Along with the two M10s, I was also short two M3s for the Stolberg Corridor campaign game. I took my time, but they are now ready for the next session (coming soon).
Sunday, April 14, 2024
A pair of M3s and More
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
A Pair of M10s
For Stolberg I am short two M10s. I was planning to use spare armour, but Tactics had a pack and so...
Interesting to compare with one I already had and can be seen here: One M10.
Sunday, October 8, 2023
A Nice Pair of 88s
Part of a pack shared with Simon. I really only needed one, but a pair is nice - one early and one late.
Monday, May 8, 2023
Sd Kfz 250/9 (2cm)
For the Stolberg game I needed a proper German late war recon model. While the single pack Flames of War models have all but disappeared, I was able to pick up a triple pack of Battlefront Sd Kfz 250 models that can be built in different configurations. All plastic, but nice models, although perhaps not as good a fit as Zvezda kits.
Anyway, this little chap and the separate little 3D printed ammo markers suffered the same dry dust varnish problem as befell the Soviet artillery. At least it just adds charm to this model.
The mottling is most noticeable on these blown up images. On the table you don't really see it (as you will see in the next post on the Stolberg game).
Friday, May 5, 2023
109 grams of Soviet artillery
I'm going with Battle Front as the gun model manufacturer, but the crews are mostly Command Decision (and I was short a few figures, but then any more on the base and it would look crowded - the extra crew are off somewhere loading ammo).
But crew shortage is not the problem here. It is climate change! It is late Autumn here in Perth, WA and the weather is unseasonably and wonderfully warm, not that I'm complaining. Normally I spray varnish my models in the morning, but as it is rather damp these days (in keeping with the season, morning dew etc) I went with spraying later in the day. I didn't appreciate how warm it was. Now my models have a nice layer of dust, which thankfully looks rather effective.
Anyway, I think these are 122mm Howitzers, Model 1938.
Friday, April 7, 2023
Two Panzer Four
The kits were purchased for last Xmas and have been waiting patiently to be completed.
Saturday, December 31, 2022
144 grams of Soviet artillery
I've had these almost finished for a good while, but they are done now. Excess to what I need, but fits in nicely with what I want. Crews are Battlefront, although maybe a few Command Decision figures have crept in. I would have liked some extra figures to add to the bases, but three will have to do (and if I did have more crew they would be best on a separate base hauling ammo).
Monday, December 19, 2022
218 grams of Soviets
My Soviet forces continue to put on weight, although the gain of late has been a bit slow. In part this has been due to the need to source a few additional figures to make up crews etc. So what follows contains additions to my original 10kg purchase.