down that partisan trail, a married U. S. Representative sending lewd pictures and messages to young women who may or may not be of age (did he know?) certainly indicates poor judgment and a total lack of ethics.

This guy needs to go.  Now.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rush and the Double Entendre

Rush Limbaugh says Weiner-Gate is "hard to swallow."  Oh my.

You know he had to say something.  He says he's befuddled by the whole thing because he simply doesn't tweet. 

"What if as the girl claims Weiner has 'a small problem'"?

"Is he giving his constituents the shaft?"

Oh my.


Rush says he wasn't up to date on Weiner-Gate until today.  "It does not warrant top of the program interest to me."

"When you have the mindset that they're all depraved, it's not news to me...I don't have time to be distracted like this."

True enough.