Showing posts with label Essex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Essex. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Essex Byzantine Cataphracts

Picked these up for an amazingly low price of $A0.50 a figure from Tactics.  Better still I was using a voucher my daughter had given me for Xmas.  But best of all I have them assembled, painted and based and heading to the tabletop.

First with flash:

Then without:

The archers I cut in two and repositioned, so they were firing over the heads or between the front rank (rather in the sidewards pose that looks rather daft).  

The Essex codes are BZA 14 and BZA 15 (the latter being the archers).

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Yet More Romans

I needed another unit to do justice to the Carrhae scenario I am working on.

When I was painting these I felt as if I was being a bit rough and ready, but seeing them magnified I am presently surprised.

Friday, November 25, 2022

A Base Full of Romans

My Roman expansion continues.  This unit has eight figures preloved to which I have added seven more.

A red wall to be proud of.
I much prefer the tighter grouping.

Second Class Republican Legionnaires from the rear.

The difference in flesh tones, shininess of helmets and tunic trim
are the exDBA figures that have been updated and rebased.

There are still a few more to go.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

For a few Romans more

It's not all playing games on this blog, been also doing the hard yards in painting and basing these cute chaps.  Three, maybe more were already painted, but the rest I did.  I originally thought they were transfers on the shields, but now I see they were hand painted.  Amazing work, but I didn't trust myself to try and replicate the work.  These are a second line legion unit after all.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

More Romans

Three new units.  One painted from scratch; one consisting of purchased already or mostly painted figures plus some additions newly painted by me; and one just needed basing.

Painted from scratch with new spears.
I'm thinking they might look better if I had based them closer together?

It is only when I see the detail in a nice big photo that I find I've made a few mistakes.

But the biggest embuggerance is the hand holding the spear.
A combination of poor positioning by me,
plus blob of glue.

About four of these are newly painted.
Again I think they would look better if based closer.

The ones I painted can be spotted because I didn't finish dry brushing their plumes
and the missed bits on the rear of the helmets are so obvious.
How could I have miss that?

At least these guys don't have deformed hands

All I did was base these 

My new, new Republican Romans so far:
Cavalry, Principes, Triarii and Velites

These were figures I purchased before I made the big purchase.  I am glad I am now making progress on getting them operational.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Slightly Rebased Dacian Cavalry

Having performed so well in their recent battles I decided to apply some minor TLC as well as seeing if I could trim back the bases' depths to my standard size.  The trim worked okay and I also took the opportunity to add more flock.  I originally thought these figures were from Old Glory, but now think they are Essex (DC1 Light Cavalry). 

A bit of loss of focus happening here...

They are a good looking bunch.
The rough edge on the base resulting from my trim,
is mostly hidden.
Some of those spears have so far resisted straightening...

The four bases fit well together and make a fine Impetus base

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

RO6 Camillan Roman: Heavy cavalry with javelin & shield

These were an 85% complete cavalry unit that came as part of a bigger purchase of unpainted and part painted Romans via a Facebook trading group thingy earlier this year.  Finally some progress.  One figure has been painted from scratch, I changed the position of the spears which required the plumes to be redone, one horse's tail had broken off and has been resecured and there were a few chips to the paint work to repair.

Very happy with the original paint work and pleased I was able to match it.  Good luck picking out which figure is all my own work :-)

The only way I can pick the figure I painted is by looking at the faces.  My technique is different.

Monday, September 12, 2022

EGA2a Early German: Sarmation Extra Heavy Cavalry

These came as part of another purchase and just need some TLC, specifically repairing some spears.  I fixed up a few paint chips and added more flock to the basing, but otherwise they are as is.

Not my best photo, but the repaired spears are on the second figure from the right, front row,
and third, fourth and fifth figures in the rear rank.
I used cut down nails, super glued and reinforced with PVA glue.

A very handy unit to have.

Bow armed as well.
Nice :-)

Thursday, February 17, 2022

The Romans are Coming!

I'm about to start on an early Roman army to match my Carthaginians.  This is based on a DBA army I picked up from the late Tony Cooper, some spare figures from Simon and a purchase from a chap in New Zealand which I had the good fortune to find on Facebook.

Need to do some research, but I am sure I have at least enough for a Basic Impetus army.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

More Austrian Infantry

The final batch of figures from the purchase of Stan's Austrians.  Just fixed a few paint chips and based them.  A rifles needed gluing to strengthen them (I hope it works).  Three were badly broken and so were converted to standard bearers (with added flags of course - easy with a colour printer).

With the black facings they can represent:
60. Giulai.

Although I could claim the black is actually a very dark green or blue and then they can be:
33. Sztaray,
51. Splenyi,
61. St.Julien, and/or
62. F.Jellacic.

As they represent a brigade sized formation (or large regiment - 16 figures represent 960 men) I am not too fussed.

However, these figures are actually Grenz, but I will claim the depot outfitting these Hungarian infantry units ordered the wrong head gear or was commanded by an officer whose brother only made Grenz style shakos or had a warehouse full of the things and was desperate to use them.

Friday, November 13, 2020

My First Unit of Austrian Uhlans

Uhlan Regiment No. 1 Merveldt.  These were part of a windfall, impromptu purchase from Stan.  They required a bit of assembly, basing and repairing of a few paint chips, but I did little more than that (okay, I did change the sheepskin colour and painted the saddle cloth trim and did a little bit of work on the Czapka.  These Essex figures are a challenge to fit on the Napoleon's Battles bases, but they are now ready for action.

With flash.

Without flash.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

My Second Unit of Austrian Hussars

Or more properly Hussar Regiment No. 4 Hessen-Homberg.  These were part of a windfall, impromptu purchase from Stan.  They required basing and a bit of TLC to repair some paint chips, but I also re-lifed them by redoing their shakos and adding a brighter green highlight to their jackets and same to their pants.  While Essex figures are not my favourite, they have come up a treat!  They join my other Essex Austrian Hussar regiment that I completed back in April and which can be seen here:

The flags come moulded on which meant I had to hand paint it.  Not a lot of fun, but it will do.
This last image was taken without the flash and shows just how dark the colours are.  
I've seen the Hessen-Homburg regiment painted up in almost a fluoro green,
but that's not for me.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Numidian Light Cavalry

A cheap buy until I discovered they were missing their shields.  After looking at drawing pins and such, I found the head of a cleat nail to be perfect.  My other lucky break was using Jo Sonja's texture paste to secure them (as well as using it for the attaching the rider to the horse).  It dries hard, fills gaps and is sticky enough to start with to hold the pieces in place.

The other nice find was

The cleat nail.