Showing posts with label sundew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sundew. Show all posts

Monday, 12 August 2019

Non birds from the north

My final installment (I think) from summer in the north with the non bird photos

first an animal. This fox was searching the seaweed for food and was oblivious to my presence until it heard the click of the camera..

A Dark Green Fritillary / aglajaperlemorvinge / Speyeria aglaja

Large Wall Brown / klipperingvinge / Lasiommata maera

Pearl-bordered Fritillary / rødfleket perlemorvinge / Boloria euphrosyne

my first ever Cranberry Fritillary / myrperlemorvinge / Boloria aquilonaris

a female Purple-edged Copper / purpurgullvinge / Lycaena hippothoe

and the similar Small Copper / ildgullvinge / Lycaena phlaeas

a Northern Brown Argus / sankthansblåvinge / Aricia artaxerxes

and an Idas Blue / idasblåvinge / Plebejus idas.  Identified purely on range as separation from the similar Silver-studded Blue / argusblåvinge is apparantly only possible under the microscope

there were very few dragonflies to see but I did get a couple of new species. This is a White-faced Darter / småtorvlibelle / Leucorrhinia dubia

and this is an Azure Hawker / fjellibelle / Aeshna caerulea 

My interest in flowers is still in its infancy although the fantastic Plantsnap App that Mrs OB has is making things a lot easier.

But, here are some flowers that were so obvious that I managed to notice and ID them (hopefully correctly) myself

this is the first time I have seen a meat eating plant away from a botanical garden. This is an English Sundew / smalsoldogg / Drosera anglica. Notice the insect that has been caught

and here is Round-leaved Sundew / rundsoldogg / Drosera rotundifolia 
 It is orchids that I spot the most but which I also find most difficult especially with all the variation in colour, spots on leaves, hybridisation and changing taxanomic status (I take loads of photos and will one day have the knowledge to work out what they are). Some orchids though are a lot easier:

this is a Dark-red Helleborine / rødflangre / Epipactis atrorubens

and here is what I believe is the same species in bud
and this orchid is very easy to walk past due to the green flowers but once you have your eye can be quite numerous: Eggleaf Twayblade / stortveblad / Neottia ovata
And here a some of the more difficult ones but where I think I have got the ID right:

Laplad Marsh Orchid / lappmarihand / Dactylorhiza majalis subsp. lapponica

and this is a Fragrant (marsh) Orchid / brudespore / Gymnadenia conopsea but there are subspecies I think so I may not be as specific as I could be