This year hasn’t been that good for butterflies yet with
lots of rain and when there is sun it is often windy. I have consequently not
spent much time searching for them but as with all things with wings sometimes
they come to you. Yesterday whilst driving in Maridalen I saw a large black and
white butterfly flutter in front of the car. For the first time (that I can
remember at least) I emergency stopped for an insect although it soon transpired
I had all the time in the world. The butterfly, which was a Poplar Admiral
(ospesommerfugl) was attracted to the road and was clearly finding something
good, probably salt, on the tarmac. It managed to avoid death at the hands of
passing cars, although all slowed down as they were clearly interested to see
what I was up to, and it kept landing and showing itself off from all angles.
Whilst this was happening a Swallowtail flew over although unfortunately did
not stop. So arguably the two most spectacular Norwegian butterflies at the
same time and in the Dale 😊
Poplar Admiral (ospesommerfugl). Only the fourth time I've seen one and by far and away the most cooperative. They are famous for being attracted to dog sh*t but seems tarmac roads are just as attractive |
I paid a visit to Østensjøvannet yesterday hoping that the rainy
weather might have produced something (a Black Tern turned up at Årnestangen at
the weekend) but as with all my rain fuelled visits this spring there was not
even a Swallow to see. Something is clearly up with the lake with there being
no insects hatching and therefore no Swallows, terns or most importantly gulls
to feed off them. I reckon that this is the reason that Black-headed Gulls, which
used to breed here in a colony of many hundreds of pairs, have now more or less
completely abandoned the lake for breeding. It did look like there were two nesting
pairs though which was a surprise although whether they can raise young is
another thing.
Even if there were no insect eaters, a couple of male
Gadwall in eclipse plumage were most unexpected.
male Gadwalls (snadderand) in eclispe |
Coot (sothøne) parent and young |
when at Østensjøvannet it is rude not to take a picture of a Great Crested Grebe (toppdykker)
Maridalsvannet has been having lots of hatching insects over
the last few weeks with many Common and a few Black-headed Gulls hawking them.
There have also been Common Tern which today peaked at 6 birds which I am sure
is a record here. There have also been lots of Swifts, Swallows and House Martins
and the odd sighting of Sand Martin. Today there three birds including a pair
mating on wires right above my head. I never saw them visiting potential nest
holes although they have previously bred in holes between stones on a nearby bridge.
I did foolishly have another nocturnal outing last night but
with nothing to show for it I think this must be my last of the year, in
Maridalen at least.
mating Sand Martins (sandsvale) |
Swallows (låvesvale) collecting nesting material. The bird on the left is ringed. It is quite late to be nest building |
I haven't been able to make much out of the ring not even which country |
Marsh Warblers (myrsanger) have become quiet as they pair off |
there are now two Pink-footed Geese (kortnebbgås) at Maridalsvannet. At least one of them is paired to a Greylag and maybe both |
These two Mallard (stokkand) chicks are very different |
the Great Northern Diver (islom) is going strong |
and yet another video of it