Showing posts with label Turkey Sandwich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Turkey Sandwich. Show all posts

Monday, December 7, 2009

#202_Turkey Sandwich

Super Simple Turkey Sandwich

I always enjoy left over turkeys more than I do the roast turkey on Thanksgiving Day. Aside from making arroz caldo (rice soup), I love making this turkey sandwich. I got the idea from a sandwich that I tried at a restaurant in Camp John Hay, a USAF Base in Bagiuo City many years ago.
Here's how to make this sandwich:

In a heavy skillet, melt a small amount of butter

Toss some shredded turkey (dark meat is best) into the pan with the butter until the meat is just heated through, adding salt and pepper while tossing the meat. Set the hot turkey aside.

Split up a french bread, then butter each side,

grill the buttered sides of bread in a hot pan
(I use cast iron skillet. A toaster oven which i don't own, might work good as well)

spread some mayonnaise on a grilled side (or both sides) of bread

Pile those turkey up as high or as low as you want
on one side of bread, top with cheese slices and cooked bacon (if desired)
then replace the other side of bread on top.

Really good!!
Nothing is better than simple things!

Notes from MaMely:
1) You can use tortillas instead of bread then make Turkey Roll Ups.
2) If you have leftover ham, you might as well throw them in to the pan with the turkey meat.
3) If using bacon and ham, you don't need to use a lot of salt on the turkey meat as the cheese, ham and bacon are loaded with salt already.
4) If using bacon, use the same pan with grease from frying bacon to saute the turkey in....ahh you'll have a flavorful sandwich!!