Sunday, October 26, 2008

Prompt 35: Gift

Thanks to Janice of My Bellavia for this week's prompt of gift. Thanks, Janice, for the image and the poetry here, as well.

inside my card
"always strive to do the right thing"
- my father's words

constant through the years
his words
have guided me

more precious are
his words
than any gift of retail

and every time i use them
i dance with him
knowing he was right

- - - - - - - - - -

Sometimes, the smallest thing is the greatest gift of all. Today I remembered for the first time a day visiting my great grandfather when I was three or four years old.

unexpected memory
at the golden age of fifty
great grandfather's face
k k k k k k k

How to Participate in One Single Impression
  • Post your poetry on your blog. This does not need to be today. You can post any time during the week.
  • Come here and enter your link into Mr. Linky. Other participants can easily find you by clicking your name in Mr. Linky.
  • Enjoy the beautiful poems of the other bloggers.
  • There is a new Mr. Linky each week so you always have to sign up on the current one. Please do not sign your name on Mr. Linky unless you are participating in One Single Impression.
  • Mr. Linky will remain here forever. A list of past themes is on the sidebar. You can check back at any time for information on a past theme.
Thank you and enjoy!


  1. Lovely prompt! I like how you explore special gifts that last a lifetime!

  2. Thanks Janice for a wonderful prompt. I actually had two works to submit! I look forward to reading everyone else's stories and poems, this week.

  3. Thanks for the inspiration. JP/deb

  4. Great prompt, and photo! I wasn't able to leave a comment on your blog (or Barb's) this week - don't know why, I could the week before but this time it just wouldn't 'take' Ah the mysteries of computers...

  5. Thank you for this prompt! What a great photo.

  6. I like these prompts that have me going in circles....thanks!

  7. It seems different countries, different cultures, we really can decide things in the same understanding of the difference!
    Personalized Signature:我喜欢淮安掼蛋,靖江青儿,南通长牌,姜堰23张,常州麻将这些地方言游戏
