Showing posts with label the new house. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the new house. Show all posts


Anthology Issue 7 Sneak Preview!

The spring 2012 issue of Anthology Magazine debuts this week, and I'm over the moon to say that my home is included inside...


The mag will start showing up in mailboxes and stores soon. Until then, here's a sneak preview that includes a few pages from my feature, which was shot by the fabulously talented Courtney Apple and is entitled "Bold and Beautiful":

(To view the sneak preview, click here)

I'll have much more to say and share as this issue comes out, but let me just express now how honored I am to be included in such a beautiful publication. It was a thrill to work with the fabulous editors Meg Mateo Ilasco and Anh-Minh Le and writer Lauren McCutcheon, and of course the lovely Ms. Apple. I can't say how thankful I am to have been able to work with each of you.

Now, to see the actual magazine in print... I can't wait!

(Images via Anthology Magazine)


instagram moments

Some recent moments from my home and life, captured via Instagram...


(Please note the page from the most recent issue of Anthology magazine. That's my home featured in the sneak peek for the spring 2012 issue!! Wow!)


happy weekend + courtney apple photography

I hope you all had a great week! Mine ended on a particularly fun note as I had the opportunity to work with the immensely talented food and lifestyle photographer Courtney Apple....


Courtney spent a day photographing my newly re-decorated house for some upcoming projects that we've been discussing. What a treat to have such an accomplished and talented lady come into my home and apply her creative eye to my various home design projects. It was very flattering, and I can't wait to share the results with you down the road. Until then, please make an effort to peruse her lovely website and blog, which are full to the brim with delicious eye candy!

(All images by Courtney Apple via Courtney Apple Photography)


hello, ikat!

I've been on a bit of a decorating tear lately. This week, it's been all about the guest bedroom/office. How great are these ikat curtains?


I made them in about 1 hour last night, using this fabulous $5/yard ikat (from Jo-Mar, the most awesome fabric store ever, for those of you who live in Philly) and a roll of Stitch Witchery. I'm calling this room my 48-hour project. A year ago it was a super cute little bedroom and office. But due to laziness and storage issues, it turned into a giant, messy closet and has gone mostly untended since our wedding. 


But since Wednesday, I've cleaned out the boxes and junk and refreshed the whole space using decorative objects I had lying around the house. I did a quick recover of the headboard (please ignore the ugly air vent above it), using a scrap of fabric found at an Urban Outfitters sample sale. The pink and orange pillow came from that sale too -$3 - yay! - and the small peacock pillow was made for my wedding. The framed print is from Lulaland and was a wonderful shower gift that had yet to find a home.


The Tord lamp and the Thomas Paul pillow were holdovers from the original version of the room, and the office supplies are from the Container Store and those adorable Liberty-esque storage boxes are from the Christmas Tree Shop.


I still have a few more things to do - clean up the craft corner and organize my desk - but it's coming along nicely I think. The best thing though is just having a bright, colorful, pattern-filled space to enjoy...


new living room, in progress

As you may have noticed, I haven't been blogging a lot the past couple months. What have I been up to...? 


Just a bit of living room redecorating! The big project has been the built-in bookcase, and my guy totally knocked it out of the park. For the past three years, I've been staring at this weird in-set space running along our main wall - a 9 ft x 7 ft area that made it really difficult for us to arrange furniture. Finally, after way too long, the idea came to us - BUILT-IN BOOKCASE! 


We are so happy with the way it turned out! The storage and display space the shelves provide make a huge difference in our small living area. I love that I can store books, display pretty things, and have a permanent spot for our barware and serving dishes. There have been other changes too, such as a MUCH-more-vibrant wall color and a "new" sofa. By new I mean "new to us" because it's a antique store find from the 70's (here's a close up of the fabric)...


A lot more needs to be done.... new pillows for the sofa, chairs for the small dining table, custom framing for the otomi fabric, an area rug, maybe a comfy chair - but for the time being I'm happy with the direction of things. What do you think? Any suggestions for what should come next?


(All images by me)




Resolution for the new year? To redesign my living room, with the centerpiece being a huge built-in bookcase along the focal wall. Plans are starting to come together, and after coming across this stunning bookcase from M. Design Interiors I'm more excited than ever to make it happen. A lot of work will be required... my guy has agreed to tackle the bookcase project, and I have the job of repainting the room and sourcing out the various textiles and other objects. I'm planning to track the whole project here, so hopefully I'll have some updates for you soon!


happy friday + moving things around

I've been moving things around in our living room. It's so small that there aren't many options, but we decided to have the tv and startburst mirror switch walls. In other news, the picture wall is growing! Next time you see it every single inch of that wall will be covered. Also, I think the clutter (i.e. delightful knicknacks) is growing too! See below...

I'm not much for editing. Thankfully the other side of the room is much more restful on the eyes:

Hope you all have a great weekend! My goal will be not to bring any more animal figurines, patterned pillows or assorted doo dads into the house!


a touch of chevron


You know how it is when you look around a room and just think something is missing. I had been feeling that way about my master bedroom for a while. The walls were painted, I had new bed linens, a playful picture collage and a newly upholstered pink velvet bench under the window. There's color and pattern everywhere - why does it feel imcomplete? And then I looked at the windows. They were so plain! And that's when I decided that I needed bold pattern on the curtains to bring everything together. A black and white chevron print was my dream, but the idea of sourcing fabric and having full length drapes sewn seemed like way too much money and time. I wanted that burst of pattern right away! So off to Ikea, for two sets of the Lenda curtain in bleached cotton ($14.99 per pair!!) Another stop at Lowe's yielded a quart of semi-gloss acrylic black paint and one 4-inch trim roller. Back at home, I threw a drop cloth down on the living room floor, laid the first curtain panel on it (careful to smooth out all the wrinkles), and then started zig-zagging away. Several hours later, plus some drying time, and voila!, DIY chevron curtains! I like that the pattern looks rough and imperfect - that was part of the goal. Intentionally imperfect looks way better than something that tries to be perfect and fails, don't you think? So let me know what you think - did this project complete the room?
And in case your curious, here's my (much more glamorous!) inspiration:


I just need to upgrade to a fur throw, get rid of my old-fashioned tv (on which I watch Friday Night Lights dvds while I'm getting dressed, thank you very much), get a sparkly light fixture and a lucite chair, and generally add a dose of SPARKLE! I'm glad I still have projects to work on...

(Last image via Anne Coyle Interiors)


I've been away


... but I'm very happy to be back now! It's been a busy fall and I've found it harder and harder to keep up with my Peacock Feathers posts. But I miss being here, and I miss hearing from all of you. So here I am, ready to share some new projects and, of course, all the pretty things that inspire me! As for the picture above - well, I've been hanging a lot of new pictures in my house, so it seemed appropriate to me, even if it doesn't to anyone else! Anyway, back to blogging...

(Image via Paul Costello)



Found this weekend:
Needlepoint Picasso...$10

Vintage metal arc lamp... $20


Wedding Bits and Pieces


A few of you have asked me about my wedding photos. Oh how I wish I could share them with you, but for the moment I have to keep them under wraps! In the meanwhile, here are a view glimpses of wedding decor that have found a new home in my home. These amazing striped banners are some of my favorite pieces from the whole wedding. Created as welcome banners to flank the main entrance to the ceremony, they were custom-made by my colleague Matt Muscarella with gorgeous calligraphy by Melissa Kistler. Now they hang in my guest bedroom over the pillow-strewn daybed. The kittens seem to approve, and so do I...


More scenes from my house

Wingard vase, John Derian decoupage plate, Owly Shadow Puppets puppet theater, fabric terrarium by Paper Satchel, and mason jar with vintage brooches used in my wedding bouquet

Our office/music room/guest bedroom, with new cotton panel drapes from Ikea (they used to be cobalt blue...yikes)

A cute lion figurine (used as place card at my wedding)

The vintage brooches used in my wedding bouquet!

Kittens lounging (and wrestling!) on the daybed...

Another view of the daybed, and some of my vintage blue mason jars

And here's a new piece I found for my 3rd floor hallway. This corner has been empty (except for the chandelier) for a while now, and so when I saw this little desk on the side of the road I couldn't help but bring it home. Still not sure about the styling - I think it needs something round hanging above it instead of the two small framed prints. Also, the colors are a little all over the place and there are too many random knicknacks. But I love the old mason jars next to the Hermes box... that's staying...
