Showing posts with label links. Show all posts
Showing posts with label links. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Great article CNN's Anderson Cooper site ac360 on titled The Fallacy of Colorblind Post-raciality. It was written by Carmen Van Kerckhove of Racialicious. Here's an excerpt:

"Then why do people insist on claiming that they don’t notice color? Often, it’s because they are scared to death of being labeled a racist.

But here’s the thing. Noticing a person’s race doesn’t make you racist. What does make you racist is if you make assumptions about that person’s intellectual, physical, or emotional characteristics based on the race you think the person is.

And unfortunately, too many of us do make those assumptions. We’ve all internalized racist ideas – consciously or subconsciously – from our families, our environments, our media consumption, and more. Until we can understand that and begin to de-program ourselves, we cannot be truly “post-racial.”

Damali Ayo who some of you may remember as starting Reparations Day has her very own clothing line. And it's great! She's dynamic & so it's no surprise that her clothes are the same. And best yet the entire line is made with sustainability in mind. Plus where else can you get easy to wear fashion on a sliding scale price range. Check out CROW here.

And a bit of randomness with Arnold.

Do you think he actually punched that camel? I hope not!

Lastly is an announcement of sorts. Soon this blog will change it's name & possibly URL. QWOC has been good to me but I'm feeling the need to move on from that identity on the Internet & other places. No this is not some post-racial thing. I just feel that the way I see myself is far beyond socially constructed labels. The core of me is effected by such labels but does not make up the majority of who I am. An important & significant part, but not all. At all! So I'm working on the design & focus of the revised blog that will still discuss my being a queer woman of color, and intersectionality in general, but will not be the primary focus anymore. It's just part of me going to the next level in becoming myself.

Much love y'all!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Long Time, No Post

For those who live in areas where you haven't have your LGBTQ2s pride celebrations I want to wish you a happy Pride! Portland's was good as far as I could tell. This year I skipped the normal large gathering at the waterfront & focused on time with close queer friends. It was a good, emotional and busy weekend and my sweetie & I got to do all the activities we wanted. I'm glad it's over though & think next year, I wish to go out of town or something. I'm just losing my taste for queer only type things. In fact I seem to be losing my taste for specific group issues, communities & events. Funny since my blog is titled in such a way!

For a while I've been interested in a more global focus to my activism. Not always centering of just Americans of color or queers or women. But really finding a way to creatively do works for those in places where they may not have a voice, regardless of their backgrounds or identifications. After the last few weeks I've had, with a death, a son who needs help, & a complete breakdown in positive communication with a group I was volunteering for, I just feel the time is ripe to refocus on what is really important to my work & re-energize my body, mind & soul.

My sobriety sponsor walked me through the hardest days of the last few weeks. And has suggested something radical. She told me to have fun. Fun! I nearly forgot how to do that for a while but I do agree with her that a break from service and a focus on my own joy will be what I need to go on to the next journey. So I get to be a little selfish & do what is needed to remember the core of my life & work. This weekend I went with my beloved to the
Avalon & played video games until my fingers were sore. It was great. We watched movies at home in in the theater (btw the new M. Night Shyamalan movie is not very good) and went dancing on Saturday night. It was just what I needed to start a summer of R&R.

Also I began doing the Artists Way program starting with the morning pages. Holy crap is it amazing how much I look forward each day to 3 pages of non-stop writing. It's really a meditation than just some creativity exercises. I'm excited to go deeper into the weekly exercises!

Anyway my Rob Brezney horoscope for the week really set the tone for where I need to be not only right now but always. I'm looking forward to a soulful summer. Peace!

You really have no right to tear yourself down. Badmouthing yourself is a first-degree sin, and so is being mean to yourself or depriving yourself of the care you need to thrive. This is always true, of course, but in the coming week it's more crucial than ever that you refrain from even the subtlest forms of self-abuse. To be anything less than an imaginative lover and nurturer toward yourself could upset the cosmic equilibrium so profoundly that everyone else would suffer, too. Therefore, you owe it to the rest of us to shower yourself with blessings.


I darn near forgot about a moment I wanted to share. Saturday night after going to a pride party downtown my sweet & I went to Holocene to check out their Dj's. The music sounded fun but we were tuckered out & wanted to relax without necessarily going home yet. We landed up the block at Rimsky's and ordered tea while listening to The Beatles. As we chatted quietly in a corner the song Blackbird came on. It's a song I like but have only heard a few times. As the song played we happened to be discussing my own personal re-emerging & re-energizing. My ears heard the following words sung:

"Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly. All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise."

Tears came to my eyes as my partner looked into me, holding my heart with such an expression of understanding and love. In that moment I felt broken & whole. Sadness and hope. I knew from that moment that many beautiful moments are ahead for me & us. Deep inside my body was a feeling of absolute acceptance for the past, present and future. The song was indeed the clear signal that this little bird is ready to fly. Peace.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Racist Feminists & Bizarre Fruit

If you ever needed proof that feminists can indeed be racist, let me provide said proof. Via Racialicious & What Tami Said were details on a recent article by Nina Burleigh on the Huffington Post. In the Huffington piece, Burleigh posits that Mr. Obama is not a feminist until he addresses the OJ Simpson trial or the misogyny that exists in some rap. I love how Tami responded:

Will Hillary Clinton be taking a stand against Susan Smith, the white woman who murdered her children a year after the Simpson-Goldman murders and blamed their disappearance on a mysterious black man? Should she be expected to? The idea is ludicrous and so is any notion that black people always need to answer for the behavior of people who share their skin color.

I don’t need Barack Obama to be the second coming of Andrea Dworkin or a Black Panther. As a black person and a woman, I need to know that, as president, he will move this country closer to equality for all people. That means helping to close the wage gap between women and men, and white women and women of color. It means ensuring committed gay couples have the same rights as committed heterosexual ones. It means ensuring that kids in poor inner-city and rural areas are guaranteed a good education just like rich kids in the suburbs. I’m not arrogant enough to think that I am the only person on earth to face inequality, and I am not entitled enough to think that a president’s work need be all about me. I wish some of my fellow American citizens felt the same way.

Almost worse than Ms. Burleigh's racist assertion's about what Mr. Obama should address as feminist issues was the writers blatant low regard for Black men she has & has not encountered:

The black guys came to school with picks in their huge Afros, and joints in their pockets, and we danced with them to Bootsy’s Rubber Band, in parentless, pot-scented, subsidized living rooms.

We never imagined that in our lifetime, we would someday be competing for the spoils of dying-Empire America. [umm you're surprised you would be competing because they're Black & therefore not able to compete?]

...I have no idea what happened to any of those young black men. Did they get lucky, draw the affirmative action straw and get into private colleges and law school, get promoted up the EEOC ranks of a multi-national? Or, are they delivering mail, pounding nails, in jail?

Ghaaah! Treacle on Racialicious made a great comment: "Obama is not campaigning to be the President of black people in the United States." And you know Hilary is not campaigning to be President of white women or all women for that matter. Dear gawd can this election be over soon?

So on to better things...

Last night I tasted a very strange fruit indeed (and I'm not talking about my girlfriend) called a miracle fruit. This little fruit provides one of the strangest culinary experiences a person could have. The fruit is about the size and shape of a very large fleshy seed & is red in color. You bite into it & let it's juices coat your tongue for at least 10 seconds, but I think 30 seconds is best. As you chew this fruit it's flavor begins to change & suddenly a burst of absolute sweet fills the mouth. Next is the real fun. Take something sour like a lime or lemon and put it in your mouth. Everything sour tastes sweet! It's amazing! And what's great is there is no fructose in this fruit so it's perfect for diabetics or anyone needing to avoid sugar. Apparently there's a restaurant in Japan that serves desserts without sugar & has patrons eat the fruits before consuming said desserts. Cool huh?!

You can get these fruits at:

Friday, April 11, 2008

More Flowers & Some Friggin' Links

I'm typing in a different font because I can. Anyway I got flowers from my sweetie today. A lovely rose was with several daisies & I decided to put it in my hair today. Pretty eh? It was very hard to take this pic because I was in the bathroom & despite having a mirror it was still a bit of a pain. But worth it because I love flowers in my hair & wanted to share this beautiful flower with y'all!

It's really nice out so I'm not saying much today. I had some really awesome sex yesterday. I've been having constant medical issues that have caused a strain on my sex life. I won't get into the gory details but today I am extra happy because even when my beloved & I can't get it on for whatever reason, we're always close. So it's just that much hotter when we do have sexy time. All day I've been grinning like a fool. Speaking of sex check out this recent post on the Powell's Books Blog. You can actually watch a couple screw. How ever thinks books are boring is sadly mistaken!

Other random items include a dude selling his Blackness on EBay, Arnold Schwarzenegger plans to fight against banning same sex marriage in California and an Iraq war veteran in Ashland, Oregon heals her pain by being a consultant to a play about an Iraq war veteran in "Welcome Home, Jenny Sutter" by Julie Myatt.

Folks have a beautiful weekend!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Friday Links No Mo'. And a Bunch of Other Stuff!

I can't do it. I tried to have some damn discipline with this blog & do something regularly & consistently but right now at this time in my life that ain't gonna happen. Sometimes we have to accept that failure is an option. So for now I have failed at posting great links that I love every single Friday. And for now that's okay. Because I can always try again or try in a way that is different & even better. So for now no Friday link lovin'. I'll still keep all y'all informed of great links I find but it will be back to the randomness that is a trademark of QWOC blog.

So with that I'd like to mention some yummy Internet goodies I found this week. Let's take a look shall we?

My beautiful pal Zee has BlogHer ads on her blog & for the first time one ad actually got my attention. It's called Here is thier mission:
To prevent otherwise financially self-sufficient individuals and families from entering the cycle of poverty, when this might be avoided with a small amount of well-timed financial assistance;
To restore the financial self-sufficiency of individuals who are willing to work but are temporarily unable to do so because they do not have the means to remit payment for a work-related expense;
and To empower permanently disadvantaged individuals who otherwise live within their limited means to continue to live independently, despite a temporary, unexpected financial set-back.

There are some really neat points to this charity including that it is an accredited charity of the BBB (Better Business Bureau), it's tax deductible and best, 65% of the folks who utilize funds from Modest Needs become donors themselves. The whole point of Modest Needs is to keep otherwise self sufficient folks from floating into a sea of poverty over 1 or two sudden emergencies. It's not meant for folks who are constantly needing help. It's just working or middle class folks helping each other. I think it's a lovely cause!
ModestNeeds.Org - Small Change. A World Of Difference.

Okay so switching gears a bit here is something I stumbled upon a couple months ago. It's called the Happiness Manifesto. It can be adjusted by each individual but it goes a little something like this...

  1. Get physical. Engage in half an hour of exercise three times a week
  2. Count your blessings. At the end of each day, reflect on at least five things you are grateful for
  3. Talk time. Have an hour-long - uninterrupted - conversation with your partner or closest friend each week
  4. Plant something. Even if it's a window box or pot. And, you must keep it alive
  5. Cut your TV viewing by half
  6. Smile at and/or say hello to someone you don't know. At least once each day
  7. Phone a friend. Make contact with a friend or relation you have not talked to for a while and arrange to meet up
  8. Have a good laugh at least once a day
  9. Every day make sure you give yourself a treat. Take time to really enjoy this
  10. Daily kindness. Do an extra good turn for someone each day

Things have been increasingly busy for me since mid 2007. So I think this happiness manifesto is a positive way of staying on track, during times of good & bad stress. I'll post (hopefully) regular, but random updates on how I'm living this manifesto & what some of my thoughts, feelings & experiences with it are. Anyone care to join me?

And now the dear diary portion of this post. So life has been great and very busy as many of you know. It's gotten busier with great things & I'm so grateful! My only issue is I don't know how to balance a beautiful life. Chaos, drama, ugly moments are easy. I know that stuff. I'm in recovery for a reason after all! So I'm taking baby steps all over again it feels like. Learning how to have success and joy & a productive healthy life is something I have worked so hard to have in this life & now it's here & by golly it's a little (a lot) hard to navigate these waters. Thank goddess for recovery & friends who have experience in (gosh this sounds silly, but it's the truth of where I'm at!) being happy & following their dreams & talents. These folks are helping me remember to stay in each moment and really relish in the gift that each moment has. And doing lots of various step work & going to regular meetings helps more than I can say. Who knew I'd need more meetings in health than pain?!

So as I continue this path I'm reminded that today is meant to be taken in bites. That the creator & it's angels are really here right now, even as I type these words. All I (or we) have to do is keep breathing, keep trying & keep up the faith. No matter how good or bad things get. Peace y'all!


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Just When I Thought I'd Need to Increase my Paxil

Despite feeling a wee bit better in the last few days my seemingly new case of regular migraines has not waned. Apparently I'm stressed out. And after a few moments this morning of pretty much hating all of humankind I found something funny. And though this joke is as cliche as cliche can get it still made me laugh out loud & give me the strength to find more things to keep me from needing to up my dosage of antidepressants.
So starting with the joke that made me laugh here are some things that made me smile today.

These adorable images from Cute Overload

This from Photobucket:These quotes: And this awesome video with a great message from your favorite band & mine Judas Priest!


Sunday, January 06, 2008

Can't Think of a Good Title Today!

After finding out about domestic partnerships in Oregon being on hold I've been in a deep funk. Depression & heartbreak have been the status quo for the last week & try as I might, I have not been able to shake it off. When this level of devastation seeps into my heart it's hard for me to be social in any way. Being around people is akin to mild torture and I just can't connect to others by the way of emailing, talking on the phone or blogging. Even work has been hard to get through and I tend to feel good putting my nose to the proverbial grindstone. But since this little ol' blog was recently featured (go here if the previous link doesn't work then go to page 22) in Just Out, a local queer rag in Portland, I figured I need to make contact with y'all and keep going so those who are meant to read & feel this do. So here we go.

The candlelight vigil at the Q Center this week turned out to be wonderful. I was afraid it would be a somber and completely uninspired event & I'm happy to report I was quite wrong. It was very inspiring to not only be in a room with fellow queers who felt the pain this delay has caused, but there was a sense of unity not always felt in a group scene like this. Too boot the message of the night was that it's time to fight, to take a stand & to work for equality. Folks were fired up & there was focus passion that gave me a glimmer of hope that night. At one point my beloved & I got in front of the group & spoke up about how we feel about this delay and I felt so proud to be her lady & know that we are more that a great match but truly kindred spirits and together we'll fight for justice and the freedom to love.

Later that night we went to Wild Abandon and had an incredible salmon dinner then went home to watch PBS's LGBT television show In The Life. It was a great episode because all the stories got us talking. Kate Clinton (click on the link to see a pic of her & I together) interviewed Margaret Cho and they we're discussing all the scandals of 2007 involving right wing republicans and Christians who were caught being "gay." Mrs. Cho said the funniest statement & I think we can all agree when she said "... 2007 was the year of the sorry old queen." And my sweetie added "with no piano bar to go to." So true. Also on In The Life was a story about queer folks in the hip hop music industry. Since most of the folks who know me understand I love hip hop my ears were immediately perked when the story was introduced. Of the artists featured the rap group KIN took my breath away. These women were not only queer women of color but could spit and were fawking hotties too! If they ever come to Portland or even Seattle I'm going to be first in line to see them.

Okay that's it for now. I'll have some upcoming interviews soon so stay tuned. In the meantime...

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Mezza Platter, Lesbian Porn and a Dude Saying the Word "Shart" on Network TV

This New Years was pretty calm. I got my period early yesterday morning and since my endometriosis has been getting worse, the first couple days of bleeding are best spent sleeping. But I had to work & at least stay up until midnight.

During the day I got to see my most significant ex and his son and he got to meet my partner and it was really good to see him. Currently my ex lives in Spain so we rarely get to see each other in person so it was great to have him see my beloved in person and all of us talk about important political issues. It was nice!

After work my sweetheart and I went to dinner at a Lebanese restaurant, which we went to last year on NYE and shared a veggie mezza platter, veggie stuffed grape leaves and a cheese pizza. So fawking good! It was so romantic to be sitting in the very same place we sat last year, not quite sure then what was happening between us then but excited to be together. That night was the first time we verbally acknowledged our mutual attraction. Ahhh memories!

Prior to dinner on our lunch break (we work at the same place) we went to the friendly neighborhood adult toy store Spartacus on a whim. We didn't see many items we needed or wanted but we wound up floating over to the video section & I wondered if they possibly had on the off change a movie I've been wanting to see called How to Fuck in High Heels. You see it has been difficult to find quality porn made by & for actual lesbians. And when I say quality I mean hot but not gross or overdone with good camera angles, attractive women and great lighting & not too much damn plot.

Well Spartacus had the film. They also had the movie Crash Pad by Shine Louise Houston. Another film I've wanted to see & had been especially excited about it because Shine is a QWOC. So I had no choice but to open a video membership with Spartacus & was able to, with glee, bring home some porn.

How to Fuck in High Heels was in a way a disappointment. It doubled with a film called Hard Love and there wasn't much too that one. In fact what was hard to watch was the lesbian drama and having to listen to the bad acoustic lesbian music that accompanied the sex scenes. My partner & I would up fast forwarding through most of it. How to- however had some decent moments but they were more on the level of comedy due to the very dry star of the film Shar. She had us cracking up with her inexpressive commands at her sex partners and even her expressions of excitement was monotone at best. I personally felt like Shar could possibly be the funniest woman on earth & instantly fell in love with her porn persona.

Crash Pad on the other hand was the film many of us have been waiting for. It had everything I like in a porn with some surprises and a couple moments that left my mouth open with shock & my loins throbbing with titillation. I don't want to give away some of the great stuff but lets just say how very talented the actresses were. And there was a strong sense that these women really enjoyed each other and what they were doing. There was some rawness that damn near took my breath away but at the same time, style and artistic merit. It was great to see women actually cum for once in a porno and even better to see close-up just what got them there. I can't wait to see Shine's follow up Superfreak about the ghost of Rick James invading a party full of femme dykes. Woo hoo! Find out more on the Crash Pad series here.

The last little shock of the night was while watching the New Years special on NBC with Carson Daly (btw is it me or does he remind you a bit of Dick Clark?) when the Star of the television show Chuck, Zachary Levi said to Carson daly that he nearly shart when he saw New York Yankee player Alex Rodriguez in the crowd at Times Square. I turned to my partner and said with surprise "did he just say shart on network TV?" She shook her head yes & we both laughed. All in all it was a pretty good new years eve.

Have a groovy 2008 y'all!
P.S. Don't forget if you live in Portland, OR about the vigil tomorrow night at the Q Center. Tomorrow was the day many of us planned to gain spousal rights in Oregon and now that right is on hold due to prejudice & a funky legal system. The event is open to all members of the community and I welcome all allies to come too.
Wednesday, January 2nd, 2008
5:30 - 7:00 pm
Q Center
69 SE Taylor Ave at SE Water Ave, Portland

Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Bubble Hath Burst: Domestic Partnership on Hold in Oregon

Photo courtesy of unprofound and edited by me

The news came to me later than it did for others in the blogosphere. I didn't find out until my beloved called me at Noon today to share what our lesbian boss told her. That January 2nd we will not be able to get a legal partnership in Oregon.

Truthfully I'm so shocked I can hardly even speak or think. I knew there was a possibility that there could be a delay but I figured the possibility had the odds of like, getting struck by lightening. Fuk.

What happened was a conservative "christian" group called The Alliance Defense Fund filed a suit against the State of Oregon & Bill Bradbury (our Secretary of State) claiming that some signatures on referendum petitions against domestic partnerships were tossed out unfairly and that the people whose signatures were considered invalid should have been properly notified. In order for there to be a delay to the domestic partnerships going legal on January 2nd the plaintiffs needed to prove that signing a petition is the same as signing a voting ballot and that the law passing would incur irreparable harm and also that the ADF in the end would likely win their case.

Yesterday Judge Michael Mosman presided over the case (also called a preliminary injunction). It was what the Portland Mercury called "a secret weapon" that convinced Mosman to issue a temporary restraining order (TRO) from DP laws going in effect on the 2nd. The weapon was a case in Idaho where it was ruled signing a petition was the same as voting. Therefore Mosman decided that signatures on a petition were fundamental right and by putting a hold on January 2nd's domestic partnership laws he was preventing irreparable harm.

In reaction to how this case has turned out so far there has been a lot of support by others within the Oregon and or Queer community around this disappointment.

Kendall Clawson, the executive director of the Q Center said "Unfortunately, our fight for domestic partnership may not be over, yet I truly believe that those that opposed this amendment have underestimated the strength of our community and the power of love and respect for others that drives us. As the sun comes up and we begin planning our next steps, I have decided that I will not give away another minute of sleep pondering the negative aspects of this situation. Conversely, I will work to acknowledge, appreciate and derive strength from all of the people that tirelessly work to bring us together as a community rather than tear us apart."

Crallspace wrote an open letter to the Alliance Defence Fund and asks "Why take the beacon that many look to for inspiration, hope and goodwill and shine its dark side? With all the problems that face our world today, homosexuals are your scapegoat; you have a heyday on folks that may have been the subject of the verse, "As you have done it to these the least of my brethren, you have done it unto Me." (Matt 25:40) As much as you think Christianity is persecuted and outlawed for obnoxious reasons, how do you think homosexuals feel about your work?"

Multnomah County Commissioner Jeff Cogen noted for us all that "Daily, we are reminded that the quest for equality continues and it is up to us to push forward principles of acceptance, fairness and justice. I hope this issue is resolved soon and we can get to the business of equality - for all."

Jack Bogdanski at Jack Bog's blog made a great point that "...once again, the electoral process in this country is showing itself to be badly, badly deficient. Not only can't we count votes securely and honestly -- we can't even agree on how to check the signatures on the petitions by which we decide what we'll be voting on. Nearly every election -- even every potential election -- turns out to be a lawsuit. It's a disgrace."

For more information on all this go here and here for information from Basic Rights Oregon.

There will be a vigil at the Q Center from 5:30pm to 7pm On January 2nd. The address is 69 SE Taylor Ave at SE Water Ave.
Though personally I'd like to see folks taking this to the streets I know many feel safer in a queer space among other queers & allies. I guess I just don't want it to seem like Oregon LGBTQ2S folks are rolling over and taking this. But I'll be at the vigil all the same, with my beloved.

Stay tuned to Just Out's Blog for updates on this heartbreaking situation.
I wish for all of us who planned on participating in legal domestic partnership on Wednesday a peaceful night & happy, hopeful, loving New Year!

Monday, December 17, 2007

2 Great Podcasts

Recently I've found 2 awesome podcasts I'd like to link y'all to. The first one is called The Positive Hip Hop Podcast. There have been about 8 episodes so far and each one has been pretty good. Topics include social & political change via hip hop, spirituality & racism. In less than an hour each episode offers some of the best hip hop from true artists, fresh perspectives and music you may not have ever heard before. If you're a big fan of truly good hip hop & all encompasses, for the love of god, check out this great podcast.

Also another terrific podcast is local Just Out journalist Julie Sabatier with her podcast on revolutionary Do-It-yerself projects called Destination DIY. I learned in the last episode about at home funerals. Who knew you could bring a loved one home after death to cleanse them & even bury them in your homemade casket! Episode 21 was about kids creating their own structure for their education. Who knew one could even do that? Anyway the show is well done & provocative in modern quirky way. Hey you, yes you, go check it out.

Peace ya'll!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Soft Sheets, Jeans that Fit and a Bracelet that Makes me Seem a Little More Butch. Birthday Gifts Thus Far.

My birthday isn't for 2 more days but I celebrated early due to having to work, like most folks, on the actual day. So I budgeted some presents for myself that I felt we're not only desired but in a way needed.

I knew I needed some new Levi jeans because I've gained a little weight since falling in love and have gone up a size (or two) in the last year. Levi's are the only jeans I wear and to boot I always wait to get them on sale. Luckily for me I found 2 pair not only on sale, but got a free $10 gift card that I can use toward whatever, with the purchase of the pants. The new jeans look great, feel comfortable and as Levi's are known for, make my butt look yummy!

For months I've been craving a new bracelet. I wished for something a bit more chunky yet versatile. I figured that a wrist decoration would be a perfect present to my self for my birthday. Usually I go to Portland's Saturday Market for fun hand crafted stuff. But before I could make the trip I found my bracelet at one of my favorite local stores Za Zen. That place is my new favorite boutique for many reasons. It's first off got stylish, comfortable clothing that is low maintenance and best yet...affordable. Plus the selections of clothing and accessories are unique and fun. So I stooped in Thursday to see what was new there and found a really fun leather bracelet made from an old belt. Since I love recycling and it's chunky and smells good I tried it on. All I can say way from the moment I put it on my wrist it felt like it was meant for me. When I took it off my skin felt as if it were missing something.

And too boot a co-worker yesterday though it looked kinda butch. How fun!

A number of years ago I discovered the joy of high thread count bed sheets. I stayed over at a friends after a surgery and on the guest bed was a set of butter colored, buttery feeling sheets. I asked her about them & she explained they were 600 thread count sheets. She claimed they were old and needed new ones. I thought if sheets could feel that amazing yet needed to be replaced, I had to get some for myself. Soon I had some lovely 300 thread count sheets and was excited for the day I could get even softer ones. Discussing high thread count sheets with another friend about 3-4 years ago I learned that Pima & Egyptian cotton sheets were the best to go with, and in particular the ones made in Italy too.

I had sold my small full size bed when I had a woman's size girlfriend and needed a bigger bed, so I had to get new sheets & could only afford 250 threaders at the time. So for the last few years I've really wanted higher thread count sheets but didn't splurge. So at long last on Friday I got some Egyptian 400 thread count sheets. They feel so good on my skin. My beloved has never had high thread count sheets & feels totally spoiled. And we are though I must admit if I can ever get my hands on 800+ thread count sheets I'll go for it. For now though finding this lovely set for a mere $30 bucks at Ross is cool with me.

Today I received the 2nd of B-Day gifts from others that I really wanted/needed. My sweetie got me a lovely set of cast iron skillets. Something happened to my lovely one a couple years ago when my not-so-smart ex. soaked the pan overnight in water. Needless to say the skillet I so lovingly seasoned myself was no longer of use. So I'm excited to make some iron rich foods for the holidays with those pans.

Also my wonderful pal Zee got me something I really needed. She & my sweetheart went out to dinner Friday night and at the restaurant I opened my brand new Designer Envelope system created by Dave Ramsey. Now it will be a whole lot easier to stick to my budget & track my expenses. This gift was truly one I will utilize & treasure!

Thus far I'm enjoying December. Many gifts I have received and how absolutely grateful I am for them & the wonderful riches I'm blessed with. So with that here's a gift for my readers. Well it's not really a gift but something that's fun that I wish to share. The Real does a bunch of hip-hop comedy sketches & I like this one. It's called Failed Hip-Hop Ideas. And the only child one is hysterical. Enjoy!

Failed Hip-Hop Ideas from jeff on Vimeo.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

My Best Friend

Before I get into my topic du jour I wanted to give props to a couple blogs I recently discovered. One is a pick from the Blogs of Note category on Blogger called Attitude of Gratitude. It's a great blog with beautiful pictures, lovely quotes and a list of things the author is grateful for. Even if a person is not in recovery I think there is much to appreciate on it. The next blog is a very sweet one called Queer Love. It's kinda like a Post Secret for queers. It's basically letters to & from fellow homo's & it's refreshing. And now onto my topic!

I have some truly remarkable people in my life. Folks I can call best friends. I have one in Minnesota who I've been friends with since I was 12 years old. Every time we visit it's as if we've never been apart. She resides in my psychic space and can trust that she will always be in my life. I have another wonderful best friend who has been in my life just over 2 years. We've journeyed through new sobriety together and have talked about everything from sex to money to manicures. She is someone whom I can tell the truth and she knows my heart. Another dear dear friend is a saucy curmudgeon who I can gossip with and go dancing with. We celebrate important things together & he keeps me from getting too whimsical in my general philosophies. I know he doesn't understand every motive of mine, but he's loved me through my most yucky mistakes. That's a true friend.

And now I have another person I can call a best friend. She is patient, loyal, sweet, feisty and has the kindest soul I've ever met. She's one of those people we consider angels who walk among us. She's my partner, lover & wife to be. Not only do I love her as my significant other but I love her most for her friendship. She accepts me as I am yet encourages my potential. We can have fun anywhere we go. We talk about every goofy & meaningful subject there is. We dance around each other with glee & share so many common interests. It's not always easy to find a good friend. And a best friend is a rare treasure. When you can share the depths of your heart and know the other will hold it safe, and that you hold them sacred in your own heart too, that's a damn miracle. I have that with my beloved. I have that with all my best friends.

So today I celebrate best friends. People who tell the truth, share struggles & triumphs, people who love us unconditionally but with good boundaries. Our friends who are dedicated to us by a bond stronger than blood. I'm grateful for these gifts!


Monday, November 19, 2007

Links I Like

Oh lordy I have the yeast infection from hell! I just want to curl up in a ball & make it go away. I was recently on antibiotics & that's what has caused this ruckus in my crotch. Jeez. So to take my mind off the burning, searing, throbbing pain, I'll now share some new favorite links that I'll get to putting on the sidebar eventually if they're not already there.

Stereohyped has been a favorite of mine for a while. I love this blog because there is juicy celebrity gossip, justice issues often come up & the writing is witty in the right places.

Slate Magazine Online has some thought provoking articles. Some I agree with & some I don't. But the writing is well thought out & there are a myriad of topics to browse & read about. If you want to mix pop culture and politics, Slate is a good choice.

From the NaBloPoMo Randomizer I've discovered the cutest blog called Girlrobot. The blogger' name is Kim and she posts recipes, money saving tips, really fun links every Friday and other various whatnot. Her style is light & breezy & I learn something interesting every time I stop by.

If I haven't already mentioned it I think Michelle Singletary's Color of Money column at the Washington Post is outstanding. She tackles finances from a POC point of view while being accessible to all. Plus she looks deeply into what is & is not being said about people of color & their money stuff. I'm so glad I found this!

And last but not least there's this: Cute Overload. It really speaks for itself! If you like extra cute pics of cute little animals, check it out!

Well I've got to go get some ice or cranberry juice or something now. Peace!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

A Death in the Family

My partner's grandpa died yesterday. Obviously this is a rough time.

I must confess that my skills as a partner on this are sucking right now. I don't know how to do this. How to be there for her in a situation like this because it's very new to me.
So we got fancy chocolate cupcakes today & that was a start. And I found this pic.


I wanted to turn y'all on to a great blog I was told about recently. It's What About Our Daughters and it's basically about stopping the negative images of Black women in the media. It's worth a look.

Also check out Newspaper Rock. A blog about Native Americans in pop culture.

Peace y'all!


Monday, September 24, 2007

The Fruit of my Loins

That's right y'all. On top of being sick I'm bleeding. It's my period but I'd rather not add that on to how I'm feeling. Ahh well.

Hey have any of you checked out the Natyional Day of Pandhandling for Reparations day blog. If not do so here. Peace!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Nasal Douching!

Nasal douching is not fun, but very cheap & easy to do. I've been terribly sick with a sinus infection/cold from hell. Needless to say this will be a short post until I can get back on track with all my blog reading & such. Until then please entertain yourself with two links.

One is Know Thy Neighbor Oregon. It's a website that publishes the names of those who sign any petition against the Oregon Family "Fairness" & "Equality" acts. Though I have very mixed feelings about what I feel are separate but not quite equal laws, it is interesting to note just who in my State doesn't want me & my family to even have some equal protections. Check it out.

Addicted to Race has a new podcast out. This time the subject is on building a multiracial movement. Though I have not had a chance to listen to it yet I'm sure it will be another great episode. Have a listen.

That is it for now. I'll hopefully be much better soon with rants & TMI tales galore. Until then...


Sunday, September 09, 2007

New Look

Howdy all! If you are a reader of QWOC you'll notice some changes to the look. I really loved th ol' template but decided it was time for a fresh look and to mix it up a bit but not too much. The header was made with the lovely & free program myimager and I got the colors for the face of this blog from colourlovers. Unprofound is my favorite freeshare photo place & that's where that great color bubbles image came from. All these sites are free and you can do some pretty fun stuff!

I decided to tone down the pink tough I love it. I just want to make this blog as readable and user friendly as possible. And I felt the pic in the header was more representitive of the focus of the blog itself. Don't ask how though because I can't explain that.

Lastly I've added a couple new links to the sidebar. One I should have had for a long time but kept forgetting to add was Pam's House Blend. The other is one I just discovered called The Real. A very funny vlog. Check them out! Peace!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Few Funnies!

Hop on over to TTL & check out a satire that gives 11 reasons why gay folks shouldn't get married. It's very tongue in cheek & hits the subject dead on. Here's a couple:
  • Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage is allowed, since Britney Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage was meaningful.

  • Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

Here is another great K Chronicle on the whole colorblind excuse some white folks use when the topic of racism comes up.

Man if I had a nickle for every time I've heard this lame ass excuse. Personally I've never met any purple or green folks. Have you? I did see a lady who truly was the color of yellow but she had jaundice.

If you have not heard of or seen Chocolate Rain by Tay Zonday (from Minneapolis!) you have been under an internet rock! Anywho check out this awesome Radiohead version of the OG youtube video. Anyway if you're wondering if that really is his real voice check out this video where Tay talks with Jimmy Kimmel. Wacky yet cool!


Monday, August 13, 2007


I love John Mayer's music. He's a soulful little dude! Anyway here's something for your listening pleasure. Enjoy.

My 3 days off were good. I spent one of the days on the couch all day & night watching movies. I saw Apollo 13 which quite frankly wasn't as good as I'd hoped. It was directed by Ron Howard which explains that. Next was Antwone Fisher. I really enjoyed the heck out of that film! Some parts of the movie touched me so deeply I cried. Plus it has Denzel who I think is amazing in every movie he's in. Last I watched... oh shit I forget. Damn oh well.

The next day my sweetheart & I went to a meeting and then had a yummy lunch at the Detour Cafe which never disappoints. After that we looked at some reptiles & tarantulas a few block down the street at a pet store. Not my favorite but my partner likes these things. So to settle my fright we looked at fish at another which was much better!

Later that evening we went to my dear friend Zee's birthday bash & had a nice time & ate really good veggie chili. I gave her a nice necklace with swarovski crystals which are really nice to bead with! Then we got home & made sweet sweet love. Pretty good days off!