Showing posts with label 2017 Happy Dance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2017 Happy Dance. Show all posts

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Another travel project finished

More time sitting round at hospital appointments has meant that I've finished another small project, my 4th of the year.

This time it's from Bent Creek and it's one of their The Littles series called unsurprisingly Snowman.

He's on an oddment of aida and I used the DMC conversation for him

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Last finishes of 2017

This would of been my last Gifted Gorgeousness post and last post of 2017 had I not been going out partying and playing at being a DJ

The last few stitches went in on the morning of New Year's Eve on this one.
It started out as a project to stitch on a Monday evening while at indoor bowls but it ended up going out and about as well to Hospital/Doctor's/Physio appointments for my Mum as well.   It's still in need of an iron 

It was a lovely project to work on but a little impractical at times with it being so long

Christmas Eve I finished Eight Day on Plum Street Samplers 12 Days SAL from a few years ago

I started 9th day on Christmas Day and finished it in the afternoon of New Year's Eve.  It didn't take a week to stitch but Lucy and Teejay came to visit in between and what stitching time I had went on the Monday night sampler

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Happy Dance

I finished the sampler a few days ago and sent it home.
The owner is very happy with it and no it's not the lady whose name is on it 

Monday, December 18, 2017

ABC's of Needlework

Yes I know I scrapped in with the finish in November but between being busy and losing Baby it's taken me a while to get round to taking a full length pic of it.

This was my birthday present from Lucy this year and also my birthday start which meant it was also my Gifted Gorgeousness project for most of the year.

The threads are included with the chart and I used Dr Smiths Tonic from Sparklies

And some closer views

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Mini Poppies finished

Back in early November I posted about a new start I'd had of John Clayton's Mini Poppies.
I had hoped to get it finish during the month but I never got back to it :(  
Friday night it came out to play and by Sunday bedtime it was complete

I do have the kit for the full panel as well and I'm thinking about starting it sometime in January

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Novembers Gifted Gorgeousness

I'm quite literally scrapping in with a finish for GG this month!

I put the last stitches in this, whipped it off the frame, took a very quick piccie and jumped on the puter to write the post

Why does it qualify for GG?
The chart pack was my Birthday present this year off Lucy and it was also my Birthday start

I added my link with just 10 minutes to spare!  then came back to tell you that :)

Monday, November 20, 2017

Major happy dance time

At 11.30 pm last night I put the last stitch into CdC and just in case your wondering it was the one in the top right corner :)

Started on Jan 1st 2011 and left in the PHD drawer for most the time until August 3rd when it became my weekend project.

I'd seen lots of these done on dark fabric with colourful thread and I wanted to be a little different so went with bright fabric (Opal sunflowers from Sparklies) and black thread.

Ink Circles
Cirque des Cercles

Thursday, November 02, 2017

Snowman finish

Silly me forgot to pick up the chart for CdC when packing on Friday for the retreat but lucky for me I had plenty of other projects with me.

I started this little guy on Friday night and finished him this afternoon.
He's an oldish kit from Heritage crafts that I've had in my stash for a few years.

I switched the kit fabric to lilac ice from sparkles. 

Margaret Sherry for Heritage Crafts 

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Hug Exchange

Today was opening day for the hug exchange over on needlecraft haven.
We had to include a card on the theme of love, friendship or hugs and I struggled to find anything suitable locally so planned on stitching a Lizzie kate freebie I gave in my stash when I found this as a kit.

We also had to include a couple of skeins of thread, a sweet treat and a pamper treat.

My exchange looked like this

And this is the one I received and opened this morning.

The ribbon was tied round my sweet tray and such a lovely colour I plan on reusing it at some point in the future

I've realised that I should of also made this my gifted gorgeousness post as well but I'm a day late to have it count

Monday, September 04, 2017

2 finishes

The next part of the train was due out on Friday but not until mid morning so I wanted something quick to do while I waited.
So I did a pen cover, the pattern is part of this month challenge in the facebook and fitted the bill perfectly.  It's done in tubular peyote so I don't have a flat one to show you, you'll have to make do with 2 halves and just in case it reads I love to bead

Friday afternoon I finished Damask Square as well.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Last weeks stitching

With my bid to get Santa's Village completed this year I thought I'd better get my backside into gear and get another house done this month.
Monday I made start on Candy Cane Cottage and finished it off after bowls on Friday night

I'm now at 2/3 complete and will need to stitch a house a month to finish this year which once bowling season ends shouldn't be a problem

Monday, July 24, 2017

Happy dance time :) :) :)

The last stitches went in Angel of the Morning around 2.20pm today :)

I started her back in 2001 when she was released.   She was one of those projects that I just had to do and as soon as I got the phone call to say she was in stock I was in the car and over the pennies to Wye Needlecraft to collect her.
She got put aside for some reason (most likely a model arrived) and got ignored for a few years then she went out on a UFO RR when she arrived home she was put away once more :(

In March fella and I split up and I could not (and still can't) face working on My Ark which had been my weekend project and was one for his grandchild so I had to find another one and she talked to me.

And here she is in all her glory.

The last section to be stitched

Not the called for beads, I looked up the colours and had a root round my stash of 15's to find one's that would work

These are the called for ones tho

I'm a little sad she's done because I've enjoyed working on her (apart from the linen, I think she's the project that put me off working on it) but I'm happy to cross off a PHD esp one so old

Friday, July 07, 2017

Miss New Years Fairy finished

I put the last bead on this afternoon while watching Doctor Who 
The chart and threads along with the beads were gifted to me last year :)  She whispered in my ear for a few months until I finally got round to starting her on June 1st.  I had hoped to have her finished quite quickly but it wasn't to be with having to go back to Kent last week.
She's not the type of project I would normally go for but I have to say I've really enjoyed stitching her.

I used Dr Smiths Tonic from Sparklies which as may of worked out by now is one of my favourties :)  I also had to sub a different Crescent Colour for her dress and went with Lunar Eclipse after much trail and error.

A couple of rare (for me) arty shots to show her bling off better with the added bonus of a much better idea of the true fabric colour

I was surprised to discover that Mill Hill Magnifcas are in fact Delicas which I have a *cough cough* few of, I know that probably isn't news to a lot of you but I rarely stitch designs that call for beads so had no idea!    If anyone knows of a Mill Hill number to Delica Number conversion please point me in the right direction for future ref, thanks

Thursday, May 04, 2017

Another model revealed

This time it's for Alessandra Adelaide (AAN)
Alessandra posted in her Facebook group earlier this year asking for model stitchers in Europe and I put myself forward along with several others.
The one I picked to stitch is called Profumo De Primavera which Alessandra told me means scent of spring.

Here it is :)

It was an absolute delight to stitch and I was sad to see it end and then a couple of weeks ago I had a surprise in the post Alessandra had sent me a copy of the chart :)

And there's me named on the back :)  

Thursday, April 27, 2017

April Gifted Gorgeousness

Gifted Gorgeousness is the brilliant idea of Jo to encourge stitchers to use those items in our stash that we have been gifted or those things we stitch that will be a gift.

I only have one bit of stitching that counts this month and here it is.
This is Christmas Delights an old freebie from The Cat's Whiskers stitched for the RR I was taking part in.   I was the last person to to work on this one with a theme of pink/grey so as you can see I used a Needle Necessities thread in pink.   3 times I counted and checked my placement and I still got it wrong :(

And I just realized that I could also included a pic of my completed RR as well now it's home but as yet I've not got round to taking a pic of it :(

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Lizzie Kate finish

Middle of last week I finished off Ice Cream from Lizzie Kate's Sweet Tooth Boxers Jr 

Which means I finished the set off :)

I used good old DMC for it and changed a few of the colours as I went because I wasn't happy with the suggested ones for the GAST used in the original.
It's now safely tucked away in the drawer until I have the energy & ££ to sort out framing it for my kitchen

Monday, April 03, 2017

Small finish

One of the 5 projects I finished last month.
DMC mini kit called Flower Urn it's only about 3 1/2 inches square so not something you would expect to take days to do but it did for me, this was the project that got one x some days

But it counts towards my goal of stitching some of kits up this year (yes I'm trying to think positive here)

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Happy dance time

I finished them :) :) :)

First the last bit I did to finish them 

And the overall finish :)

Silver Lining's Daffodils
28 Count Dove Grey, stitched over one.
Started 7 January 2004
Completed 25 February 2017

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Feburary Gifted Gorgeousness

Gifted Gorgeousness  is the brain child of Jo the idea is that we use those things in our stash that have been gifted to us over the years so they actually get to see the light of day and receive some love, it might be a chart, a skein of thread, a piece of fabric or even some of the trimmings.

This year I decided that I'd try and keep up with the monthly challenge over on Needlecraft Heaven

January's challenge was this freebie although it has 2016 on it was easy enough to change to 2017.
I used a couple of Needle Necessities from my stash and a piece of silver lurex linda (that's not made any more sadly) the purple is in the backgound is my backing fabric.
How does it qualify for GG I hear you ask, well first off it's a freebie so a gift from the designer and second I sent it to Teejay who loves penguins as a surprise gift and he was as excited to get some post as he was to get the ornament :) lastly my fella gifted me with a scrap pack of fabric and I used a piece of it for the back of the ornament

The rest of the gallery is here