Did any of you catch the amazing house tour on Vogue.com of Vogue writer,
Lauren Santo Domingo's super cool NYC home? There's lots of eye candy to check out, but what I keep coming back to is the super chic ensemble she's wearing here. Makes me want to dig through my closet and put together something even half as inspired as her pairing of polka-dotted skirt and leopard blouse. The mod wallpaper and the Warhols aren't so bad either, but what I really love are the clothes!
Here's another glimpse of her apartment - this time, the living room. See what I mean, so, so chic...
Oh, just a massive and fabulous Cy Twombly looming over a ultra-loungey velvet sofa, with a spatter-painted rug and a couple Jeff Koons sculptures hanging out in the corner. Pure heaven! Maybe I will finally splurge on that
Twombly coffee table book I've had my eye on forever, which would be perfect for my new bookcase. Just a tiny bit of glamour, and for only $50!
(All images by Claiborne Swanson Frank for Vogue.com)