Showing posts with label Muqata. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muqata. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Arafat's Yahrzeit at the Muqata...

Arafat's Yahrzeit at the Muqata Compound in Ramallah this past Sunday...

May his neshama have a "yerida"
On Sunday, representatives of Neturei Karta participated in the annual memorial service in Ramallah marking the day of the passing of PLO Chairman Yassir Arafat. They stood out in the crowd in their black clothes, each wearing identification tags over a background of a Palestinian flag.

During his speech at the gathering, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas restated his intention of petitioning the United Nation’s general assembly this month to grant the Palestinian Authority the status of an observer state. (Crown Heights Info)
And in honor of the yahrtzeit...the Palestinian Authority is having Arafat's corpse exhumed.

Did someone say I'm being exhumed?!?

"Today they started removing concrete and stones from Arafat's mausoleum and the work will last for almost 15 days," the source told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"There are several phases," he said, referring to the operation to open the tomb ahead of a visit by French, Swiss and Russian experts to test forensically Arafat's remains over suspicions he was poisoned with the radioactive substance polonium.

"It starts with the removal of stone and concrete and cutting the iron (framework) until they reach the soil that covers the body, which will not be removed until the arrival of the French prosecutors, Swiss experts and Russian investigators," the source said.

On Monday, Arafat's mausoleum, which is located at the Muqataa presidential headquarters in the West Bank city of Ramallah was screened from public view with blue tarpaulins ahead of the operation to open the grave.

Work to actually begin taking samples is expected to begin at the end of the month after the French and Swiss delegations arrive on November 26, officials have said.

"Because of Arafat's position and his status, no one will be allowed, under any circumstances, to photograph his body while the samples are taken," the source told AFP.

Arafat died in a military hospital near Paris on November 11, 2004 and with French experts unable to say what had killed him.

Many Palestinians are convinced he was poisoned by Israel. Daily Telegraph

The Muqata is the only blog to have received a photo of the exhumed corpse of yasser Arafat....

Follow the Muqata on Twitter.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Whisky Counter-Boycott Scores!

For all those who thought the Whisky Counter-Boycott was a bad idea -- the Scottish Government has firmly issued a statement which strongly disavowed the West Dunbartonshire Council's boycott of Israel.

A little more pressure and the West Dunbartonshire Council will crumble and rescind their boycott of Israel!

Thanks to all those across the globe for making this happen!



Scottish gov't disavows Israeli boycott

Many Jewish Scotch drinkers were drunk with anger -- almost to the point of vomiting -- when a small village in Scotland enacted a ban on Israeli-made goods last year.

The town, West Dunbartonshire, is home to many distilleries that produce a brand of booze considered sacred by many alcohol-guzzling Jews: Scotch whisky.

But when the West Dubartonshire Council passed a motion to boycott all Israeli goods in 2009, Jewish activists responded with a counter-boycott. As much as it pained their palettes, Jewish Scotch enthusiasts put an embargo on all whisky products originating from distilleries in West Durbantonshire. (This reporter, however, kept his bottle open, and imbibed with pleasure.)

Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), not a Jew, was one of the few in Congress to take this issue seriously (which is a good thing). Kirk quickly realized that while the Scots may be perpetually sloshed, those in the West Durbantonshire Council were demonizing Israel in a serious way.

"The Scottish Government and the Scottish National Party have a responsibility to speak out against attempts to delegitimize and castigate a fellow democracy and strong Scottish ally like Israel," Senator Kirk said in a statement.

Kirk demanded that the Scottish Government take a stand: Are they on board with the local council's anti-Israel boycott?

When a powerful lawmaker like Kirk demands answers, he soon gets them: The Scottish Government and the Scottish National Party today strongly disavowed the West Dunbartonshire Council's boycott of Israel (via the British embassy).

Kirk praised the move.

"I welcome the Scottish Government's decision to disavow the West Dunbartonshire Council's boycott of Israel and urge the First Minister to take further steps to reaffirm the Scottish-Israeli relationship," he said in the statement. (Washington Jewish Week)
Score ONE against the BDS movement!

Visiting Israel?
Learn to Shoot at
Caliber-3 with top Israeli Anti-Terror Experts!

Follow the Muqata on Twitter.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Even More on Korean Talmud Study

My good friend Lurker and I have been kicking around the Korean Talmud story since this past Sunday.

After searching around, he found that some evidence that the level of Talmud taught in South Korea actually does go at least a bit beyond mere aggada and Pirkei Avot-style ethical sayings. It seems that they also delve somewhat into the halakhic/legalistic topics in the Gemara.

For a good example of this, take a look here at "The Kids Times". This is from the website of The Kids Times, an English-language educational magazine for South Korean school children. It has a regular cartoon feature called "The Wisdom of the Talmud". This particular installment ("Negotiating the Rent") is very clearly based directly upon the Sugya at the beginning of Talmud Bavli Ketubot 103a.

It may not be the most complex sugya in the Talmud, but it does accurately portray the Talmudic discussion.

Visiting Israel?
Learn to Shoot at
Caliber-3 with top Israeli Anti-Terror Experts!

Follow the Muqata on Twitter.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Muqata Video News: Dec. 5, 2010

The Muqata Video News for December 5, 2010.

If you can't see it here, watch the video on YouTube.

Visiting Israel?
Learn to Shoot at
Caliber-3 with top Israeli Anti-Terror Experts!

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Get Muqata updates first...

Follow the Muqata on Twitter and you'll learn all about the latest updates first.

One-Click Pro-Israel Activism!
It takes just 1 Click to help Israel!

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Happy Purim!

Wishing all our readers a very Happy Purim!

(and yes, this is an actual mishloach manot we gave out this year...)

Happy Purim all,

Jameel @ Co.

Going to Israel?
Now get 2 phones for the price of 1 (and free calls too) with Talk'n'Save.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Muqata Photo of the Day

The following "Welcome Home to Israel" home-made aliya sign was recently photographed -- and it included a graphic from the Muqata blog (posted here)

What could be cooler?

hat-tip: TAFKA PP -- THANKS!

Visiting Israel?
Learn to Shoot at
Caliber-3 with top Israeli Anti-Terror Experts!

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Monday, September 14, 2009

Second JBlogger Conference - my thoughts

Yesterday was the second JBlogger Conference -- hosted by Nefesh b'Nefesh and powered by WebAds.

The venue was different than last year's conference -- and took place at Beit Avichay in downtown Jerusalem.

I attended for 2 primary reasons.

1. I was subtly coerced into being on a panel about "Defending Israel." Honestly? I would rather not be on a panel or overtly draw attention to myself. Yet I was persuaded that it was more important to present ideas for defending Israel, than to worry about my semi anonymity. Its difficult for me to even judge how well the panel went over. I'm glad I got a few laughs out of the crowd, but the atmosphere seemed a bit too formal. Did anyone think my presentation had value? You'll have to let me know.

2. Social Networking. The more important reason to attend is to meet and see all those people from around the JBlogosphere that I rarely see. I'd much rather have an evening with almost no workshops and panels, and just have the opportunity to chat and hang out.

Its always a pleasure seeing David Bogner, so while I didn't feel the need to "be a better blogger" as was the name of his workshop, I attended anyway.

David Horowitz from the Jerusalem Post spoke well. He was entertaining -- and while constantly patting the JPost on the back, I won't complain. Their review of my panel and blog made me blush.
Introducing one particularly hotly anticipated workshop, "Defending Israel through social media tools," Yishai Fleisher of the Kumah blog said that "if the printing press made us all readers and Xerox made us all publishers, then the Internet made us all journalists."

Fleisher lauded the Internet's power and potential. "We now have the ability to reach people around the world in an instant," he said, adding that "it's important that bloggers remain opinionated - objectivity is not the holy grail; subjectivity is what it's all about."

The workshop Fleisher hosted featured Ashley Perry, an adviser to Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, along with prominent bloggers Carl of the Israel Matzav blog and the anonymous "Jameel" of the Muqata blog, two of the most referenced and respected pages among the online Jewish community. (JPost)

Ron Dermer spoke as well - WikiPedia claims that Dermer "is regarded as the most influential advisor to current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu."

Dermer inadvertently mentioned the Muqata as well - by crediting "the blogger" who broke the story about the photoshopped pictures in the Second Lebanon War by Reuters photographer Adnan Hajj. The Muqata blog was the first blog to mention the second doctored picture from Reuters (the first one we discussed here...)

Therefore, the logical question I asked was if the Israeli government wants our help to "Defend Israel" through the JBlogosphere (and we gladly help), why can't we get GPO Press Credentials? I was surprised that so many people applauded the question. Dermer promised he would take care of it. To help him with his promise -- if you are a serious blogger, drop me an email and I'll put together a request list to him.

Benji Lovitt was pretty funny -- I liked his line that, "You have to be careful what you write on facebook and twitter. For example, last week, I put up a status and everyone now thinks I'm gay. I wrote, "I'm very excited the HOT guy will be here soon." HOT guy -- you know, the cable company? Maybe I should switch to YES..."

It was fun seeing all these people I rarely get a chance to see. Professor Richard Landes, WestBankMama, Gidon, MominIsrael, Ruti, Baila, A Soldier's Mother, RivkA, Lurker, DoubleTapper, Bad4Shidduchim, CK from Jewlicious, Rafi G, Safraknit (I like the new name :) Elms in the Yard, My Shrapnel, The Big Felafel, Yisrael Medad, Shilo Muse, the IDF Spokespeople The Sandman, and many more. [will add links and more names soon].

Food was not as good as last year. Wish I had more time to chat with people. Overall, had a great time. The downside for me was getting beeper messages in the back during one of the presentations, of all the news that Assaf Ramon's F16 had crashed. I live blogged it -- while waiting for the official permission to publicize the details.

Earn El Al tickets to Israel and other rewards with the HAS Advantage Credit Card!

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Monday, June 08, 2009

JPost Discovers "The Muqata" and "Israel Matzav"

DovBear's not the only one who gets recognized.

The JPost had a nice write up about "The Muqata" and "Israel Matzav."

hat-tip: Holy City Prayer, our kids' dentist, and the Simpsons.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Monday, May 11, 2009

Lag BaOmer: From the Archives

A Lag BaOmer round up of posts from the Muqata archives.

Thesis Post: Is Lag BaOmer based on a mistake?

The Kannoim attack the thesis.

Two week later: Sorry, didn't mean it.

The 33 Thousand Dollar Lag BaOmer bonfire.

for Lag Ba'Omer

Last but not least: A word to the wise. Make sure you close your windows this evening. The smoke from Lag BaOmer bonfires gets everywhere!

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Muqata Spider

The Muqata blog will go to no ends to brand itself...the following rare spider was found in Hawaii.
UK Metro: Eight-legged smile from spider
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This tiny spider, which measures just a few millimetres across, has developed bizarre markings which look just like a smiling face.

The so-called happy-face spider, which is harmless to humans, has evolved to confuse predators, scientists think.

The rare species is found in rainforests of Hawaii.
I'm rather disappointed this wasn't found in Israel...maybe we just have to look harder :-)

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ignoring the Ceasefire; Jan 29 2009

More liveblogging at IsraellyCool and on Twitter at Keyword #GazaWar

Note: Using the "Refresh" (F5 key) command in your Web Browser will show you the latest updates -- Refresh on an Apple/Mac is apple+R

Jan 30: Treppenwitz has a post up with a video of Muslims marching in London, abusing the London police (violently) who are seen running away afraid, and in general acting like we've come to expect from the Muslim population in European countries.

My response is: Jews come home to Israel.

12:22 PM Sorry Jameel, but I'm busy working right now. Hopefully nothing will happen that will require a special update (in which case I will update it).

From somewhere in the hills of Judea,


11:57 PM
Good night people - I'm off to bed. Tomorrow morning, blogging will be lighter than usual due to an IDF local region security meeting I need to attend to. (Maybe JoeSettler will pick up the slack?)

From somewhere in the hills of Samaria,


11:55 PM
Channel 1 TV reports that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (Kadima) will be interrogated by Israel's police tomorrow (Friday) for the 12th time since he became Prime Minister of Israel, on suspicious of corruption, etc.

11:41 PM
Turkish PM storms out of Davos' Gaza session, slams moderator, Peres, Israel, etc.

"My reaction here was towards the moderator. Such moderation will cast a shadow over peace efforts," Erdogan told reporters, adding the moderator gave each speaker around 12-15 minutes to speak but he allowed Peres to talk for 25 minutes.

Read more of the nonsense here. (or see the video of it for yourself, here)

11:25 PM Every night, Israel has the wonderful custom (and law) which allows for all electoral parties to get airtime on TV and radio. Pollsters have already proven that the effectiveness of these campaigns are limited (most of the time, it's usually people who already have made up their minds saying, "See, we really nailed that party with our commercial!")

Even parties like ultra-Orthodox Aguda/Yahadut Hatorah have TV commercials, despite that their constituency are not even supposed to own TVs!

Tonight, perhaps one of the strangest commercial's aired tonight, for one of the strangest parties. I'm embarrassed that such a commercial even exists, but I thought it prudent to show you want a thriving democracy Israel is, that such a commercial and party can even exist.

(Keep in mind, at Tel Aviv University's straw poll the other day, this party received 5 seats).

hat-tip: here, via R' Tzvi the nameless

10:56 PM Iranian Pirate Ship -- you know, the one the US was unable to confiscate the weapons aboard for "legal" reasons? The one headed to Hamas in Gaza, or Hizbollah in Lebanon?

Well, here's the update: Haaretz reports that Cyrpus successfully detained the ship tonight.
Cypriot authorities on Thursday detained an Iranian arms ship en route to Syria, a European diplomatic source said.

The move apparently came after Israel and the United States requested that Cyprus stop the ship. It is carrying a large amount of weaponry, including artillery rounds and rockets that Israel believes are destined for either Hezbollah or Hamas.

The vessel left the Persian Gulf a few weeks ago and reached about 60 miles from Cyprus' port city of limassol on Wednesday.

Since the ship was flying Cyprus' flag, the Cypriot authorities were the only ones authorized to confiscate its cargo.

According to the diplomat, Cypriot customs officials had contacted the Iranian boat and demanded that it sail to limassol to be checked.

The U.S. navy had earlier detained the ship in the Red Sea, but was forced to release it Tuesday when it became apparent that there was no legal basis for holding it.

More here.
8:45 PM When I'm not war-blogging, one of the frequent discussions on this blog is about the highly popular "Srugim" TV show, which follows the challenging lives of religious Jewish singles in the Jerusalem "Katamon swamp".

Srugim's director (and personal friend) Laizy Shapiro sent me the following email today about the showing of a documentary of his, aired tomorrow on Channel 10 TV in Israel. Totally worth it, if you have the chance. (The show is only 18 minutes, so it won't kill your whole pre-Shabbat schedule :)

Dear Friends, this Friday on channel 10 at 2pm there will be a screening of my short documentary film "Saving Private Finklestein". Please pass this message among your friends in Israel. Enclosed is some information about the film.
Take care

"Saving Private Finklestein", Documentary, 18 minutes

The bite of a small, chubby, mongrel dog led to a series of events that resulted in uncovering the story, identity and family of a British soldier killed in the First World War. Although Jewish, he had mistakenly been buried under a tombstone marked with a cross in a British war cemetery thousands of miles from England.

Who was Private Finklestein? How was he killed? And why was he buried under a cross?

The director of this film, together with his father, undertook a search for the answers to these questions – a search that lasted ten years and ranged over three continents. No stone was left unturned until they solved this seventy-year-old riddle.

Photographer: Moshe Huri
Editor: Boaz Shahak
Producer/Director: Eliezer Shapiro

8:05 PM Contrasted: Arabs and Israel.

After the Disengagement from Gaza, Palestinian mobs burned, ransacked and destroyed all the Jewish holy sites which Israel left behind. The picture at left shows the Netzarim Synagogue burning after the IDF left Gaza.

During the second Intifada, Palestinian mobs destroyed Joseph's Tomb in Shechem (Nablus) -- here's a video of my return there last year so you can see for yourself the before and after photos.

Palestinians routinely deface and damage the Jewish holy articles in Hebron's Me'arat HaMachpela (Tomb of the Patriachs).

Jordanians destroyed the Mount of Olives ancient Jewish cemetery, using headstones to pave roads and for public bathrooms.

Contrast that to today: Israel bends over backwards, at it's own expense, to keep Muslim cemetery intact, in the heart of Tel Aviv.

A solution was found to a 35-year court battle over a Muslim cemetery in Jaffa Thursday. According to the plan, yet to be approved by the Israeli Land Administration (ILA), the entrepreneur who owns the land on which the cemetery is situated will receive rights to an adjacent plot, leaving the cemetery untouched.

The entrepreneur purchased the land 35 years ago in a transaction approved by the Board of Trustees, the organization responsible for Muslim property in Jaffa.

Since then, every attempt to build on the legally purchased land has been prevented by the Muslim Council, which waged lengthy court battles against the construction. Recently, Muslim residents of the city led a public campaign against the cemetery's destruction.

Now the Tel Aviv Jaffa Municipality has offered a possible solution to the stalemate, according to which the entrepreneur will receive the rights to a plot of land adjacent to the cemetery, which belongs to the ILA. Thus the cemetery will remain untouched, the entrepreneur will be able to build, and the ILA will retain its property rights. (ynetnews)

Shove that in the face of anti-Israel activists.

7:13 PM Pallywood Continues

ABALYA, GAZA STRIP — Most people remember the headlines: Massacre Of Innocents As UN School Is Shelled; Israeli Strike Kills Dozens At UN School.

They heralded the tragic news of Jan. 6, when mortar shells fired by advancing Israeli forces killed 43 civilians in the Jabalya refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. The victims, it was reported, had taken refuge inside the Ibn Rushd Preparatory School for Boys, a facility run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency.

The news shocked the world and was compared to the 1996 Israeli attack on a UN compound in Qana, Lebanon, in which more than 100 people seeking refuge were killed. It was certain to hasten the end of Israel's attack on Gaza, and would undoubtedly lead the list of allegations of war crimes committed by Israel.

There was just one problem: The story, as etched in people's minds, was not quite accurate. (see it all here)

hat-tip: Aussie Dave @ IsraellyCool

6:54 PM Russian Jews Demonstrate in Moscow on behalf of Israel.

As someone who used to participate in SSSJ rallies on behalf of Soviet Jewry, (even got arrested once with my shiur from Yeshiva College), and who attended Natan Sharansky's arrival in Israel, I find these pictures very significant.


Source via rotter

5:54 PM Important Update: Our personal hero, the critically newlywed IDF combat soldier and officer Aharon Karov, was able to walk today. With the help of a walker, Aharon was able to start taking steps around his room. With the help of his father, he was also able to put on tefillin as well.

Wishing him a continued full and speedy recovery. Please continue your prayers and positive thoughts for Aharaon Yehoshua ben Chaya Shoshana.


5:53 PM How to make a Hamas Hero

5:43 PM Rocket fell in an open area near Kibbutz Kfar Azza. No injuries or damage reported.

5:33 PM
Color Red Alert of incoming Missile Launch at Western Negev Gaza community. Details to follow.

3:50 PM FM Tzippi Livni; I make the decisions, not the coffee. Really.
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said in a meeting with students at the Tel Aviv-Jaffa Academic College, "In the decision room, I make decisions, not coffee." (Attila Somfalvi) . (ynetnews)
Thanks for the clarification.

3:26 PM Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition...or do they?

The Foreign Ministry has instructed a number of Israeli officials not to visit Spain after an international arrest warrant was issued against them on suspicion of committing war crimes.

A Spanish human rights organization, believed to be representing a Palestinian group, filed a lawsuit last week against Israeli officials involved in the assassination of senior Hamas member Salah Shehade six years ago. Sixteen Palestinians were killed in the airstrike in the heart of Gaza.

Nearly all heads of the defense establishment at the time of the assassination are included in the list of defendants: Former Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, former IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant-General (Res.) Moshe Yaalon, former Shin Bet Director Avi Dichter, former Israel Air Force Commander Dan Halutz, former head of the IDF Operation Branch Major-General (Res.) Giora Eiland, and former Southern Command Chief Doron Almog. (ynetnews)
2:38 PM Hamas thug Ismael Haniya announces on Al Manr TV that Israel has broken the cease fire by attacking Gazan targets. (source)

I guess if you repeat the same lie often enough, and ignore the fact that your people are shooting rockets DAILY at Israel, then enough people like Jimmy Carter will eventually believe you.

(hat-tip: IsraellyCool -- who's liveblogging as well)

2:01 PM False Alarm Sirens in Petach Tikva -- only heard in a few parts of the city. These are false alarms -- do not be alarmed! :-)

12:05 PM Some things never change (note the date at the bottom of this political cartoon -- click to see the cartoon in full screen.)

Courtesy of David Eisen.

11:58 AM Channel B /Reshet Bet Radio reports 8 Gazans wounded in IAF attack on targets in Khan Younis.

11:29 AM
IAF striking multiple targets in Khan Younis (Gaza).

10:13 AM Terror alert (reported earlier) now focusing on Tel Aviv, as intelligence reports of a terrorist in the city. IDF and police responding accordingly. (source)

9:58 AM
Apropos the rocket launches....someone did a good job with this wake-up warning video. (10:04 AM Update; This film was made by students at the Sapir college in Sderot...a message with a warning not only to the Israeli government, but to the people in Tel the student body of Tel Aviv University)

9:55 AM
Rocket launched minutes ago located in open field. No injures, no damage, no reason for the IDF to retaliate...

9:52 AM Ooops Department;
Secret US State Department documents sold at Israel auction

The US State Department today announced a formal investigation into how its consulate in Jerusalem sold a filing cabinet - containing hundreds of sensitive or secret documents - at a local auction.

It is reported that for more than three years no one noticed the files, listing private details of Marines and State Department staff stationed in Israel, were missing.

The documents, including a report labelled "secret" that described an encounter between a Marine and an Israeli woman at a bar in Jerusalem, were eventually returned after police threatened the recipient with prosecution.

Robert Wood, a spokesman for the State Department, said: "There is an investigation under way. I believe the components of the file cabinets have been returned. I believe they were purchased from - this was an auction that the consulate in Jerusalem held in December of 2005. We're reviewing them and investigating."

More here on FOX as well.

9:40 AM
Rocket launches detected -- Air Raid Sirens in Western Negev communities.

9:33 AM
Professor Shalom Rosenberg from the Hebrew University replied in an interview about the "proportionality" between the few killed IDF soldiers and the hundreds of Gazans:

Hamas themselves defined the [dis-] proportionality, if Hamas demands [the release] of 1000 jailed terrorists for the return of only one Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, then Hamas themselves have defined that the life of an Israeli is equal to that of 1000 Gazans. If so, the rule of proportions state that to defend the life of one Israeli, we need to attack terrorists even at the risk of killing hundreds of civilians.

How can Gazans be not totally embarrassed that Hamas is demanding the release of a thousand terrorists in exchange for only 1 IDF soldier?

9:07 AM Israel's IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi saved a man's life in a sauna this past Friday. NRG reports: Trying to relax after the IDF cast-lead operation, Israel's Number 1 soldier went to the Kfar Saba country club and while in the sauna, saw an elderly man slump forward, unconcious. Ashkenazi grabbed the man from the steamy room, dragged him out, called for help, and started to administer first aid to the man. The man regained consciouness soon after.

9:00 AM
Terror alert in Israel: Israel security forces receive intelligence reports of threat of terror attack; Police and IDF setting up roadblocks in major cities. (source)

8:55 AM
In retaliation for yesterday's ongoing Gaza rocket attacks against Israel, last night Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak ordered a strike on a Hamas rocket warehouse in Rafiah. No reports of Palestinian injuries. (NRG)

8:20 AM
Channel 2 Israel TV reports (much to the dismay of the Israeli government, apparently) that at least 3 rockets were launched this morning at Israel, with one hitting the city center of Sderot.

Looks like we're going to need a new government to deal with the rocket problems from Gaza, since the current one lacks resolve, determination, and backbone.

Israeli elections coming soon...

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wednesday, Jan 28th Ceasefire Over Israel

More liveblogging at IsraellyCool and on Twitter at Keyword #GazaWar

Note: Using the "Refresh" (F5 key) command in your Web Browser will show you the latest updates -- Refresh on an Apple/Mac is apple+R

10;58 PM I'm off to bed. Maybe additional Muqata staffbloggers will post later.

Regards from the hilltops,


10:47 PM
Foreign Minister Tzippy Livni: I will not sit in a black and orange government led by Netanyahu. (Good riddance) [said minutes ago on Channel 2 TV, while continuing to say she is going to be the next Prime Minister of Israel]

10:30 PM Foreign Minister Tzippy Livni keeps repeating in a mantra-like state to Nissim Mishal on Channel 2 TV, "I will be the next Prime Minister of Israel". She has repeated this over 20 times in the past 5 minutes, despite the polls which clearly show Kadima's weekly downfall in the polls.

10:26 PM
Tel Aviv University (not representative of Israel) pre-election poll today:

Meretz (radical left wing): 27
Kadima: 25
Likud: 20
Labor: 19
Yisrael Beiteynu: 12

Note: The Meretz party list doesn't even have 27 people on their list.

Additional Note: If the voting had to take place during a "Color Red" rocket attack, Meretz would probably have received lower numbers...

10:23 PM
Channel 2, Mishal Cham Show releases latest pre-election polls. (breaking news) -- seats in the Knesset (out of of 120)

Likud 34
Kadima 22
Yisrael Beiteinu 16
Labor 13
Shas 10

Right Wing: 70 seats
Left Wing: 50 seats

9:50 PM
Hamas kinpin Khaled Mashal rejects ceasefire, says Israel's demands that they will only open the Gaza border crossings for non-Humanitarian aid after IDF soldier Gilad Shalit is released -- unreasonable.

9:33 PM
IDF Homefront positively identifies rocket launch at Western Negev communities. No injuries or damage. (source)

8:35 PM
El-Arabiya reports that IDF tanks and armored bulldozers are still in the Gaza strip as a result of yesterday's terror attack against IDF forces.

8:27 PM Too good not to post.

While I haven't seen Mad Magazine in years, it was always a favorite growing up (no, I never had a subscription, but had to borrow copies from my "cooler" friends).

Time Magazine in 1952, described "Mad" as 'a short lived, satirical pulp'.

"Mad" reprints this quote every time they print one hundred issues.

OK, sorry about the brief interlude from Israel...getting back on it.

(credit and sources)

8:20 PM Channel 2 Israel TV reports that Israel's Mossad spy agency foiled a large scale Hizbollah attack on a Jewish target in a European country.

5:17 PM
Channel 10 TV (Tzvi Yechezkeli) shows video footage of Qassam rocket launched earlier today at Western Negev community from Gaza. (via rotter) [obviously yet another false alarm]

4:15 PM
IDF Radio (Galei Tzhal) announced that a Color Red alert took place minutes ago in the Western Negev. No rocket launches detected.

3:46 PM
The IDF Hannibal Protocol.

The following article appeared on the NRG website this past Monday in Hebrew. I translated it into English because of it's importance.
From the eyewitness accounts of IDF combat soldiers who took part in the Cast-Lead operation in Gaza, it seems that in order to prevent the kidnapping of an IDF soldier, an order was given during a gun battle to shoot artillery shells at a house which contained terrorists, because of the serious possibility that within that house or next to it, was the body of an IDF soldier.

This difficult testimony, whose implications were the elimination of any chance of successfully rescuing the soldier alive, was expressed by soldiers that participated in that bloody battle in one of the most crowded neighborhoods in Gaza.

One fact is for certain; One IDF soldier was killed in that battle.

The solider and his friends went to search out a house in Gaza, during the ground invasion phase of Cast Lead. “The troops which were searching homes entered a house and encountered the enemy from short range,” the unit commander stated emotionally, “the soldier was hit during the first shots fired. During the exchange of gunfire, we took care of [eliminated] the terrorist [that shot at us], and an additional terrorist with him…”

Soldiers at the scene gave additional, new details about what happened, and the prevention of [Hamas] taking the body of the soldier. “The event started with searching the house, to make sure it was not booby-trapped, at the entrance to the house, the troops encountered a terrorist who opened fire from close range. The IDF soldier was wounded from the fire, because he was at the head of the formation. During the shooting, the unit commander saw something flashing on the floor, assumed it to be an explosive device, and he shouted at everyone to immediately exit the building.

While exiting the building, the wounded soldier was left inside, because the officers’ assessment was that the solider was already dead as this stage, and the troops exited the house. 3 artillery shells were then fired at the house, a different IDF unit entered the building, found another terrorist still alive, and they killed in a quick gun battle.

Since the 1980’s the IDF activates the “Hanibal protocol” whose design is to prevent the enemy from kidnapping soldiers. From the second the protocol is activated, IDF soldiers must prevent the kidnapping of IDF soldiers, or stop the kidnapping if in progress. The protocol gained publicity during the Jibril Deal in May 1985, between the State of Israel and the Head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Ahmed Jibril, during which 1,150 Palestinian terrorists were exchanged for 3 captured IDF soldiers, Chezi Shai, Nisim Salem, and Yosef Gruf that were captured in Lebanon.

According to the protocol directive, soldiers must open fire on the kidnapper’s vehicle that has the kidnapped IDF soldier in it, in order to foil the kidnapping. This protocol has been the source of many heated discussions within Israel’s security community, with the primary question of the morality of the protocol. Security officials have said that the kidnapping of soldiers is strategic, not tactical, and carries a very heavy price tag for Israel pay.

IDF General (res.) Giora Island that chaired the investigation committee into the kidnapping of [IDF soldier] Gilad Shalit found many flaws in the execution of the “Hannibal” protocol [when Shalit was kidnapped]. According to his report, too much time pass between the time Shalit’s tank was hit, until the protocol was activated, giving the kidnappers ample time to flee with Shalit.

The IDF spokesman comments: The IDF soldier was killed by terrorist fire against the troops. As in all difficult events, the IDF will investigate and arrive at conclusions.
Jameel adds: Since the Jibril deal, no kidnapped IDF soldier has ever been released alive, excluding of course, kidnapped drug dealing scum, Elchanan Tannenbaum.

2:18 PM
UNRWA (which gets 75% of its budget from the United States) proudly declares; Increase in Gazans eligible for aid.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency announced it has increased food aid to residents of the Gaza Strip and is also aiding Palestinian Authority workers who are not receiving their salaries.

UNRWA head in the Strip John Ging said some 900,000 Gazans are now eligible for direct aid from the agency, as opposed to 750,000 from before Operation Cast Lead. (AFP)
Why not do your part for the US economy, and ask President Obama to stop funding UNRWA which provides benefits for terrorists and criminals. (see below)

1:07 PM Report from ynetnews in English (followup from early this morning):
UNRWA pays terrorists

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees employs and provides benefits for terrorists and criminals, asserts a former legal adviser to UNRWA who left the organization in 2007. James Lindsay, now a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, served as an attorney with the US Justice Department for two decades before leaving to work for UNRWA in 2000.
12:45 PM IDF: Reason for terror attack against IDF yesterday was to stop Humanitarian Aid from entering Gaza...which would result in the delegitimization of Israel.

Walla reports: IDF Commander Moshe Levy, responsible for the Erez Border crossing into Gaza "Despite that since the conclusion of the cast-lead operation, hundreds of trucks with Humanitarian Aid have entered Gaza, the terror organizations are attacking to derail Israel's efforts of providing aid and rebuilding support to Gazan civilians.

11:16 AM
Nissim Keinan (Channel B radio) reports that a mortar was launched earlier at the Western Negev, and it landed in an open field. No injuries or damage reported.

11:10 AM
About 30 minutes ago, the "Color Red" rocket warning system went off in Western Negev communities. No reports of rocket launches or landings.

7:59 AM
USA: We did all we could by stopping the Iranian weapons boat headed to Gaza...but we had to let it free...with the weapons.

[Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike] Mullen confirmed that a Cypriot-flagged ship intercepted in the Red Sea last week was carrying Iranian arms and that U.S. authorities suspect that the shipment was ultimately bound for the Gaza Strip, where Hamas and Israel are observing a shaky truce after three weeks of fighting.

"The United States did as much as we could do legally," Mullen said, adding that he would like more authority to act in such cases. "We were not authorized to seize the weapons or do anything like that."

The Navy searched the ship with permission of the captain and found small munitions, military officials said.

The vessel was allowed to continue its voyage after the search, and Mullen said the ship was expected in port in Syria this week. (AP)

"Determination" like this doesn't bode well.

7:42 AM
IDF Spox says this past evening, IAF warplanes bombed tunnels in the Philidephi corridor between Gaza and Egypt.

7:30 AM
NRG reports that captured Hamas terrorists from Gaza admit they sold Humanitarian Aid and food that the IDF allowed into Gaza during the Cast Lead organization.

12:46 AM More Photos from Gaza.

TIME via rotter

12:41 AM Rotter quotes an Arabic news source that Israel has advised Egypt of intelligence reports indicating that there are shipping containers of weapons earmarked for Hamas, already in the Sinai Desert, awaiting immediate transport into Gaza.

The James Lindsay report that Jameel mentioned earlier is available via free download at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Money quote from his conclusion (page 65):
At the same time, UNRWA has gradually adopted a distinctive political viewpoint that favors the Palestinian and Arab narrative of events in the Middle East. In particular, it seems to favor the strain of Palestinian political thought espoused by those who are intent on a “return” to the land that is now Israel. UNRWA’s adoption of any political viewpoint is undesirable, but the one it has chosen to emphasize is especially regrettable. In addition to clashing with the objectives of the United States, this view has detracted from UNRWA’s humanitarian assistance, encouraged Palestinians who favor refighting long-lost wars, discouraged those who favor moving toward peace, and contributed to the scourge of conflicts that have been visited upon Palestinian refugees for decades. To a considerable extent, UNRWA’s donors—particularly the United States, its main source of funding for many years—share responsibility for the agency’s gradual adoption of such views. The United States could have put a stop to UNRWA’s politicization, but chose not to. As with most mistakes, the longer this one remains uncorrected, the more difficult they are to remedy.
12:02 AM Cat Stevens records song to aid Gaza terrorist-funding organization.

The musician formerly known as Cat Stevens (now known as Yusuf Islam) released a charity song on Monday to help the children of Gaza.

The United Nations said the London-born Yusuf Islam recorded a rendition of the George Harrison song "The Day the World Gets Round," along with the German bassist and former Beatles collaborator Klaus Voorman.

All proceeds from the song will be donated to the UN agency in charge of Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, and to the nonprofit group Save the Children to be directed to aiding Gaza residents. (ynetnews)
This jives interestingly with a report issued only an hour ago from James Lindsay, previous senior legal counsel to UNRWA for 7 seven years. In the report, Lindsay accuses UNRWA of employing terrorists, having become a political, non-neutral organization, and funding "unworthy" school books that encourage racism.

The article about UNRWA is on ynet in Hebrew, and I'll provide the link in English (from any website) in the morning when it becomes available.

Now it all makes sense. Before Yusuf Islam was Cat Steves...maybe he really did used used to be Steven Katz.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

IDF Operation "Cast Lead" Index

The Official IDF Cast Lead Operation
Muqata Coverage Index

Day 1 Saturday, December 27, 2008 and here
Day 2 Sunday, December 28, 2008
Day 3 Monday, December 29, 2008
Day 4 Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Day 5 Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Day 6 Thursday, January 01, 2009
Day 7 Friday, January 02, 2009
Day 8 Saturday, January 03, 2009
Day 9 Sunday, January 04, 2009
Day 10 Monday, January 05, 2009
Day 11 Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Day 12 Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Day 13 Thursday, January 08, 2009
Day 14 Friday, January 09, 2009
Day 15 Saturday, January 10, 2009
Day 16 Sunday, January 11, 2009
Day 17 Monday, January 12, 2009
Day 18 Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Day 19 Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Day 20 Thursday, January 15, 2009
Day 21 Friday, January 16, 2009
Day 22 Saturday, January 17, 2009
Day 23 Sunday, January 18, 2009
Day 24 Monday, January 19, 2009 and here
Day 25 Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Day 26 Wednesday, January 21, 2009 and here

IDF Hannibal Protocol

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 22 of the War, Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 22 of the Gaza War, Saturday (night), January 17, 2009
Daily sticky post, constantly updated.

Go to Day 23 for the latest.

More liveblogging at IsraellyCool and on Twitter at Keyword #GazaWar

Note: Using the "Refresh" (F5 key) command in your Web Browser will show you the latest updates -- Refresh on an Apple/Mac is apple+R.

Additional New posts from today can be found below this post.

As a general rule we will try and keep operational details to a minimum, that includes troop movements and the exact location of rocket hits. If items are reported in the Mainstream Israeli Media we will report them as well.

11:59 PM 3 rockets launched at Ofakim.

11:58 PM 22 Israelis in shell shock from GRAD rocket that explodes near their bus in Ashdod.

11:53 PM
Due to the success of Israel's unilateral ceasefire, there will be no school in Be'er Sheva tomorrow. IDF intelligence reports to expect an increase in rocket attacks in the coming hours due to the ceasefire.

11:50 PM More on the unilateral nonsense:

"If the Israeli military continues its existence in the Gaza Strip, that is a wide door for the resistance against the occupation forces," Hamas representative in Lebanon Osama Hamada told al-Jazeera television.

In his statement, PM Olmert said that for the time being the IDF would not be withdrawing from Gaza.

"These understandings do not guarantee a cessation of Hamas' rocket attacks on Israeli civilians. If they stop, we too shall stop. If not, IDF soldiers will hit back," he said.

Turning his [back on] attention to IDF captive Gilad Shalit, Olmert said: "The Israeli government is working in many ways to bring Gilad Shalit home and, during the days of the operation, we did many things that brought us closer to this goal, upon which I will not elaborate."

"Gilad is at the top of our list of priorities," the PM said. (ynetnews)

11:48 PM Only 2 hours more till Israel unilaterally stops defending Southern Israeli communities.

11:42 PM
8 Rockets have fallen since the cease fire was announced.

PM Sirens in Be'er Sheva

11:27 PM
Rockets launched. Fell in open areas. No injuries.

11:06 PM
As rockets fell on Israel and Gilad Shalit remains in captivity, Olmert declared that the Gaza operation achieved its goal and Hamas knows how strong we are. (You can't make this stuff up!)

11:04 PM
Israel will stop defending itself starting at 2:00AM

10:55 PM
Cabinet votes for Unilateral Cease Fire. Gilad Shalit still held captive.

10:45 PM
UN head calls for timetable of Israeli withdrawal from Gaza.

10:43 PM
Power out in parts of Ashdod from rocket strike.

10:41 PM Reserve soldiers received emergency call up during Shabbat.

10:40 PM
Rockets slamming into Southern Israel. Ashdod and Ashkelon hit. Israel talking about a Unilateral Cease Fire!

7:46 PM
Dr. El Ayash asks on Israel Channel 2, "Why didn't the soldiers fire only on the upper room of his house?" (which by default is where he is admitting the shooting was coming from).

7:09 PM
Correction and update: 9, not 4 soldiers injured over Shabbat. 4 Paratroopers hurt by friendly fire from another paratrooper unit. 5 Givati soldiers hurt by anti-tank missile.

7:06 PM IDF Update:
Hamas Snipers were shooting from the home of Dr. El Ayash at IDF forces.

6:31 PM
Defense Ministry reporting IDF forces came under fire from the home/medical office building of Gazan (Israeli trained) Doctor El Ayash (who also worked at Seroka hospital in Be'er Sheva). IDF forces returned fire on the terrorist source and among the killed were Dr. Ayash 3 daughters.

6:29 PM
4 paratroopers injured this morning. During exchange of fire. Details of event still unclear.

6:04 PM
During Sabbath morning prayers a synagogue in the South (Netivot) was directly by Palestinian a rocket. Miraculously no one was injured as the rocket hit during the break.

6:01 PM
Shavuah Tov (Good Week). Updates will commence soon.

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