Showing posts with label Courtney Apple Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Courtney Apple Photography. Show all posts


Anthology Issue 7 Sneak Preview!

The spring 2012 issue of Anthology Magazine debuts this week, and I'm over the moon to say that my home is included inside...


The mag will start showing up in mailboxes and stores soon. Until then, here's a sneak preview that includes a few pages from my feature, which was shot by the fabulously talented Courtney Apple and is entitled "Bold and Beautiful":

(To view the sneak preview, click here)

I'll have much more to say and share as this issue comes out, but let me just express now how honored I am to be included in such a beautiful publication. It was a thrill to work with the fabulous editors Meg Mateo Ilasco and Anh-Minh Le and writer Lauren McCutcheon, and of course the lovely Ms. Apple. I can't say how thankful I am to have been able to work with each of you.

Now, to see the actual magazine in print... I can't wait!

(Images via Anthology Magazine)


from the inspiration files....soft and pretty


(from top: fashion photograph by Koray Birand for Vogue Hellas via Fashion Gone Rogue; bathroom image by Patrick Cline via Lonny; purse image via The Coveteur; fur and shoes image photograph by Morten Holtum; Karen Elson editorial photographed by Craig McDean for US Vogue; sparkling puppy dog by Aaron Ruell; cupcake photograph by Courtney Apple)


happy weekend + courtney apple photography

I hope you all had a great week! Mine ended on a particularly fun note as I had the opportunity to work with the immensely talented food and lifestyle photographer Courtney Apple....


Courtney spent a day photographing my newly re-decorated house for some upcoming projects that we've been discussing. What a treat to have such an accomplished and talented lady come into my home and apply her creative eye to my various home design projects. It was very flattering, and I can't wait to share the results with you down the road. Until then, please make an effort to peruse her lovely website and blog, which are full to the brim with delicious eye candy!

(All images by Courtney Apple via Courtney Apple Photography)