Showing posts with label Ramadhan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ramadhan. Show all posts

Happy Ramadhan 2014!



Selamat Berbu..ah? Move your tangan people!

Selamat Berbuka and Happy Ramadhan to all!

I'm celebrating the holy month of Ramadhan this year in Middlesbrough, UK.
Syukur Alhamdulillah.

Do you know how many hours the Muslim has to fast in England this year?
Its 20.5 hours

Starts from 2.30 am till 9.40pm (on average)

Hats off to all the Muslim in England.

I thank God Allah SWT for easing my way to perform my fast this year.

For awhile there all the memories of my Ramadhan in the last 6 years runs through my mind like a flash back.

The time when I was in my diploma years, where 6 of my friends would gather in a really confined space on the floor to have our buka puasa every day.

And then during my degree years where one of my girlfriend has a car that year so we would go to bazaar and shop our tummy out for food almost every day.

Those nasi kukus and ayam goreng berempah in Shah Alam..aah..heaven!

Then those speedy break fast with my colleagues from work and the girlfriends while spilling the juiciest gossips of the month even though we only had like 1 hour to eat and pray.

Aaa..women and gossips, you know what they say. XOXO Gossip Girl

And right to the Ramadhan last year where I was in a complete mess. 
Ramadhan 2012, yes I was in a major complete mess

And this year, I'm having such a blissful Ramadhan with my friends in our new home.

Not to mention the endless break fast menu where we have trouble of deciding which is which for our menu today.

We even have a whatsapp group dedicated to discuss on what food to cook today.
Outrageous, I know. 

I even brought my bread pudding to bed to feed my already bulging tummy

And yet I'm still hoping on getting a Miranda Kerr's body by end of this month. Sigh

Till then peeps, Happy Ramadhan to all!