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Showing posts with label babies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label babies. Show all posts

Monday, March 25, 2013

Babies smell so good.

If you really new me, you would know that it is no secret that I love babies. 
Dave would say that I really just love to cuddle anything that is miniature. 
(puppies or babies fit in this category) 
Yes that is true, but really I just love babies. 
They smell so good, they are so cuddly and they are so heavenly. 
Okay, I will admit it. 
I am hungry for a baby!
Now that my confession is over...

Meet our new little friend Faye. 
Our friends finally had their baby!
Dave has never held a baby this little before and he was pretty nervous. 
But he did such a good job...
we have to reel him in nice and slow :)

Congratulations Brandon and Rachel!
We visited them in the hospital just 10 hours after the baby came
and Rachel was totally out of bed and walking around. 
She totally rocked child birth!
And sweet baby Faye is absolutely perfect in every way. 

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