Showing posts with label packing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label packing. Show all posts

Monday, June 15, 2009


I'm currently packing for two trips. Above are the clothes/shoes I'm wanting to take to Taiwan. I don't think it will fit, or weight under the 50 lbs limit enforced by the airline companies. I don't leave for another 2 weeks, but this Saturday I'm road tripping out to Utah were I am catching my plane to Taiwan. So my suitcases for Taiwan have to be packed, but there are still some things I'm going to want to use in the next 2 weeks.

Tricky...very tricky.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

My time abroad is coming to an end...

So, I'm not dead. I've just been travelling around Taiwan and Thailand for the last couple of weeks. I'll have some major blogging to do once I get back to the States on Thursday. It's been fabulous. I spent New Year's in Bangkok, spent the night with a hill tribe, river rafted, rode an elephant, and much much more. Till the time I can actually do a proper blog--Happy New Year!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

My bags are packed, all ready to go...

I can't believe my six months are up! Friday was my last day of teaching and it was so sad! As of tomorrow I will be homelessly wandering Taiwan, so I will be in the country enough days to get my tax break (the Taiwanese pay 20% in taxes and we only have to pay 6% if we stay in the country 180 or something like that). List of things I will be seeing:

Sun Moon Lake

Taroko Gorge

Taipei (hopefully)

It will be strange to be travelling on Christmas, but we celebrated it today. So it won't be all bad. I'll update this later with pics, etc. of our Christmas carolling and the last few days of school. I will be without Internet for a while, so this may be it for a while. But when I do get the chance, I will be able to blog about Thailand as well. It's going to be an exciting, travel-packed next couple of weeks!
Oh, and I fly home to the States on Jan. 8th, for all those who are interested.
Tak jo, ciao for now!
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