I packed up my trusty Deuter, and my friend Nicole and I piled our stuff into her SUV, and off we went--after a pit stop here:
And after a little detour to the freeway.
The road trip was filled with good conversation, good company, and great music--all the makings of an epic road trip. So many amazingly awesome things happened that a list would be the most sufficient way to sum up the trip. So here goes...
Favorites of the weekend
In no particular order mind you.
The Sacred Grove
Seeing Nicole eat the Garbage Plate at the Chill N' Grill:
Avoiding toll roads and seeing Amish country
Rock-skipping, sight-seeing, and hanging out with Ashlee and Smitty in Erie, PA. Not to mention the eating and staying with these two incredible individuals. We sat down and thought about it long and hard--it had been two years since Ashlee and I last saw each other.
At my graduation party in Provo, UT, to be exact.
That's two years far too long for friends that have known each other since preschool!
{Me and Ash at Lake Erie}
Niagra Falls (but my not favorite part about that is that we couldn't go to the Canadian side because we didn't think to bring out passports).
Going to Kirtland for the first time and getting caught in one of the worst thunder storms I've ever seen (think torrential rains of the typhoon sort).
Being hissed at by Ashlee's cat, Ambush (she really is a princess).
Nicole's friend Caren, from just outside Syracuse, NY. She was soooo hospitable, and freakin' hilarious! She is one of my new favorite people.
It was a glorious respite from the tumultuous work schedules we had the previous week.
Here's to long weekends, in all of their forms!