Showing posts with label cosmic ceramic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cosmic ceramic. Show all posts

Friday, October 24, 2014

When "Brocade Collection" purses met "Moon Rock" beads - Polymer Clay Playtime

Floral Moon Rocks Polymer Clay Beads - Combined into a zippered purse
life has a funny way sneaking up on you.
I find it more and more difficult to find time to do my favourite things these days (blogging, claying more).
Becoming a vegan 3 months ago (along with 2 family members) demands its adjusting and more kitchen time.
I lost 10 kg due to this change and added physical activity to strengthen my muscles and body.
Being 43 demands maintenance!... :)
Too bad we have only 24 hours a day (or maybe we're lucky to have just 24?)'ll decide.

I did have the opportunity to work with clay the previous weekend, with a wonderful group of ladies from the Netherlands - Skyscraper beads and Brocade-Cosmic purses.

New Samples were created to adjust the combination and techniques mix. 
I called it "When Brocade Collection purses met Moon Rock beads", adding flowers and other inclusions. 

It's incredible how fun it is to mix tutorials, blend materials, "stir" techniques and create a completely different project every time - chalks, paints, pastes, powders, eye shadows, sponges, oil pastels, with just a bit of imagination (and trial) it all combine in a perfect harmony.
Don't be afraid to experiment!

The Dutch guild ladies were so creative with their Skyscraper & Cosmic Brocade purses projects, 4 different surface effects were introduced in the class and each student took her favourite technique and created a purse out of it (or 2, or 3!).

As always my classes are free of boundaries. 
I love to see how my students take a technique or an idea to their own creative voice. Even the same materials, instructions and steps, looks different in any artist hand. (Don't tell anyone but sometimes I see my students creativity and ask myself "how I didn't think of that?!" ;) 

You're welcome to lean back and take a look at the students gallery also in Facebook - Here 

See you soon!

Moon Rocks Polymer Clay Beads -
Combined into a zippered purse
Moon Rocks Polymer Clay Beads -
Combined into a zippered purse
Moon Rocks Polymer Clay Beads -
Combined into a zippered purse
Moon Rocks Polymer Clay Beads -
Combined into a zippered purse
Moon Rocks Polymer Clay Beads -
Combined into a zippered purse
Moon Rocks Polymer Clay Beads -
Combined into a zippered purse
Moon Rocks Polymer Clay Beads - Inside
Moon Rocks Polymer Clay Beads -
Combined into a zippered purse
Moon Rocks Polymer Clay Beads - Combined into a zippered purse 
Moon Rocks Polymer Clay Beads - Combined into a zippered purse


Polymer Clay Moon Rock Beads inside the oven 

The Complete collection of the polymer clay Moon Rocks purses
Skyscraper beads - polymer clay by Pris Wijnberg
Skyscraper beads - polymer clay beads by Rian Schreuder-Sanderse 
Skyscraper beads - polymer clay beads by Pris Wijnberg 
Skyscraper beads - polymer clay beads by Alexa Axart

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Polymeri Online 2.2.14 | Winter evening mirror, Hairy polymer cat tutorial, Line up your (beads) holes, Water and baking soda bread, PolyPediaOnline stencils few left in stock

This week we're all about free online tutorials!

It's been a while since I visited the Polymer clay Russian community and my recent visit filled my basket with links.

Mirror pocket by Bimur
First is Annie Bimur with a new tutorial, this time for a feathered style mirror she calls "winter evening".
This is a slow, accurate process of using liquid polymer clay and a needle tool to create the fine feathers effect but the final result is so delicate and beautiful. Winter it is.
Annie was mentioned here with her alcohol rings tutorial.
More goodies in her blog -

Polymer clay hairy cat tutorial
If you thought the previous link demands your full concentration and accuracy, take a look at this super cute project of a cat brooch.
Anna Oriona takes us into a journey of tiny bits of clay pressed slowly around a clay cat, initially cut from a card board template. These tiny clay bits looks like tiny hair! What a lovely brooch to wear on a jacket!
Anna is usually into sweets (both in her Youtube channel and blog) but from time to time she shares the process of her creation of other polymer clay goods.
In her Youtube channel you will find information about her knitted bracelet process and much more. Although in Russian, we are so fortunate the polymer language is international.

Easy way to line up your
polymer clay beads
Tonja Lenderman posted Vicki's Turner blog link on how to pierce consist holes in your beads when it comes to 2 or 3 holes in a single bead.
In her technique you can line up holes on irregular shaped beads using a tool she created. The pins she is using to create this tool are old T shaped macrame pins but I am sure you can find an alternative to these.

Polymer clay bread recipe
Polymer clay bread? Now possible. (Stella) is offering us a tutorial for creating a bread made of polymer clay, liquid clay and....water & baking soda! According to her recipe you should mix clay with water until is is very sticky, then add baking soda (mind the proportion!) and bake. The final result looks like a loaf of bread. Where is the peanut butter??!

polymer clay stencils
Last stencils left in my Etsy store! 
After many of you asked about the stencils used in the Cosmic Ceramic tutorial, I brought some for sale.
The stencils were offered on a first comes first serves basis and were a hit!
Only 7 styles left (out of 24)!

Stencils used on the
cosmic ceramic tutorial
They are 6 inches or 15 cm sized, self adhesive, flexible and great for your polymer clay, fabric, glass, wood and card making projects. Instructions how to neutralise the sticky side to use on clay will be included in your package.
Stencils used on the 
cosmic ceramic tutorial
I am not sure when I am re-stocking so if you want one - go ahead and get it.

Have great weekend!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

PolyPediaOnline Students Gallery - When Cosmic Ceramic meets YOU!

There is a say - "It is important to do the right research as well as to do the research right."

When we begin working on a new idea – when ink meets paper, brush meets canvas, hands meet (polymer) clay – It sometimes takes days, weeks or months of simmering and doodling until these tiny fragments slowly fuse together, letting us know it is time to show up and give them a physical form.

Featured on Polymer Clay Daily and "The Polymer Arts" blog, the "Cosmic Ceramic" was that moment. An idea coming to life in the right form at the right time with the right possibilities.
With "a little" work, our research was done.

When Hilla and myself got your wonderful photos, we knew you guys enjoyed it as much as we did.

Feedback such as -
"Thank You so much for helping me get back into my art. For the last 6 months I have been out of the mood, but your Tutorial brought me out of that." 

"The technique is genius! I can't wait to try it!"

"Thank you for your hard work in producing these excellent quality classes! Everyone who loves polymer clay should see this work!"

This post is for you, my dear worldwide students and friends, who make me feel like their proud mentor and keep me smiling each and every day.
Thank you all for sending along your wonderful photos and letting us know how much you are enjoying your time with this tutorial. This is the reason we do what we do, with lot's of love.

Here is the Cosmic selection of worldwide artists -
Italian Ornella AMATUCCI, with a diploma in arts, she gives expression to her fantasy and creativity in different forms: painting, artistic handwriting, creating jewelry in polymer clay and using different materials. This is her inspiration to the Himalayan Totem Pendants



Wolfschmuck -Annette Krüger's moon rocks and Olympic design! 

Annette Krüger's moon rocks and Olympic design!

Lynn Pearson Shiner's Aponi bracelets - What a colorful combination!

Lynn Pearson Shiner's Aponi bracelets

UK artist Carrie Harvey with her wonderful leaf beads from the "New Hampshire Foliage" project
and more beads

Carrie Harvey's leaves
Carrie Harvey's beads

Kate Golding's beautiful colorful beads! Art and Craftsmanship have always been a part of her life. Thanks to her mother, who introduced Kate to a world of crafts and skills, her youth was filled with, drawing, painting, basket weaving, beading, macrame, sculpting ( including '70s version of polymer clay!)

Kate Golding's beautiful colorful beads!

Italian artist Cecilia Leonini created a dazzling necklace using the ceramic technique and used her own shapes and colours!
Cecilia necklace (based on Himalayan pendants tutorial)

French l'atelier de lilaroz says she is an Amateur polymer clay artist since Christmas 2004, here is her version of the GreenLand bracelet -

l'atelier de lilaroz Bracelet
Germany artist Simone Wagner's - schmuckunst's flickr photos are another tribute to the Olympic rings necklace as well as a selection of other colorful beads.

Simone's Necklace (Moon Rocks interpretation)

Simone's Necklace

Simone's Beads

Kathy's Projects
outoftimedesigns - Kathy Richardson is having a good time with the ceramic technique. She started with pendants then moved to the mini houses, tea boxes and finalized with the incense holders. She is a self-taught artist, likes to play with any and all kinds of crafts/arts. Jewelry is her latest love. She says she has a web site but tend to sell her things while she is wearing them... ;) 

Kathy's Time for Tea Project

Kathy's Mini Houses

Kathy's Pendants

Barbara Lessen shared with me her beautiful creations using the tutorial - beads, pendants and necklaces, all in fine touch and elegantly made.
and more of her work - here

Barbara Lessen faux ceramic

Theresa -Yari RB thinks that the cosmic ceramic beads are mostly.... Addictive! I agree!

Theresa's Beads
chicco47 which was featured several times in my blog is a polymer clay addict. As she says in her flickr page - "... Since 2007 infected by Polymer clay, cure is hopeless!"...
This is her version of the FireWorks beads and the Olympic Rings Necklace.  

chicco47's Beads

chicco47's Beads

Susanne Roewekamp (artesannus) took the ceramic beads one step forward that even I am asking myself "what did she do here?"...In her piece she used natural shells like molds. 

Susanne Roewekamp's Shell beads
Priscilla Lane's herbs signs are so cute!
This is another polymer clay possibility I have never considered before! 

Priscilla's herb signs

Lizzi Bizzi Zizzi Bucklow-Holt's super cute Mini Houses button beads!
You can transform any project to any idea!

Lizzi Bizzi Zizzi Bucklow-Holt Mini Houses button beads

Italian artist Ariane Freisleben is working very hard on her cosmic ceramic work, almost each week a new jewel is joining her collection.

Ariane Freisleben's cosmic ceramic work

Ariane Freisleben's cosmic ceramic work

Ariane Freisleben's cosmic ceramic work

Ariane Freisleben's cosmic ceramic work

Ariane Freisleben's cosmic ceramic work

Ariane Freisleben's cosmic ceramic - mosaic work

Iris Gaye has her original beads shape to mimic the ceramic appearance. Faces, birds and figurines. How cute!
Iris Gaye-Vuille designs

Katja Benevol Gabrijelcic from Slovenia also posted her flower and leaves jewelry, mix media design

katja's mix media polymer clay jewelry
and another one -

katja's mix media polymer clay jewelry

and last is Veronique Hoffmann with her moon rocks & necklaces!

Veronique Hoffmann
Veronique Hoffmann

Veronique Hoffmann

Waiting for your photo!
I'd be happy to share them in my next "students gallery" post!

Join the Cosmic celebration!
Thank You all!