Showing posts with label Peaches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peaches. Show all posts

Thursday, September 10, 2009

#175_Turning Garden Bounties into Garden Meals

Late Summer and early Fall is the busiest season for me. I have been busy lately cooking up and using up all the produce I get from my garden and from my friends' garden before they get old and rotten. Then I will be freezing some or share with Pinoy friends.

Chicken and Squash in Tomato Sauce
Butternut squash is from my garden

Marinated Shallots with Green & Red Peppers and Garlic
Shallots and peppers are from my garden

Ginisang Upo
Upo is from my friend, Erlinda's garden.
Click here to see my post on Upo.

Chicken Tinola with Pepper Leaves
Pepper leaves from my garden.

Dinengdeng or Gulay (Vegetable Casserole)
I used zucchini, squash, eggplant, okra, string beans
and squash and zucchini blossoms...
some of the veggies are from my own garden and some from friends.

More peaches to freeze and to make jams

Upo Vine.
I never can grow upo in my yard.

My friend, Erlinda is always sharing her upo harvest with everybody,

and her peaches...and everything else in her garden.

Will be making Upside Down Peach Cake!

How about Zucchini-Peach Bread?

Got alot to do....
next on my list! Tomato Salsa with Peaches
Have a nice Fall...oppps, please don't fall!
I meant "have a nice Autumn!!"
