Sunday dawned with thick fog again and I really should have
just stayed in bed but the lure of Maridalen was too strong. There were two occurrences
of note in an otherwise bird lite two hours.
Firstly, it was nice to note the first Bramblings amongst
the growing flocks of Chaffinches. The Chaffinch flocks now contain females
whereas less than a week ago were entirely made up of males. My first Chiffchaff
of the year was of course also a sighting of note J
In the afternoon I had a walk with Mrs OB in
warm sunshine and we saw two Lizards and an Adder although increase or change
in the generally low number of birds.
adder (hoggorm) |
2 male Bramblings (bjørkefink) |
any ideas what this beautiful fungus is? |
Common Lizard (nordfirfisle) |