Showing posts with label meatloaf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meatloaf. Show all posts

Monday, March 23, 2009

#100_Better Than Store-Bought Pickles

Bread and Butter Pickles
My favorite kind of pickles!

The reason it is my favorite kind is probably because it is close to
our own
Philippines' atchara or papaya pickles.
I seldom eat sandwich but when I have cravings for one,
I'd make me a "subway type" in a crusty french bread with
bread and butter pickles
because I enjoy the crispiness from from the pickles.

I also enjoy eating them with my meat or fried fish as condiment
or just by themselves.

And...guess what I got in the mail today?!!
Yup! bread and butter pickles!!!
from manang, of kusinanimanang,
an online buddy and a fellow blogger!!
They were neatly packed and they came in perfect condition
from across the country
Oh..bless her heart!

Manang makes and bottles these pickles herself.
I went to her site where she shows a step-by-step process
of making and bottling them.
She even grows the cucumbers herself along with many other veggies.

I'm going to make an effort to plant some cucumbers
this summer and I will "try" to make them comes Fall.

Wayyy better than store-bought!

I was so excited to taste them, so as soon as I took the bottles
out of the box, I tried a piece, then another one....
and then another one, and one more, and ...
it was hard to stop with just few pieces!!
( I also happened to have left over piece of meatloaf).
Ohhhh, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it.
"Very much" is an understatement.

The blending of the pickling spices with the other seasonings is so perfect and
the cucumbers are perfectly crispy.

She even have some onion rings and chopped red bell peppers
in the mixture which not only added
extra flavors to the pickles but also enhanced the eye appeal.

If I rate this on a scale from 1-10, 10 being the highest,
I'll give it an honest 10!
plus 2 thumbs up!!

Yes, the best ever!!

Store-bought kind...
Be the judge!!

I had to show you this name brand kind that I thought it was good,
until I tasted Manang's.

It will be hard for me to go back to it now that I tasted the real thing from manang.

Mga mrs. diyan, let's plant some cucumbers this summer then go to manang's site

and get her instructions on how to bottle and can (as in canning).

This is what they call: