Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Blogger's block, and I mean hard core...

So it's almost been two weeks since I last blogged, and it hasn't been because I didn't want to. I've been having some major blogger block. I can't think of anything to write, even though I probably have a ton to write about. Well, now that I think about it, I have two whole trips to write about, yet I have no desire to write about them quite yet.

Maybe it's because I have a lot on my mind? Could that contribute to writer's block? I would think otherwise, but who knows? Life's funny. As soon as I make a decision with what I'm going to do with my life a wrench seems to get thrown into the mix, and things completely change. This is a good thing, despite the fact that my stress levels seem to rise every time it does happen. Plus it keeps me from making the wrong decision. 

Halloween is quickly approaching, yet it doesn't really feel like it. Come to think of it, it still doesn't even feel like fall. The average temperature is still about 85 degrees with 70% humidity. I wake up every morning hopeful that it will be cool enough for me to wear a cardigan. And "cool enough" would be anywhere below 80. You might think I'm ridiculous, but here's the thing--I'm a lover of layers. I think it has to do with my being from Seattle.

Everyday in Seattle is cool enough for layering, as my mom would attest. I never minded probably because I didn't really know any better. Fall was always the best because I could wear my favorite V-neck sweater and sandals at the same time.  At least that's how it was in high school.

Fall has always been my favorite season, and those crisp cool autumn mornings were the best. I remember going on walks up the Tolt River Pipe Line right by my house  (it was always up, in both directions) and admiring the hills of lush evergreens interspersed with jolts of orange and yellow deciduous trees. The best days were those when the sky was a piercing blue, which made the colors of the trees pop.  My favorite tree (and I did have quite a few) was at the top of our hill and it would turn into a flame of orange. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.  

 I miss the fall colors. I miss the cool crisp fall mornings. I miss wearing scarves. And I kinda miss wearing cute shoes.

Taiwan has forced me to shed my layers and learn how to actually dress for summer weather. If it really felt like fall here, I wouldn't/couldn't go to the beach and still get a tan. You win some, you lose some, eh?

On another note, teaching is going really well. I really love my kids. My fifth graders are in the process of making pinatas, and I'm in the process of persuading them that they should let some of the other classes break them open. They are still wanting to keep all three of the pinatas, but we'll see who wins. Muahahaha.... I mean, I am the one providing the candy.

The school is doing a big to do about Halloween this year complete with a haunted house. It should be wicked fun. No clue what I'm going to be, but it will be interesting.

Here's to fall, Halloween, and to writing despite blogger's block!

Photos from Seattle PI and National Geographic.


Shannon said...

Yahoo for Fall! I'm sorry it's still so warm where you are. I grew up without experiencing the Fall season, but now that I have lived 8 full years in Utah I look forward to it each year. It's not a very nice day today, but the weekend was gorgeous here. Anyway, I love that your class is making pinatas. Is Halloween a big holiday there or is just an American thing?
PS-I love that Phoenix is on your playlist now! Good stuff, huh?

Shan said...

Shan, Halloween, I've realized, is an American thing. They may celebrate it in England, but I'm not quite certain. MOst of my students experience it for the first time at English school. It's been fun talking to them about costumes, but they don't get as into it as I would hope (or even as I am). I love Phoenix!!! Great suggestion friend!

Theresa said...

Oh yes, autumn in Seattle is a little like heaven. Although, I have to admit I wasn't quite ready for summer to end. Because you know after a Utah summer you're like, "Yes PLEASE let's get some cold weather in here already!" right? It wasn't quite the same. But Shannon without a scarf in autumn is really unheard of :)

I'm going to be Medusa for halloween and turn my curls into snakes. You can copy me if you want!

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