Showing posts with label feldegg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label feldegg. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Israel III - Little Crake

I am stuck in front of the computer at the moment fine tuning a wader identification course I am shortly going to be giving.

It doesn't look like I am missing too much by not being in the field but I am still itching to get out.

Here is my third installment from this springs Israel trip. This time just one species, Little Crake. The sewage pools at Yotvata attract a lot of birds and whilst we were there at least two Little Crakes (sumprikse) would show in the late afternoon along the edge of the reeds on one of the pools. It was interesting to watch the feeding technique of this rarely observed species which involved picking up vegetation and hoping to find something hiding underneath.

male Little Crake together with a Yellow Wagtail of the race feldegg
with a Common Sandpiper

this female Little Crake was harder to observe

male and female together