Showing posts with label Andree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andree. Show all posts

Sunday, September 12, 2010

One Single Impression Is On Facebook

One Single Impression

 On the side bar (and right here!), you'll find our Facebook Page. If you click on it, it will take you to the One Single Impression page. We already have one (besides me) who has liked it — thank you, Robert!

We need 25 Likes from all of you and then we can have a permanent URL, so click away, folks! And please join the discussion about OSI blog design changes. Please post photos, videos, add your poetry in Notes. Make comments on the wall!

 Oh, and I will friend any of you who like the page. I hope that isn't a put-off for you! Take care and have a wonderful week!

—  Andrée
PS: Don't miss the new prompt list! It is just below this week's prompt (or click here)!Also, please follow OSI on Networked Blogs (on the sidebar here).!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Link Problems

Every Saturday night I check to make sure that the OSI post has published properly and that Mr. Linky is working. I miss a few nights. Once, a chicken was squawking outside the garage at midnight and I had to run out and see why. There was a fisher cat in the barn and the hen had escaped its clutches. But it took two hours to make sure the chickens were secure again, to make sure the fisher cat was back up on the mountain, and to get that girl back to bed. Returning to the computer, I found problems with Mr. Linky at 2 AM that night and had to stay up even later to fix it!

Last night I saw that Mr. Linky wasn't working and that the OSI blog was loading extremely slowly. I knew the loading problems were caused by Mr. Linky. But often these problems clear up overnight, so I went to bed confident that all would be well.

All is not well, as you can see. I've reached the end of my patience with Mr. Linky. I pay for their service and have been loyal. Their tech support is quick and good. But the problems continue and I don't want to deal with problems when there are other linking services that don't seem to have problems.

Therefore, without even consulting Sandy, I will be switching to, which is the same linking service used by SkyWatch, Haiku Heights, and other memes. The change over may be messy. I hope you continue to have patience with the change over and with me. I want your links to be quick and easy to input and I want them available all the time to other readers. I never want you to feel frustrated or have you return again and again and attempt to input your link.

I am going to put inlinkz on today's Prompt 129: Beginning starting right now. I will add each of you manually. But I will be putting your e-mail addresses as Be sure that you update and fix this next week in your link. I will also choose an iconic graphic from your blog to identify your link. The page will continue to load slowly until I can delete the Mr. Linky script. I won't be able to delete that script until I have completed entering your links from your e-mails. Please be patient and hang in here with us! I should've done this change over months ago and I apologize for not doing so. I am skipping church and will sit with this until it is fixed.

Please put any new links into the inlinkz widget (the blue button under Mr. Linky). OR you can simply put your link URL in a comment text field. Thank you!

Best wishes —

Our problems are fixed! We have inlinz now and it works beautifully.
Just be sure that next week you make sure your URL and e-mail are correct.
Thank you
so much!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sandy and Andree

Sandy is a teacher, writer, and a mother to her 9-year-old muse. She has published her poetry in several collections — Seventeen Park Lane, Silent Spaces, Writing in Faith, and Out of the Blue. She has a long-standing interest in graffiti and has published Strange Attractions Exploring Graffiti about her experiences of the art form and its creators.

Sandy lives in Connecticut with her husband and daughter.

Andree is a teacher of mathematics to middle school and community college students. Until One Deep Breath, she never wrote poetry unless under the threat of a teacher. She is mother to Anna, Amelia, Andrew, and Danielle, and grandmother to Wingnut. She is a contributor to Dr. Math® Gets You Ready for Algebra. She has had two photos published (so far). Her passions are photography, blogging, her cats and her home in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont in Barton, where she lives alone. For now.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

An Update and Blogroll Requests

Hi everyone! The first 36 hours of this blog have seen over 150 visitors from all over the world. I am astounded and gratified by the positive response. The hairy woodpecker on the left is my profile photo. If you see this bird on a post at One Single Impression, you will know the post is from me.

If you would like to be added to the blogroll, could you please leave a link in the comments or in an e-mail? If I had my druthers, I would add each of you as soon as you comment. But that is rude. You can easily reach us at

Coming up:
  • Bios of Sandy and myself. She has great photos from her part of the world. I have great photos of my cats, wild birds, and wild red squirrels.
  • How-tos (some of which I am learning how-to-do myself!).
What else, technically, do you want? What do you need from me? I am the technology person for the blog.

Thank you for your support; I'm having a ball doing this!