I finished yesterday’s post asking what the next new
species for Maridalen would be. Well the answer came today: Black Kite! Not
seen by me but photographed over the church ruins (where I had this RedKite in 2012). So four new species in the course of five days and five for the
year including the Mandarin from a few weeks ago.
I chose to prioritise a harmonious life and did not
go out early. I was very happy with my decision but it did mean I missed the
kite plus a Marsh Harrier and an astonishing 11 Kestrel that Halvard saw
together. I did get into the Dale just after lunch with the family and dog in
tow. It was raining hard and we drove around first hoping that the rain would
stop. No Kestrels were left (the wonders of migration) but three Cranes on the
field where they had regularly been earlier in the spring suggests breeding has
When the rain had almost stopped we went for our
walk across the fields and I thought I heard yesterday’s Ortolan singing. I
went searching and although it did not sing again I found it and got to see it
fairly well plus heard it calling. I lost it for a bit and it was raining too
much but I eventually found it again. Then it flew up into a bush where after a
wait a handful of birds eventually flew out and down onto a field. I found an
Ortlan on the deck but surely this was another much less brightly coloured bird?
It again flew up and I then found the colourful male in the same area it had
disappeared into and begun to question my skills again. But my pictures show without
doubt that there was a male and a female (I was initially not sure whether it
could be a 2cy male but I don’t think so now). I never saw them together and
saw nothing to indicate they were a pair or the possibility of breeding but
they were in exactly the same area. Ortolan has become an extremely rare
breeding species in Norway with maybe no more than 10 pairs (more unpaired
males) left in a very small area of Hedmark, to the north of Oslo where they
seem to have a very specific habitat choice. Decades ago they used to be a
common breeder in many areas of southern Norway in farmland and where they are
in Maridalen looks to actually be a suitable breeding area. It is a very
popular area with people indulging in “recreational” activities but enough
other birds manage to breed there so fingers crossed although it is of course
much more likely that they are grounded migrants and will move on once the
weather is favourable for migration.
The Ring-necked Duck was still present and it was
again interesting to watch the differences in its diving technique when
compared to the Tufted Ducks.
the male Ortolan |
the female Ortolan. Note the brown as opposed to green head and streaking on throat and breast |
the male from other angles showing how orange he is on the underneath |
and the female from different angles showing the extent of the streaking |
the bedraggled male with tertials a bit out of alignment |
looking very boldly coloured here (you could even wonder whether there are two males but we see the tertials are the same) |
I never saw the two together but this picture at 13:37 shows the male |
and this picture at 13:38 in exactly the same place shows the female but I have no picture with both in and if I remember correctly the male flew up after I took his picture and what turned out to the the female flew down shortly after |
wet and worn Sparrowhawk (spurvehauk) that was hunting breeding Starlings |
the three Cranes (trane) which appear to be a pair plus a friend. The middle bird is much darker underneath. Is this as a result of sitting on a wet nest that has now been flooded due to all the recent rain? |
here one of them got a seeing to from what I assume was the male of the pair |
Here a video of the Ring-necked Duck from today
And a video of some of the Golden Plovers from yesterday
And the Cranes not doing what I predicted they would do
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