I've been up north a handful of times. In high school, my band director was cool enough to let us go there on a band trip. My friend Alana and I were determined to get a picture with some cute Canadian guys. By the time we had the guts to actually ask, it was our last day, right before we had to board our bus. They were definitely cute, but definitely not Canadian. "We're not Canadian, we're Norwegian," the boys told us. Bummer. But not quite.
Three summers ago I attended the LDS Temple open house for the Vancouver Temple. My friend Joseph, whom I taught with in Taiwan, came out from Spokane and we drove up with my lovely friend Lyndsi. We spent most of our time in China-town, which I definitely did not oppose. It felt like I was back in Taiwan.
A few weekends ago I went up again to BC with some of my friends.My friend Kyle is an amazing artist and put together this gem of a video of our experience.
Highlights of the trip included"
- A super cute and tasty creperie
- Catching an awesome sand volleyball game
- Testing my hands-free metro skills on our way into the city
- Everyone crossing the street and leaving me on the other side.
- Empenadas
- An amazing suspension bridge
- Great gelato (I made sure I had some!)
- And an epic geography game on the road trip home
- A drunk 20-something jumping off his balcony (it was on the 1st level) to evade some cops. He landed in some bushes near where we were staking out our spots for the fireworks show, and he couldn't understand why the police would want to arrest him. He was scratched pretty badly, and was oblivious to his wounds. It was funny and sad at the same time.
- Visiting the Vancouver singles branch
- Eating poutine (it's actually quite good!)
Here's to Vancouver and all it's great goodness!