I've decided that it's about time for "meet my students." I teach four incredibly cool classes (how could they not be? I mean, I
am their teacher), and this will be the first of a four part blog series. :)
These kids a hilarious! The boys are a bunch of rascals and the girls are angels. It sure does make for some amazing classroom antics.
Meet Derek. Derek is a pint size bundle of energy. Rarely can he sit in his seat, and often I find him not standing, but
skipping next to his desk while writing his work. He always has mischievous twinkle in his eye and is always up to something. He's always coming up with ways to scare me or to sneak in a tickling session. He probably has the cutest laugh I've ever heard. Unfortunately, all of his cuteness can't keep him from getting in trouble.
This is Miss Stephani (without an 'e'). This quirky gal is hilarious. Whenever I ask her what she did yesterday, or over the weekend, the answer is the same: "I ate Miss Shannon!" For some strange reason she has an obsession with eating me. And she really can't sit. I've tried. At any given moment I'll glance at her and she'll be lying on the ground. But she is one smart cookie. Really smart. And has the most beautiful handwriting.

This is Koala. I frickin' love this kid. At the beginning of the semester he was my most challenging student. He was openly defiant, and I hated teaching him. Sending him to the secretaries just didn't work. At a loss, I asked my boss, Gerald, what I could do. He suggested doing a different sort of discipline, one that was a bit more creative. I thought over it and remembered that a friend once had his students dance in front of the class if they got in trouble along with a hug from the teacher. I decided to try this out.
The first day when Koala got his name on the board, I told him he had to get a hug. He freaked out! Like I've never seen a kid so shook up just from getting a hug. But I had to do it. He cried and cried and cried, and I had to send him to the secretaries anyways. I have to say that I was pretty shook up too. It's all ended up well though. I since had the class come up with their own punishments for not following the rules and they now have the option of picking between a hug or doing 10 push-ups when their name goes on the board. And they can do a wall sit or dance in front of the class when they get an X by their name. I mainly added the other option for Koala, but wouldn't you know it that he always picks the hug over the push-ups. And he's been so much better behaved since then too. I think he was testing me, and somehow I broke him. He is seriously a joy to have in class, and is sooooo funny. He is quite the ham--I guess your typical class clown. His great big toothy smile just melts my heart!
This is cute Miss Kelly. I love her face! She's the younger sister of one of my favorite students, Cheryl, who was in my 3rd grade class last year. She is so sweet, and sooooo easy going. She's petite and quiet, but don't let that fool you. She's pretty fiesty, and doesn't let the boys take advantage of her. Quite the tom boy she runs faster than the boys, loves basketball, and is our classroom champion of the wall sit. Her record is 5 minutes. No joke. I'm lucky if I can even make it for 2 minutes.
Meet Mr. Eric. He is the biggest cuddler and finds any excuse to tickle or hug me. At the beginning of the school year he used to slide down my legs because he thought it was fun. Eric is an observer, and a very good one at that. He has the biggest brown eyes and nothing seems to escape him. Lately he has noticed that Derek and Koala get attention for their bad behavior, so he's decided to be crazy to get attention too. Still trying to figure out how to counteract that. Any ideas? Eric is also a smarty pants. He works a bit slower, but his perfection pays off. And seriously, who could not love that smile?
This is Miss Kristine, the Hermione of our class. This girl is a whiz! She's new to this class, but English is not new to her. Like Hermione, Kristine knows pretty much everything. In addition to English class she also goes to math class, swim class, piano and recorder class, and some other class thrown in there too. She has a dream of traveling to Paris and writes about it in weekly journals. She is a perfectionist and incredibly hard on herself. She's come a long way though. At the beginning of the year it was hard to get her to even participate, but it's surprising to think that she was so quiet before. EArlier in the year she wrote me the cutest note with a book mark. Lovely girl.
I teach these kiddos four days a week for two and half hours each time. My heart is going to ache when I leave this cute kids!!!