Here we are (again)! At this date, and hour, I am proudly here presenting you my 100 most-played songs of 2016! Just FYI, this is going to be the 11th edition; since I started this "routine" back in 2006. And of course, the list is totally personal and only represents my own play list.
Ready for the countdown? Let's begin.
Ranking Title Artist
100 Sahabat Dalam Tubuh (S.D.T) Mawi ft. Filsuf
099 Arena Cahaya Zee Avi
098 Pop Style Drake
097 NO Meghan Trainor
096 Terlalu Rindu Eleena Harris
095 Evo SonaOne ft. Joe Flizzow
094 Kamu Yang Kutunggu Rossa ft. Afgan
093 Hingga Ke Jannah KRU
092 i hate u, i love u Gnash ft. Olivia O'Brien
091 Kau Bagai Udara Bahrain Rahman
090 Dekat Tapi Jauh Forteen
089 Hey! Kau Sandra
088 Anugerah Terindah Black
087 Pulang Yuna ft. SonaOne
086 Cakerawala Eyza Bahra
085 Out of the Woods Taylor Swift
084 Locked Away R. City ft. Adam Levine
083 Feelings Maroon5
082 Takdir Cinta Fauziah Latiff
081 Knock Me Out Afgan
080 Hanya Padamu Akim & The Majistret
079 Ratusan Purnama Melly Goeslow & Marthino Lio
077 Can't Stop the Feeling! Justin Timberlake
076 Love Yourself Justin Bieber
075 Kalah Dalam Menang Mawi ft. Syamsul Yusof
074 Alive Sia
073 Takkan Pergi Hyper Act
072 Jangan Jangan Wani Kayrie
071 Dirgahayu Faizal Tahir & Siti Nurhaliza
070 Sayang Faizal Tahir
069 Selamanya Cinta Alif Satar ft. Shila Amzah
068 Into You Ariana Grande
067 Work From Home Fifth Harmony ft. Ty Dolla $ign
066 Kisah Dua Muka Sufi
065 Oh No Tasha Manshahar ft.Viral
064 Pencuri Hati Ayda Jebat
063 Pemicu Gila Hujan
062 Stone Cold Demi Lovato
061 Ingga Amir Jahari
060 Demi Cinta Ezad Lazim
059 Katakan Harris Baba
058 Jatuh Faizul Sany
057 Bagai Hidup Semula Aizat
056 Engkau Milikku Alyah
055 Negaraku Joe Flizzow, Altimet, SonaOne & Faizal Tahir
054 Places to Go Yuna
053 Kelabu MOJO
052 Kekal Bahagia Ippo Hafiz
051 Ku Rela Dibenci Aiman Tino
050 Tetap Dalam Jiwa Isyana Sarasvati
049 We Don't Talk Anymore Charlie Puth ft. Selena Gomez
048 Writing's On the Wall Sam Smith
047 Dangerous Woman Ariana Grande
046 Kill Em with Kindness Selena Gomez
045 Up&Up Coldplay
044 Hancur Aku Estranged ft. Fazura
043 Manusia Sempurna Awi Rafael ft. Ayai
042 Langit Cinta Dayang Nurfaizah
041 Cinta Sukar Ditafsirkan Mal Imran
040 Closer The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey
039 Di Amaran Mama Hazama
038 Kiss It Better Rihanna
037 Polaroid Sakura Band
036 Andai Kaer Azami
035 Needed Me Rihanna
034 Hidup Dalam Mati Syamel
033 Mungkin Saja Janna Nick
032 Terima Kasih Kaka Azraff
031 7 Years Lukas Graham
030 Adventure of a Lifetime Coldplay
029 This Is What You Came For Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna
028 Satu Najwa Latif
027 Tabah Elizabeth Tan
026 Sorry Justin Bieber
025 Peace Be Upon You Maher Zain
024 One Dance Drake ft. Wizkid & Kyla
023 Romeo Stacy
022 Setia Elizabeth Tan ft. Faizal Tahir
021 Mencinta Azhael
020 Menatap Dalam Mimpi Siti Nurhaliza
019 Cheap Thrills Sia
018 Send My Love (To Your New Lover) Adele
017 Lanes Yuna
016 Sudah Ku Tahu Projector Band
015 PILLOWTALK Zayn Malik
014 Terimaku Seadanya Misha Omar ft. Hafiz
013 Hymn For the Weekend Coldplay
012 New Romantics Taylor Swift
011 Ragu-Ragu Syed Shamim & Tasha Manshahar
010 Levitasi Fynn Jamal ft. Zizi Kirana & Kaka Azraff
009 Sejati Faizal Tahir
008 Work Rihanna ft. Drake
007 Terakhir Sufian Suhaimi
006 Lelaki Teragung Dayang Nurfaizah
005 When We Were Young Adele
004 Obses Akim & The Majistret
003 Crush Yuna ft. Usher
002 Hati-Hati Amira Othman
001 Hello Adele
Lagu 'Hello' telah dimainkan sebanyak 146 (2.39%) kali sepanjang tahun ini.
Additional Facts
Jumlah koleksi lagu (2015): 2,575
Jumlah koleksi lagu (2016): 2,763
Total playcounts (2016): 285 songs been played for 6,104 times
Judging from my own list, aku rasa tahun ni punya senarai lagu macam bercampur-aduk sedikit. I don't have much themes dan besar kemungkinan, tahun ni aku lebih cenderung mendengar lagu ballad, berbanding genre lain. Mungkin juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor usia yang semakin meningkat. Sebab tu laa asyik layan lagu2 slow je. Haha.
Apa-apa pun, aku ucapkan Selamat Maju Jaya dan
Selamat Tahun Baru 2017!
Hola, Amigo!
It's really hard to admit that; with the kecanggihan technology, sometimes it brings more negativity rather than something positive. For instance, I am no longer have more time sitting in front of my desktop and writing blogs. Instead, I (still) get too attached with smart phone(s) and do stuffs.
*tiup habuk kat blog*
Anyway, how's life?
I know some of you still checkin' out this page, craving for more things or maybe just browsing my archive and read those "Pantang Larang" section. lol. I promise, I will update the pantang larang soon. I have some good stuffs.
2016. Have been slightly amazing to me. I had (and still experiencing) the ups and downs of what we call - life. But most important is that I've got the chance to travel to some part of the world. Which is amazing. Kadang-kadang kan, bila dah semakin berusia, kita akan lebih menghargai apa yang ada di sekeliling kita, contohnya parents. Sebab tu dalam tahun ni, aku nasihat kepada diri sendiri untuk kerap balik rumah untuk jenguk keluarga. But the definition of keluarga ni berbeza, especially in the work life. Sebab hanya orang yang dah berkahwin je ada keluarga. Orang bujang macamana? Takde. Yes. Orang bujang takde parents, sibling and relatives to spend our time with. Isn't it?
2016. I try to appreciate myself more. After all, what's the point of spending so much money, time and attention to other people/thing? At the end of the day, will they appreciate you? I have learnt at least a lesson in 2016. Work still continues tomorrow though you die today. Never that I thought that I will have to pack my colleague's workstation at this age. You went too soon, my friend. Al-Fatihah.
2016. Sometimes, you just had to say "No" to certain things. Saying "Yes" all the times will eventually backfired you.
Yeap, we still have few days remaining to travel 2016. And I hope I will, eventually progress; and be ready to travel 2017.
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