Showing posts with label New Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Year. Show all posts

Hindi Movie in UK cinema

Miss Miera and me

I was browsing online for The Hobbit movie in the cinema until I saw this add. 

dhoom3 aaliya katrinakaif Meet Aaliya   Katrina Kaif in Dhoom 3
Pic courtesy of

I was like what, cerita hindustan main kat sini. Say what!!!
Here's the trailer. 

I wanted to watch the movie like sangat.
Being a hindustan addict myself, watching this movie in cinema is crucial.
They have Aamir Khan in it for God sake.
I don't need any other reason to convince me other than that.
Once I saw the screening time,  I was set on going alone since who (non-indian I mean) would want to watch Hindi movies here right?
Even my besties didn't get this part of me, let alone here, in pekan Middlesbrough.
So I said to myself just go and watch alone since the cinema is like 15 mins walk from where I live.
The last time I catch a movie in the local cinema here is The Hunger Games on the third day after its release. 
Given that we only bought the tickets like 5 mins before the movie started and surprise, surprise, the cinema wasn't even full. 
 Which is why I was confident enough that I didn't even need to book a ticket for this Hindi movie.

But to my dismay, when I arrived at the cinema 1 hour before the screening time, 
the show was popping up SOLD OUT in red on the screening board.
I was devastated. Like spiraling down to my stomach-devastated.
How can the movie sold out? Like how?
 Sedih sangat that I even blurred out to my girlfriends here about it.

And one of them who were so sweet said:
"Kalau awak nak ajak saya teman, boleh je"
Isn't she the sweetest?
*mata berair sikit*

I told her that I want to watch it soon and she said cool, lets go tomorrow. 
We went arm and arm the next day and she took the liberty to booked the ticket as precaution.
When we finally got the tickets, I was ecstatic. 
She said this was her first time watching Hindi Movie in a cinema, I told her not to worry cause this movie is definitely worth it
When we walked in the cinema, it was house-full and we're like the only non-indian in the room looking for our seats.
One of the Indian couple even look at us with 
are-you-sure-you're-in-the-right-cinema look. 
Come to Malaysia darling, you and I we're share a country and the cinema.

Finally we managed to find a seat and settled down. Then Mira asked me a question
"Ada subtitle tak?"
Why in the hell did I not thought of that?
We both turned our head around and saw only Indians in the room.
The trailers that they played prior to the movie started has no subtitles on it.
My heart starts sinking.
Until we finally saw the word printed on the screen translating the language when the movie started.
 And we both smile.
Thank heavens!

The first stunt in the movie got a laugh from half of the audience. 
Its a scene where Aamir Khan was riding a bike steadily on a 
single rubber rope (or rubber string, I don't know what they call it)

Even Mira laughes. 
So I told her " Kalau nak tengok hindustan, tak boleh pakai akal, kena pakai hati"
But we can't help to laughed again at the next stunt.
Fun times.
And since the movie is like 3 hours long, 
they have 15 minutes loo-break after the first one and half an hour.
When the movie ended, I was shock to hear when Mira said,
"Tunggu habis lagu closing ni baru balik"
I was just about to said the same thing but there you go.
I had managed to infect a friend with the hindustan awesomeness. 
But all in all we had fun.
Thanks M!

Us. Sitting gleefully in the movie theater 
 Till the, toodles peeps!

Flying Solo..

This year start off with no resolutions, hectic class schedule and no hot gossips..
And,i'm flying solo.
I used to have my friends with me..those humming birds that never stop humming. And now, i might still have them,but not like i used to. Those humming wings will be flying away in Sec19 Shah Alam while i wil be flapping my wings in Uitm Shah Alam itself.
The first day spending the time unpacking my things in my hostel room was the definition of peace, serenity and...alone.
To look on the bright side, now i sort of knew myself better at those independent moments.
But i will always miss those humming birds..we used to be flying side by sides, but now it feels like i'm flying solo..
And guess what, these are the times when you'll think that having a boyfriend to keep you company would be a nice treat. Accept you couldn't afford one due to my "you're so beautiful in every single way " look and 9am to 10pm class schedule. So, the best option i could think of is having an affair.. actually it doesn't sound so bad when you type it rather than said it out loud.. ; )
Have you ever thought of having one?
I do. Most of the time. The reverie thought will start creeping in my mind when i'm walking to and from class, when i'm in my room , before and after eating dinner and before i go to sleep.
Yes that's true, i'm thinking about it all the time. And trying making sense not to do it, which is hard because there's no reason not to.
Afraid that their partner will get hurt if they found out about it is the lamest excuse i can think of. They were the ones that brought their partner to think about having and affair in the first place.
So,why don't we accommodate them?
Given that some gentlemanly handsome guy wanna hit on you even you both know its not allowed,afraid that his partner will found out. But the thrill just keep knocking on both of you. With him being irresistible and your friends are out if the radar,why won't you?
But after a while,God must have foresee to this anticipated thought of mine, and so later He works His wonders by moving my friends into my hostel and living just couple of rooms away from mine. Having those hummingbirds wings keep flying at myself, i couldn't think of my "affair" anymore.My,my,i must have been really a bad girl since He has to moved them so quickly before i had my plans work out. : )
And so here i was, being saved with the presence of my hummingbirds and God's will..

p/s : Alhamdulillah