Showing posts with label ice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ice. Show all posts

Friday, February 4, 2011

Skating Comedy of Errors...

What's funnier then watching a parent who doesn't know how to skate
on the ice with his kid?
Two parents who don't know how to skate
trying to teach two toddlers...

Kendal and I took the kids skating last weekend...
It was NOT fun...LOL!
First of all, I can skate, but haven't in years...
and trying to do it with a 2 year old girl who has never been on skates??
I will leave it to your imagination. 

It did get better...
In the beginning she cried because she was on the ice...
When we went to leave, she cried because we were leaving...LOL!

Kendal and Jeremy did better...
By the time he got off the ice with Jeremy, 
he was able to walk on the ice without help...
And so could Kendal!  

We probably will try again...
After some good tranquillizers...LOL!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring in Wascana...

A new bridge being built..
we are looking forward to not having to walk alongside the noisy road..

The geese are still hanging out on the ice...
You would never know by the pictures how warm it really was out..

Parliment building...

As if it wasn't hard enough walking two dogs..LOL!
This poor daddy had his hands full...

Autumn Grace


Dad and son...