Monday, February 26, 2007

Relaxing Weekend...

To see more new pics click on this link or on the above picture! least for us lately.....I was Talon free for most of the weekend...
Talon and I had a rough go this week, as he cried for three days straight. Poor guy was teething and had a cold and not feeling well, and so he was miserable...
By Friday I was a wreck, so I finally had my husband call my MIL and asked if they could come take him from me. I had all Friday to myself, and then we weren't feeling well Friday night, so baby Jeremy and I went and laid down in my room and fell asleep..Bree is such a sweetheart. When she came home, she was concerned for me, so she slept with Talon in the living room so that I wouldn't be woken up. As it was, I am not used to sleep anymore, and by five, both Jeremy and I were awake.
We had fun though...I was bored so we went and sat in Jer's room, and played...I dressed him....(at 5 in the morning-crazy mommy....) and he sat there on the floor staring at things and making his first chatty noises...and then he smiled at me for the first time...(and NO IT WASN'T GAS...) They grow up so fast....I will take my smiles where I can get them...even at 5am!
Sleeping must have done something good for me, even if it was only till 5 am...because I was a ball of energy all Sat...Kendal and I went for breakfast, and then I took him to work....and then I didn't want to go I ended up at my friend-Krystal McNeice's house for coffee. I stayed there until 11 and then I went to the airport to pick up Brandy who was back from Ottawa. (She had a really good time, but I will let her post about that later on)
Later when Kendal got off work, we went and hung out at the Cornwall Center (because Children's Place had a really good sale-shirts for $5.99) We went and bought Jeremy, Talon, and Jenae[sp?] (my friend Tammy's unborn daughter) some clothes....and then we went to the Gap (because we really needed too [insert sarcasm here] Jeremy apparently is a typical boy though...cause he cried through the whole trip...LOL! We also went for coffee with Harold and Judy at Second Cup so that they could see their grandson...
We were just going to go home, when our friends Paul and Tammy called and asked if we wanted to do something, and so we went and hung out with them for the evening....
Sunday I had to be at church at 9.30 because we had choir in the morning, and as I was still Talon free, we actually made it on time! (Talon was with Harold and Judy) after we went for lunch with Harold and Judy and our friend Kim, to a restauraunt where my daughter Krystal works.
Last night was REALLY nice. Jeremy only woke up once, and nursed for a while, and as Talon was at him mommy's place, I actually had the first reall sleep I have had since Jeremy was born....(I forgot what sleep was like)
Talon is officially supposed to be going home to his mom's house on March 1st now...
We are really going to miss him, and hope that he still spends lots of time with us. He is such a great kid, and normally such a happy guy..Our house will definatly be much quieter though, and I am looking foreward to getting to know my son better.
Today it is -18, but I have only one baby, so I think I will try to go out and do something.!