Pada zaman sekarang yang serba canggih ni, dah bermacam-macam jenis henfon ada kat pasaran! Mungkinkah disebabkan keterkehebatan teknologi yang melampau?
Memmey ah!! (Memang lah)
Ghoyyakk dohh. (dah cakap dah!)
Anyway, aku dikejutkan dengan kegagalan fungsi tetikus oren yang selama ini menjad peneman malam yang sunyi di rumah sewa. Aku malas nak guna touch-pad (or whatever you called it) kat netbook ni sebab jari aku ni kategori halus tetapi besar, so, x puas nak main seret-seret atas pad tu.
Gerak kiri. Cursor statik.
Gerak kanan. Cursor diam membatu.
Gerak atas. Pun buntu.
Gerak bawah. Celaru hatiku.
Geram punya pasal, aku hentak-hentak sikit lah 'tetikus' oren tu sikit. Kot-kot lah 'heng' ke apa, kan? Only to find that I'm holding a wrong tetikus. Itu lah, siapa suruh letak handphone kat sebelah mouse. Padan muka aku sebab menghentak-hentak handphone sendiri. :(
dalam topik : life
Not everything that you've planned will happen
[I guess] the luck is not on my side [this time]
[I] don't know why you are the one that I love
Maybe it's better for me to let you go
[Well] this is unfair, unfair for him (her)
[Surely] this is not fair; unfair for me too
It is not fair for you to ask if I love you
It's unfair for him (her)
You've never tried to understand me
[And] the love that you said, you never show [it to me]
And when the moment I'm losing...
... all the burdens that you never try to ease...
[Well] this is unfair, unfair for him (her)
[Surely] this is not fair; unfair for me too
It is not fair for you to ask if I love you
Also (Since), you are not mine
And [yes], I am definitely afraid (And [yes], I am definitely a coward)
To admit my love towards you
Even when I tried to tell you a thousand times...
... when I am with you,
"You are not mine"
And you surely knew
That you are not mine [too]...
...of Yuna's Penakut of her debut album Decorate (2010).
That's the best English translation that I can come out with.
dalam topik : muzik
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