Three new units. One painted from scratch; one consisting of purchased already or mostly painted figures plus some additions newly painted by me; and one just needed basing.
Painted from scratch with new spears.
I'm thinking they might look better if I had based them closer together?
It is only when I see the detail in a nice big photo that I find I've made a few mistakes.
But the biggest embuggerance is the hand holding the spear.
A combination of poor positioning by me,
plus blob of glue.
About four of these are newly painted.
Again I think they would look better if based closer.
The ones I painted can be spotted because I didn't finish dry brushing their plumes
and the missed bits on the rear of the helmets are so obvious.
How could I have miss that?
At least these guys don't have deformed hands
All I did was base these
My new, new Republican Romans so far:
Cavalry, Principes, Triarii and Velites
These were figures I purchased before I made the big purchase. I am glad I am now making progress on getting them operational.