Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A last...

Tonight is my last night in Seattle.

When I moved back to my hometown two years ago, I never thought I would leave. Seattle is where I want to get married, raise a family. I loved growing up here, with all the green and the water. I didn't know any better at the time that rain and gray skies aren't the norm in other parts of the country.

It's strange to think that tomorrow I'll be in a different state.
A state I swore I would never live in again. 
I'm definitely eating my words. :)

Change is good, and I've never been one to shy away from a new adventure. Take a look at the last five years of my life...I moved to Taiwan twice, moved to DC twice, and lived in Seattle twice. 

I guess that's why I'm surprised with my conflicting emotions. Excitement and fear. Positive and negative. There are so many things in Salt Lake that I'm excited about--awesome new roommate, super close friends from teaching in Taiwan, mission buddies, BYU friends, and old roommates. But I'm sad to leave my family and friends I have here. 

And I'm sad from all the things I'll be missing out on!

But that's life. Life moves on, and you learn to move on with it. 

So here's to change and adventure! To looking forward to the future, not knowing what it holds. To good friends and family who love generously and endlessly! To life!

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